213 research outputs found

    Structured Sequence Modeling with Graph Convolutional Recurrent Networks

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    This paper introduces Graph Convolutional Recurrent Network (GCRN), a deep learning model able to predict structured sequences of data. Precisely, GCRN is a generalization of classical recurrent neural networks (RNN) to data structured by an arbitrary graph. Such structured sequences can represent series of frames in videos, spatio-temporal measurements on a network of sensors, or random walks on a vocabulary graph for natural language modeling. The proposed model combines convolutional neural networks (CNN) on graphs to identify spatial structures and RNN to find dynamic patterns. We study two possible architectures of GCRN, and apply the models to two practical problems: predicting moving MNIST data, and modeling natural language with the Penn Treebank dataset. Experiments show that exploiting simultaneously graph spatial and dynamic information about data can improve both precision and learning speed

    Temporal Segmentation of Surgical Sub-tasks through Deep Learning with Multiple Data Sources

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    Many tasks in robot-assisted surgeries (RAS) can be represented by finite-state machines (FSMs), where each state represents either an action (such as picking up a needle) or an observation (such as bleeding). A crucial step towards the automation of such surgical tasks is the temporal perception of the current surgical scene, which requires a real-time estimation of the states in the FSMs. The objective of this work is to estimate the current state of the surgical task based on the actions performed or events occurred as the task progresses. We propose Fusion-KVE, a unified surgical state estimation model that incorporates multiple data sources including the Kinematics, Vision, and system Events. Additionally, we examine the strengths and weaknesses of different state estimation models in segmenting states with different representative features or levels of granularity. We evaluate our model on the JHU-ISI Gesture and Skill Assessment Working Set (JIGSAWS), as well as a more complex dataset involving robotic intra-operative ultrasound (RIOUS) imaging, created using the da Vinci® Xi surgical system. Our model achieves a superior frame-wise state estimation accuracy up to 89.4%, which improves the state-of-the-art surgical state estimation models in both JIGSAWS suturing dataset and our RIOUS dataset