10 research outputs found

    Millimeter-wave propagation within a computer chip package

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    © 2018 IEEE. Personal use of this material is permitted. Permission from IEEE must be obtained for all other uses, in any current or future media, including reprinting/republishing this material for advertising or promotional purposes,creating new collective works, for resale or redistribution to servers or lists, or reuse of any copyrighted component of this work in other works.Wireless Network-on-Chip (WNoC) appears as a promising alternative to conventional interconnect fabrics for chip-scale communications. The WNoC paradigm has been extensively analyzed from the physical, network and architecture perspectives assuming mmWave band operation. However, there has not been a comprehensive study at this band for realistic chip packages and, thus, the characteristics of such wireless channel remain not fully understood. This work addresses this issue by accurately modeling a flip-chip package and investigating the wave propagation inside it. Through parametric studies, a locally optimal configuration for 60 GHz WNoC is obtained, showing that chip-wide attenuation below 32.6 dB could be achieved with standard processes. Finally, the applicability of the methodology is discussed for higher bands and other integrated environments such as a Software-Defined Metamaterial (SDM).Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft

    Medium access control in wireless network-on-chip: a context analysis

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    © 2018 IEEE. Personal use of this material is permitted. Permission from IEEE must be obtained for all other uses, in any current or future media, including reprinting/republishing this material for advertising or promotional purposes,creating new collective works, for resale or redistribution to servers or lists, or reuse of any copyrighted component of this work in other works.Wireless on-chip communication is a promising candidate to address the performance and efficiency issues that arise when scaling current NoC techniques to manycore processors. A WNoC can serve global and broadcast traffic with ultra-low latency even in thousand-core chips, thus acting as a natural complement to conventional and throughput-oriented wireline NoCs. However, the development of MAC strategies needed to efficiently share the wireless medium among the increasing number of cores remains a considerable challenge given the singularities of the environment and the novelty of the research area. In this position article, we present a context analysis describing the physical constraints, performance objectives, and traffic characteristics of the on-chip communication paradigm. We summarize the main differences with respect to traditional wireless scenarios, and then discuss their implications on the design of MAC protocols for manycore WNoC, with the ultimate goal of kickstarting this arguably unexplored research area.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft

    Scalability of broadcast performance in wireless network-on-chip

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    Networks-on-Chip (NoCs) are currently the paradigm of choice to interconnect the cores of a chip multiprocessor. However, conventional NoCs may not suffice to fulfill the on-chip communication requirements of processors with hundreds or thousands of cores. The main reason is that the performance of such networks drops as the number of cores grows, especially in the presence of multicast and broadcast traffic. This not only limits the scalability of current multiprocessor architectures, but also sets a performance wall that prevents the development of architectures that generate moderate-to-high levels of multicast. In this paper, a Wireless Network-on-Chip (WNoC) where all cores share a single broadband channel is presented. Such design is conceived to provide low latency and ordered delivery for multicast/broadcast traffic, in an attempt to complement a wireline NoC that will transport the rest of communication flows. To assess the feasibility of this approach, the network performance of WNoC is analyzed as a function of the system size and the channel capacity, and then compared to that of wireline NoCs with embedded multicast support. Based on this evaluation, preliminary results on the potential performance of the proposed hybrid scheme are provided, together with guidelines for the design of MAC protocols for WNoC.Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version

    Artificial Neural Network Based Prediction Mechanism for Wireless Network on Chips Medium Access Control

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    As per Moore’s law, continuous improvement over silicon process technologies has made the integration of hundreds of cores on to a single chip possible. This has resulted in the paradigm shift towards multicore and many-core chips where, hundreds of cores can be integrated on the same die and interconnected using an on-chip packet-switched network called a Network-on-Chip (NoC). Various tasks running on different cores generate different rates of communication between pairs of cores. This lead to the increase in spatial and temporal variation in the workloads, which impact the long distance data communication over multi-hop wire line paths in conventional NoCs. Among different alternatives, due to the CMOS compatibility and energy-efficiency, low-latency wireless interconnects operating in the millimeter wave (mm-wave) band is nearer term solution to this multi-hop communication problem in traditional NoCs. This has led to the recent exploration of millimeter-wave (mm-wave) wireless technologies in wireless NoC architectures (WiNoC). In a WiNoC, the mm-wave wireless interconnect is realized by equipping some NoC switches with an wireless interface (WI) that contains an antenna and transceiver circuit tuned to operate in the mm-wave frequency. To enable collision free and energy-efficient communication among the WIs, the WIs is also equipped with a medium access control mechanism (MAC) unit. Due to the simplicity and low-overhead implementation, a token passing based MAC mechanism to enable Time Division Multiple Access (TDMA) has been adopted in many WiNoC architectures. However, such simple MAC mechanism is agnostic of the demand of the WIs. Based on the tasks mapped on a multicore system the demand through the WIs can vary both spatially and temporally. Hence, if the MAC is agnostic of such demand variation, energy is wasted when no flit is transferred through the wireless channel. To efficiently utilize the wireless channel, MAC mechanisms that can dynamically allocate token possession period of the WIs have been explored in recent time for WiNoCs. In the dynamic MAC mechanism, a history-based prediction is used to predict the bandwidth demand of the WIs to adjust the token possession period with respect to the traffic variation. However, such simple history based predictors are not accurate and limits the performance gain due to the dynamic MACs in a WiNoC. In this work, we investigate the design of an artificial neural network (ANN) based prediction methodology to accurately predict the bandwidth demand of each WI. Through system level simulation, we show that the dynamic MAC mechanisms enabled with the ANN based prediction mechanism can significantly improve the performance of a WiNoC in terms of peak bandwidth, packet energy and latency compared to the state-of-the-art dynamic MAC mechanisms

