29 research outputs found

    Hierarchical Photo-Scene Encoder for Album Storytelling

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    In this paper, we propose a novel model with a hierarchical photo-scene encoder and a reconstructor for the task of album storytelling. The photo-scene encoder contains two sub-encoders, namely the photo and scene encoders, which are stacked together and behave hierarchically to fully exploit the structure information of the photos within an album. Specifically, the photo encoder generates semantic representation for each photo while exploiting temporal relationships among them. The scene encoder, relying on the obtained photo representations, is responsible for detecting the scene changes and generating scene representations. Subsequently, the decoder dynamically and attentively summarizes the encoded photo and scene representations to generate a sequence of album representations, based on which a story consisting of multiple coherent sentences is generated. In order to fully extract the useful semantic information from an album, a reconstructor is employed to reproduce the summarized album representations based on the hidden states of the decoder. The proposed model can be trained in an end-to-end manner, which results in an improved performance over the state-of-the-arts on the public visual storytelling (VIST) dataset. Ablation studies further demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed hierarchical photo-scene encoder and reconstructor.Comment: 8 pages, 4 figure

    Deep Learning for Dense Interpretation of Video: Survey of Various Approach, Challenges, Datasets and Metrics

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    Video interpretation has garnered considerable attention in computer vision and natural language processing fields due to the rapid expansion of video data and the increasing demand for various applications such as intelligent video search, automated video subtitling, and assistance for visually impaired individuals. However, video interpretation presents greater challenges due to the inclusion of both temporal and spatial information within the video. While deep learning models for images, text, and audio have made significant progress, efforts have recently been focused on developing deep networks for video interpretation. A thorough evaluation of current research is necessary to provide insights for future endeavors, considering the myriad techniques, datasets, features, and evaluation criteria available in the video domain. This study offers a survey of recent advancements in deep learning for dense video interpretation, addressing various datasets and the challenges they present, as well as key features in video interpretation. Additionally, it provides a comprehensive overview of the latest deep learning models in video interpretation, which have been instrumental in activity identification and video description or captioning. The paper compares the performance of several deep learning models in this field based on specific metrics. Finally, the study summarizes future trends and directions in video interpretation

    Accurate Temporal Action Proposal Generation with Relation-Aware Pyramid Network

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    Accurate temporal action proposals play an important role in detecting actions from untrimmed videos. The existing approaches have difficulties in capturing global contextual information and simultaneously localizing actions with different durations. To this end, we propose a Relation-aware pyramid Network (RapNet) to generate highly accurate temporal action proposals. In RapNet, a novel relation-aware module is introduced to exploit bi-directional long-range relations between local features for context distilling. This embedded module enhances the RapNet in terms of its multi-granularity temporal proposal generation ability, given predefined anchor boxes. We further introduce a two-stage adjustment scheme to refine the proposal boundaries and measure their confidence in containing an action with snippet-level actionness. Extensive experiments on the challenging ActivityNet and THUMOS14 benchmarks demonstrate our RapNet generates superior accurate proposals over the existing state-of-the-art methods.Comment: accepted by AAAI-2