881 research outputs found

    Local Measurement and Reconstruction for Noisy Graph Signals

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    The emerging field of signal processing on graph plays a more and more important role in processing signals and information related to networks. Existing works have shown that under certain conditions a smooth graph signal can be uniquely reconstructed from its decimation, i.e., data associated with a subset of vertices. However, in some potential applications (e.g., sensor networks with clustering structure), the obtained data may be a combination of signals associated with several vertices, rather than the decimation. In this paper, we propose a new concept of local measurement, which is a generalization of decimation. Using the local measurements, a local-set-based method named iterative local measurement reconstruction (ILMR) is proposed to reconstruct bandlimited graph signals. It is proved that ILMR can reconstruct the original signal perfectly under certain conditions. The performance of ILMR against noise is theoretically analyzed. The optimal choice of local weights and a greedy algorithm of local set partition are given in the sense of minimizing the expected reconstruction error. Compared with decimation, the proposed local measurement sampling and reconstruction scheme is more robust in noise existing scenarios.Comment: 24 pages, 6 figures, 2 tables, journal manuscrip

    Random sampling of bandlimited signals on graphs

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    We study the problem of sampling k-bandlimited signals on graphs. We propose two sampling strategies that consist in selecting a small subset of nodes at random. The first strategy is non-adaptive, i.e., independent of the graph structure, and its performance depends on a parameter called the graph coherence. On the contrary, the second strategy is adaptive but yields optimal results. Indeed, no more than O(k log(k)) measurements are sufficient to ensure an accurate and stable recovery of all k-bandlimited signals. This second strategy is based on a careful choice of the sampling distribution, which can be estimated quickly. Then, we propose a computationally efficient decoder to reconstruct k-bandlimited signals from their samples. We prove that it yields accurate reconstructions and that it is also stable to noise. Finally, we conduct several experiments to test these techniques

    Structured sampling and fast reconstruction of smooth graph signals

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    This work concerns sampling of smooth signals on arbitrary graphs. We first study a structured sampling strategy for such smooth graph signals that consists of a random selection of few pre-defined groups of nodes. The number of groups to sample to stably embed the set of kk-bandlimited signals is driven by a quantity called the \emph{group} graph cumulative coherence. For some optimised sampling distributions, we show that sampling O(klog⁥(k))O(k\log(k)) groups is always sufficient to stably embed the set of kk-bandlimited signals but that this number can be smaller -- down to O(log⁥(k))O(\log(k)) -- depending on the structure of the groups of nodes. Fast methods to approximate these sampling distributions are detailed. Second, we consider kk-bandlimited signals that are nearly piecewise constant over pre-defined groups of nodes. We show that it is possible to speed up the reconstruction of such signals by reducing drastically the dimension of the vectors to reconstruct. When combined with the proposed structured sampling procedure, we prove that the method provides stable and accurate reconstruction of the original signal. Finally, we present numerical experiments that illustrate our theoretical results and, as an example, show how to combine these methods for interactive object segmentation in an image using superpixels

    Sampling of graph signals via randomized local aggregations

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    Sampling of signals defined over the nodes of a graph is one of the crucial problems in graph signal processing. While in classical signal processing sampling is a well defined operation, when we consider a graph signal many new challenges arise and defining an efficient sampling strategy is not straightforward. Recently, several works have addressed this problem. The most common techniques select a subset of nodes to reconstruct the entire signal. However, such methods often require the knowledge of the signal support and the computation of the sparsity basis before sampling. Instead, in this paper we propose a new approach to this issue. We introduce a novel technique that combines localized sampling with compressed sensing. We first choose a subset of nodes and then, for each node of the subset, we compute random linear combinations of signal coefficients localized at the node itself and its neighborhood. The proposed method provides theoretical guarantees in terms of reconstruction and stability to noise for any graph and any orthonormal basis, even when the support is not known.Comment: IEEE Transactions on Signal and Information Processing over Networks, 201

    A Distributed Tracking Algorithm for Reconstruction of Graph Signals

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    The rapid development of signal processing on graphs provides a new perspective for processing large-scale data associated with irregular domains. In many practical applications, it is necessary to handle massive data sets through complex networks, in which most nodes have limited computing power. Designing efficient distributed algorithms is critical for this task. This paper focuses on the distributed reconstruction of a time-varying bandlimited graph signal based on observations sampled at a subset of selected nodes. A distributed least square reconstruction (DLSR) algorithm is proposed to recover the unknown signal iteratively, by allowing neighboring nodes to communicate with one another and make fast updates. DLSR uses a decay scheme to annihilate the out-of-band energy occurring in the reconstruction process, which is inevitably caused by the transmission delay in distributed systems. Proof of convergence and error bounds for DLSR are provided in this paper, suggesting that the algorithm is able to track time-varying graph signals and perfectly reconstruct time-invariant signals. The DLSR algorithm is numerically experimented with synthetic data and real-world sensor network data, which verifies its ability in tracking slowly time-varying graph signals.Comment: 30 pages, 9 figures, 2 tables, journal pape

    A Probabilistic Interpretation of Sampling Theory of Graph Signals

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    We give a probabilistic interpretation of sampling theory of graph signals. To do this, we first define a generative model for the data using a pairwise Gaussian random field (GRF) which depends on the graph. We show that, under certain conditions, reconstructing a graph signal from a subset of its samples by least squares is equivalent to performing MAP inference on an approximation of this GRF which has a low rank covariance matrix. We then show that a sampling set of given size with the largest associated cut-off frequency, which is optimal from a sampling theoretic point of view, minimizes the worst case predictive covariance of the MAP estimate on the GRF. This interpretation also gives an intuitive explanation for the superior performance of the sampling theoretic approach to active semi-supervised classification.Comment: 5 pages, 2 figures, To appear in International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing (ICASSP) 201
