1,421 research outputs found

    Reconstruction Algorithms for Sums of Affine Powers

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    In this paper we study sums of powers of affine functions in (mostly) one variable. Although quite simple, this model is a generalization of two well-studied models: Waring decomposition and sparsest shift. For these three models there are natural extensions to several variables, but this paper is mostly focused on univariate polynomials. We present structural results which compare the expressive power of the three models; and we propose algorithms that find the smallest decomposition of f in the first model (sums of affine powers) for an input polynomial f given in dense representation. We also begin a study of the multivariate case. This work could be extended in several directions. In particular, just as for Sparsest Shift and Waring decomposition, one could consider extensions to "supersparse" polynomials and attempt a fuller study of the multi-variate case. We also point out that the basic univariate problem studied in the present paper is far from completely solved: our algorithms all rely on some assumptions for the exponents in an optimal decomposition, and some algorithms also rely on a distinctness assumption for the shifts. It would be very interesting to weaken these assumptions, or even to remove them entirely. Another related and poorly understood issue is that of the bit size of the constants appearing in an optimal decomposition: is it always polynomially related to the bit size of the input polynomial given in dense representation?Comment: This version improves on several algorithmic result

    The Power of Strong Fourier Sampling: Quantum Algorithms for Affine Groups and Hidden Shifts

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    Many quantum algorithms, including Shor's celebrated factoring and discrete log algorithms, proceed by reduction to a hidden subgroup problem, in which an unknown subgroup HH of a group GG must be determined from a quantum state ψ\psi over GG that is uniformly supported on a left coset of HH. These hidden subgroup problems are typically solved by Fourier sampling: the quantum Fourier transform of ψ\psi is computed and measured. When the underlying group is nonabelian, two important variants of the Fourier sampling paradigm have been identified: the weak standard method, where only representation names are measured, and the strong standard method, where full measurement (i.e., the row and column of the representation, in a suitably chosen basis, as well as its name) occurs. It has remained open whether the strong standard method is indeed stronger, that is, whether there are hidden subgroups that can be reconstructed via the strong method but not by the weak, or any other known, method. In this article, we settle this question in the affirmative. We show that hidden subgroups HH of the qq-hedral groups, i.e., semidirect products Zq⋉Zp{\mathbb Z}_q \ltimes {\mathbb Z}_p, where q∣(p−1)q \mid (p-1), and in particular the affine groups ApA_p, can be information-theoretically reconstructed using the strong standard method. Moreover, if ∣H∣=p/polylog(p)|H| = p/ {\rm polylog}(p), these subgroups can be fully reconstructed with a polynomial amount of quantum and classical computation. We compare our algorithms to two weaker methods that have been discussed in the literature—the “forgetful” abelian method, and measurement in a random basis—and show that both of these are weaker than the strong standard method. Thus, at least for some families of groups, it is crucial to use the full power of representation theory and nonabelian Fourier analysis, namely, to measure the high-dimensional representations in an adapted basis that respects the group's subgroup structure. We apply our algorithm for the hidden subgroup problem to new families of cryptographically motivated hidden shift problems, generalizing the work of van Dam, Hallgren, and Ip on shifts of multiplicative characters. Finally, we close by proving a simple closure property for the class of groups over which the hidden subgroup problem can be solved efficiently

    Black Box Absolute Reconstruction for Sums of Powers of Linear Forms

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    We study the decomposition of multivariate polynomials as sums of powers of linear forms. We give a randomized algorithm for the following problem: If a homogeneous polynomial f ? K[x_1. . .x_n] (where K ? ?) of degree d is given as a blackbox, decide whether it can be written as a linear combination of d-th powers of linearly independent complex linear forms. The main novel features of the algorithm are: - For d = 3, we improve by a factor of n on the running time from the algorithm in [Pascal Koiran and Mateusz Skomra, 2021]. The price to be paid for this improvement is that the algorithm now has two-sided error. - For d > 3, we provide the first randomized blackbox algorithm for this problem that runs in time poly(n,d) (in an algebraic model where only arithmetic operations and equality tests are allowed). Previous algorithms for this problem [Kayal, 2011] as well as most of the existing reconstruction algorithms for other classes appeal to a polynomial factorization subroutine. This requires extraction of complex polynomial roots at unit cost and in standard models such as the unit-cost RAM or the Turing machine this approach does not yield polynomial time algorithms. - For d > 3, when f has rational coefficients (i.e. K = ?), the running time of the blackbox algorithm is polynomial in n,d and the maximal bit size of any coefficient of f. This yields the first algorithm for this problem over ? with polynomial running time in the bit model of computation. These results are true even when we replace ? by ?. We view the problem as a tensor decomposition problem and use linear algebraic methods such as checking the simultaneous diagonalisability of the slices of a tensor. The number of such slices is exponential in d. But surprisingly, we show that after a random change of variables, computing just 3 special slices is enough. We also show that our approach can be extended to the computation of the actual decomposition. In forthcoming work we plan to extend these results to overcomplete decompositions, i.e., decompositions in more than n powers of linear forms
