20 research outputs found

    Recurrent Neural Networks For Accurate RSSI Indoor Localization

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    This paper proposes recurrent neuron networks (RNNs) for a fingerprinting indoor localization using WiFi. Instead of locating user's position one at a time as in the cases of conventional algorithms, our RNN solution aims at trajectory positioning and takes into account the relation among the received signal strength indicator (RSSI) measurements in a trajectory. Furthermore, a weighted average filter is proposed for both input RSSI data and sequential output locations to enhance the accuracy among the temporal fluctuations of RSSI. The results using different types of RNN including vanilla RNN, long short-term memory (LSTM), gated recurrent unit (GRU) and bidirectional LSTM (BiLSTM) are presented. On-site experiments demonstrate that the proposed structure achieves an average localization error of 0.750.75 m with 80%80\% of the errors under 11 m, which outperforms the conventional KNN algorithms and probabilistic algorithms by approximately 30%30\% under the same test environment.Comment: Received signal strength indicator (RSSI), WiFi indoor localization, recurrent neuron network (RNN), long shortterm memory (LSTM), fingerprint-based localizatio

    Indoor Space Classification Using Cascaded LSTM

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    Author's accepted manuscript.© 2020 IEEE. Personal use of this material is permitted. Permission from IEEE must be obtained for all other uses, in any current or future media, including reprinting/republishing this material for advertising or promotional purposes, creating new collective works, for resale or redistribution to servers or lists, or reuse of any copyrighted component of this work in other works.Indoor space classification is an important part of localization that helps in precise location extraction, which has been extensively utilized in industrial and domestic domain. There are various approaches that employ Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE), Wi-Fi, magnetic field, object detection, and Ultra Wide Band (UWB) for indoor space classification purposes. Many of the existing approaches need extensive pre-installed infrastructure, making the cost higher to obtain reasonable accuracy. Therefore, improvements are still required to increase the accuracy with minimum requirements of infrastructure. In this paper, we propose an approach to classify the indoor space using geomagnetic field (GMF) and radio signal strength (RSS) as the identity. The indoor space is an open big test bed divided into different indiscernible subspace. We collect GMF and RSS at each subspace and classify it using cascaded Long Short Term Memory (LSTM). The experimental results show that the accuracy is significantly improved when GMF and RSS are combined to make distinct features. In addition, we compare the performance of the proposed model with the state-of-the-art machine learning methods.acceptedVersio

    Contactless Human Activity Recognition using Deep Learning with Flexible and Scalable Software Define Radio

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    Ambient computing is gaining popularity as a major technological advancement for the future. The modern era has witnessed a surge in the advancement in healthcare systems, with viable radio frequency solutions proposed for remote and unobtrusive human activity recognition (HAR). Specifically, this study investigates the use of Wi-Fi channel state information (CSI) as a novel method of ambient sensing that can be employed as a contactless means of recognizing human activity in indoor environments. These methods avoid additional costly hardware required for vision-based systems, which are privacy-intrusive, by (re)using Wi-Fi CSI for various safety and security applications. During an experiment utilizing universal software-defined radio (USRP) to collect CSI samples, it was observed that a subject engaged in six distinct activities, which included no activity, standing, sitting, and leaning forward, across different areas of the room. Additionally, more CSI samples were collected when the subject walked in two different directions. This study presents a Wi-Fi CSI-based HAR system that assesses and contrasts deep learning approaches, namely convolutional neural network (CNN), long short-term memory (LSTM), and hybrid (LSTM+CNN), employed for accurate activity recognition. The experimental results indicate that LSTM surpasses current models and achieves an average accuracy of 95.3% in multi-activity classification when compared to CNN and hybrid techniques. In the future, research needs to study the significance of resilience in diverse and dynamic environments to identify the activity of multiple users

    Wi-Fi Sensing for Indoor Localization via Channel State Information: A Survey

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    Wireless Fidelity (Wi-Fi) sensing utilization has been widespread, especially for human behavior/activity recognition. It provides high flexibility since it does not require the person/object to carry any device known as device-free. This "passive" concept is also helpful for another application of Wi-Fi sensing, i.e., indoor localization. The "sensing" is conducted using particular parameters extracted from communication links of Wi-Fi devices, i.e., channel state information (CSI). This paper explores the recent trends in CSI-based indoor localization with Wi-Fi technology as its core, including their advantages, challenges, and future directions. We found tremendous benefits can be gained by employing Wi-Fi sensing in localization supported by its performance and integrability for other intelligent systems for activity recognition

    Two-Dimensional RSSI-Based Indoor Localization Using Multiple Leaky Coaxial Cables With a Probabilistic Neural Network

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    Received signal strength indicator (RSSI) based indoor localization technology has its irreplaceable advantages for many location-aware applications. It is becoming obvious that in the development of fifth-generation (5G) and future communication technology, indoor localization technology will play a key role in location-based application scenarios including smart home systems, manufacturing automation, health care, and robotics. Compared with wireless coverage using conventional monopole antenna, leaky coaxial cables (LCX) can generate a uniform and stable wireless coverage over a long-narrow linear-cell or irregular environment such as railway station and underground shopping-mall, especially for some manufacturing factories with wireless zone areas from a large number of mental machines. This paper presents a localization method using multiple leaky coaxial cables (LCX) for an indoor multipath-rich environment. Different from conventional localization methods based on time of arrival (TOA) or time difference of arrival (TDOA), we consider improving the localization accuracy by machine learning RSSI from LCX. We will present a probabilistic neural network (PNN) approach by utilizing RSSI from LCX. The proposal is aimed at the two-dimensional (2-D) localization in a trajectory. In addition, we also compared the performance of the RSSI-based PNN (RSSI-PNN) method and conventional TDOA method over the same environment. The results show the RSSI-PNN method is promising and more than 90% of the localization errors in the RSSI-PNN method are within 1 m. Compared with the conventional TDOA method, the RSSI-PNN method has better localization performance especially in the middle area of the wireless coverage of LCXs in the indoor environment