14 research outputs found

    Tile Packing Tomography is NP-hard

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    Discrete tomography deals with reconstructing finite spatial objects from lower dimensional projections and has applications for example in timetable design. In this paper we consider the problem of reconstructing a tile packing from its row and column projections. It consists of disjoint copies of a fixed tile, all contained in some rectangular grid. The projections tell how many cells are covered by a tile in each row and column. How difficult is it to construct a tile packing satisfying given projections? It was known to be solvable by a greedy algorithm for bars (tiles of width or height 1), and NP-hardness results were known for some specific tiles. This paper shows that the problem is NP-hard whenever the tile is not a bar

    Reciprocity in Social Networks with Capacity Constraints

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    Directed links -- representing asymmetric social ties or interactions (e.g., "follower-followee") -- arise naturally in many social networks and other complex networks, giving rise to directed graphs (or digraphs) as basic topological models for these networks. Reciprocity, defined for a digraph as the percentage of edges with a reciprocal edge, is a key metric that has been used in the literature to compare different directed networks and provide "hints" about their structural properties: for example, are reciprocal edges generated randomly by chance or are there other processes driving their generation? In this paper we study the problem of maximizing achievable reciprocity for an ensemble of digraphs with the same prescribed in- and out-degree sequences. We show that the maximum reciprocity hinges crucially on the in- and out-degree sequences, which may be intuitively interpreted as constraints on some "social capacities" of nodes and impose fundamental limits on achievable reciprocity. We show that it is NP-complete to decide the achievability of a simple upper bound on maximum reciprocity, and provide conditions for achieving it. We demonstrate that many real networks exhibit reciprocities surprisingly close to the upper bound, which implies that users in these social networks are in a sense more "social" than suggested by the empirical reciprocity alone in that they are more willing to reciprocate, subject to their "social capacity" constraints. We find some surprising linear relationships between empirical reciprocity and the bound. We also show that a particular type of small network motifs that we call 3-paths are the major source of loss in reciprocity for real networks

    Navigating Between Packings of Graphic Sequences

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    Let π1=(d1(1),…,dn(1))\pi_1=(d_1^{(1)}, \ldots,d_n^{(1)}) and π2=(d1(2),…,dn(2))\pi_2=(d_1^{(2)},\ldots,d_n^{(2)}) be graphic sequences. We say they \emph{pack} if there exist edge-disjoint realizations G1G_1 and G2G_2 of π1\pi_1 and π2\pi_2, respectively, on vertex set {v1,…,vn}\{v_1,\dots,v_n\} such that for j∈{1,2}j\in\{1,2\}, dGj(vi)=di(j)d_{G_j}(v_i)=d_i^{(j)} for all i∈{1,…,n}i\in\{1,\ldots,n\}. In this case, we say that (G1,G2)(G_1,G_2) is a (π1,π2)(\pi_1,\pi_2)-\textit{packing}. A clear necessary condition for graphic sequences π1\pi_1 and π2\pi_2 to pack is that π1+π2\pi_1+\pi_2, their componentwise sum, is also graphic. It is known, however, that this condition is not sufficient, and furthermore that the general problem of determining if two sequences pack is NPNP- complete. S.~Kundu proved in 1973 that if π2\pi_2 is almost regular, that is each element is from {k−1,k}\{k-1, k\}, then π1\pi_1 and π2\pi_2 pack if and only if π1+π2\pi_1+\pi_2 is graphic. In this paper we will consider graphic sequences π\pi with the property that π+1\pi+\mathbf{1} is graphic. By Kundu's theorem, the sequences π\pi and 1\mathbf{1} pack, and there exist edge-disjoint realizations GG and I\mathcal{I}, where I\mathcal{I} is a 1-factor. We call such a (π,1)(\pi,\mathbf{1}) packing a {\em Kundu realization}. Assume that π\pi is a graphic sequence, in which each term is at most n/24n/24, that packs with 1\mathbf{1}. This paper contains two results. On one hand, any two Kundu realizations of the degree sequence π+1\pi+\mathbf{1} can be transformed into each other through a sequence of other Kundu realizations by swap operations. On the other hand, the same conditions ensure that any particular 1-factor can be part of a Kundu realization of π+1\pi+\mathbf{1}

    Reciprocity in Social Networks with Capacity Constraints

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    ABSTRACT Directed links -representing asymmetric social ties or interactions (e.g., "follower-followee") -arise naturally in many social networks and other complex networks, giving rise to directed graphs (or digraphs) as basic topological models for these networks. Reciprocity, defined for a digraph as the percentage of edges with a reciprocal edge, is a key metric that has been used in the literature to compare different directed networks and provide "hints" about their structural properties: for example, are reciprocal edges generated randomly by chance or are there other processes driving their generation? In this paper we study the problem of maximizing achievable reciprocity for an ensemble of digraphs with the same prescribed in-and out-degree sequences. We show that the maximum reciprocity hinges crucially on the in-and outdegree sequences, which may be intuitively interpreted as constraints on some "social capacities" of nodes and impose fundamental limits on achievable reciprocity. We show that it is NP-complete to decide the achievability of a simple upper bound on maximum reciprocity, and provide conditions for achieving it. We demonstrate that many real networks exhibit reciprocities surprisingly close to the upper bound, which implies that users in these social networks are in a sense more "social" than suggested by the empirical reciprocity alone in that they are more willing to reciprocate, subject to their "social capacity" constraints. We find some surprising linear relationships between empirical reciprocity and the bound. We also show that a particular type of small network motifs that we call 3-paths are the major source of loss in reciprocity for real networks