    An Artificial Neural Networks based Temperature Prediction Framework for Network-on-Chip based Multicore Platform

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    Continuous improvement in silicon process technologies has made possible the integration of hundreds of cores on a single chip. However, power and heat have become dominant constraints in designing these massive multicore chips causing issues with reliability, timing variations and reduced lifetime of the chips. Dynamic Thermal Management (DTM) is a solution to avoid high temperatures on the die. Typical DTM schemes only address core level thermal issues. However, the Network-on-chip (NoC) paradigm, which has emerged as an enabling methodology for integrating hundreds to thousands of cores on the same die can contribute significantly to the thermal issues. Moreover, the typical DTM is triggered reactively based on temperature measurements from on-chip thermal sensor requiring long reaction times whereas predictive DTM method estimates future temperature in advance, eliminating the chance of temperature overshoot. Artificial Neural Networks (ANNs) have been used in various domains for modeling and prediction with high accuracy due to its ability to learn and adapt. This thesis concentrates on designing an ANN prediction engine to predict the thermal profile of the cores and Network-on-Chip elements of the chip. This thermal profile of the chip is then used by the predictive DTM that combines both core level and network level DTM techniques. On-chip wireless interconnect which is recently envisioned to enable energy-efficient data exchange between cores in a multicore environment, will be used to provide a broadcast-capable medium to efficiently distribute thermal control messages to trigger and manage the DTM schemes

    Combined Dynamic Thermal Management Exploiting Broadcast-Capable Wireless Network-on-Chip Architecture

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    With the continuous scaling of device dimensions, the number of cores on a single die is constantly increasing. This integration of hundreds of cores on a single die leads to high power dissipation and thermal issues in modern Integrated Circuits (ICs). This causes problems related to reliability, timing violations and lifetime of electronic devices. Dynamic Thermal Management (DTM) techniques have emerged as potential solutions that mitigate the increasing temperatures on a die. However, considering the scaling of system sizes and the adoption of the Network-on-Chip (NoC) paradigm to serve as the interconnection fabric exacerbates the problem as both cores and NoC elements contribute to the increased heat dissipation on the chip. Typically, DTM techniques can either be proactive or reactive. Proactive DTM techniques, where the system has the ability to predict the thermal profile of the chip ahead of time are more desirable than reactive DTM techniques where the system utilizes thermal sensors to determine the current temperature of the chip. Moreover, DTM techniques either address core or NoC level thermal issues separately. Hence, this thesis proposes a combined proactive DTM technique that integrates both core level and NoC level DTM techniques. The combined DTM mechanism includes a dynamic temperature-aware routing approach for the NoC level elements, and includes task reallocation heuristics for the core level elements. On-chip wireless interconnects recently envisioned to enable energy-efficient data exchange between cores in a multicore chip will be used to provide a broadcast-capable medium to efficiently distribute thermal control messages to trigger and manage the DTM. Combining the proactive DTM technique with on-chip wireless interconnects, the on-chip temperature is restricted within target temperatures without significantly affecting the performance of the NoC based interconnection fabric of the multicore chip

    Networking Challenges and Prospective Impact of Broadcast-Oriented Wireless Networks-on-Chip

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    ABSTRACT The cost of broadcast has been constraining the design of manycore processors and of the algorithms that run upon them. However, as on-chip RF technologies allow the design of small-footprint and high-bandwidth antennas and transceivers, native low-latency (a few clock cycles) and lowpower (a few pJ/bit) broadcast support through wireless communication can be envisaged. In this paper, we analyze the main networking design aspects and challenges of Broadcast-oriented Wireless Network-on-Chip (BoWNoC), which are basically reduced to the development of Medium Access Control (MAC) protocols able to handle hundreds of cores. We evaluate the broadcast performance and scalability of different MAC designs, to then discuss the impact that the proposed paradigm could exert on the performance, scalability and programmability of future manycore architectures, programming models and parallel algorithms

    Robust and Traffic Aware Medium Access Control Mechanisms for Energy-Efficient mm-Wave Wireless Network-on-Chip Architectures

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    To cater to the performance/watt needs, processors with multiple processing cores on the same chip have become the de-facto design choice. In such multicore systems, Network-on-Chip (NoC) serves as a communication infrastructure for data transfer among the cores on the chip. However, conventional metallic interconnect based NoCs are constrained by their long multi-hop latencies and high power consumption, limiting the performance gain in these systems. Among, different alternatives, due to the CMOS compatibility and energy-efficiency, low-latency wireless interconnect operating in the millimeter wave (mm-wave) band is nearer term solution to this multi-hop communication problem. This has led to the recent exploration of millimeter-wave (mm-wave) wireless technologies in wireless NoC architectures (WiNoC). To realize the mm-wave wireless interconnect in a WiNoC, a wireless interface (WI) equipped with on-chip antenna and transceiver circuit operating at 60GHz frequency range is integrated to the ports of some NoC switches. The WIs are also equipped with a medium access control (MAC) mechanism that ensures a collision free and energy-efficient communication among the WIs located at different parts on the chip. However, due to shrinking feature size and complex integration in CMOS technology, high-density chips like multicore systems are prone to manufacturing defects and dynamic faults during chip operation. Such failures can result in permanently broken wireless links or cause the MAC to malfunction in a WiNoC. Consequently, the energy-efficient communication through the wireless medium will be compromised. Furthermore, the energy efficiency in the wireless channel access is also dependent on the traffic pattern of the applications running on the multicore systems. Due to the bursty and self-similar nature of the NoC traffic patterns, the traffic demand of the WIs can vary both spatially and temporally. Ineffective management of such traffic variation of the WIs, limits the performance and energy benefits of the novel mm-wave interconnect technology. Hence, to utilize the full potential of the novel mm-wave interconnect technology in WiNoCs, design of a simple, fair, robust, and efficient MAC is of paramount importance. The main goal of this dissertation is to propose the design principles for robust and traffic-aware MAC mechanisms to provide high bandwidth, low latency, and energy-efficient data communication in mm-wave WiNoCs. The proposed solution has two parts. In the first part, we propose the cross-layer design methodology of robust WiNoC architecture that can minimize the effect of permanent failure of the wireless links and recover from transient failures caused by single event upsets (SEU). Then, in the second part, we present a traffic-aware MAC mechanism that can adjust the transmission slots of the WIs based on the traffic demand of the WIs. The proposed MAC is also robust against the failure of the wireless access mechanism. Finally, as future research directions, this idea of traffic awareness is extended throughout the whole NoC by enabling adaptiveness in both wired and wireless interconnection fabric

    Overcoming the Challenges for Multichip Integration: A Wireless Interconnect Approach

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    The physical limitations in the area, power density, and yield restrict the scalability of the single-chip multicore system to a relatively small number of cores. Instead of having a large chip, aggregating multiple smaller chips can overcome these physical limitations. Combining multiple dies can be done either by stacking vertically or by placing side-by-side on the same substrate within a single package. However, in order to be widely accepted, both multichip integration techniques need to overcome significant challenges. In the horizontally integrated multichip system, traditional inter-chip I/O does not scale well with technology scaling due to limitations of the pitch. Moreover, to transfer data between cores or memory components from one chip to another, state-of-the-art inter-chip communication over wireline channels require data signals to travel from internal nets to the peripheral I/O ports and then get routed over the inter-chip channels to the I/O port of the destination chip. Following this, the data is finally routed from the I/O to internal nets of the target chip over a wireline interconnect fabric. This multi-hop communication increases energy consumption while decreasing data bandwidth in a multichip system. On the other hand, in vertically integrated multichip system, the high power density resulting from the placement of computational components on top of each other aggravates the thermal issues of the chip leading to degraded performance and reduced reliability. Liquid cooling through microfluidic channels can provide cooling capabilities required for effective management of chip temperatures in vertical integration. However, to reduce the mechanical stresses and at the same time, to ensure temperature uniformity and adequate cooling competencies, the height and width of the microchannels need to be increased. This limits the area available to route Through-Silicon-Vias (TSVs) across the cooling layers and make the co-existence and co-design of TSVs and microchannels extreamly challenging. Research in recent years has demonstrated that on-chip and off-chip wireless interconnects are capable of establishing radio communications within as well as between multiple chips. The primary goal of this dissertation is to propose design principals targeting both horizontally and vertically integrated multichip system to provide high bandwidth, low latency, and energy efficient data communication by utilizing mm-wave wireless interconnects. The proposed solution has two parts: the first part proposes design methodology of a seamless hybrid wired and wireless interconnection network for the horizontally integrated multichip system to enable direct chip-to-chip communication between internal cores. Whereas the second part proposes a Wireless Network-on-Chip (WiNoC) architecture for the vertically integrated multichip system to realize data communication across interlayer microfluidic coolers eliminating the need to place and route signal TSVs through the cooling layers. The integration of wireless interconnect will significantly reduce the complexity of the co-design of TSV based interconnects and microchannel based interlayer cooling. Finally, this dissertation presents a combined trade-off evaluation of such wireless integration system in both horizontal and vertical sense and provides future directions for the design of the multichip system