2 research outputs found

    Reconfigurable PDA for the Visually Impaired Using FPGAs

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    Curtin University Brailler (CUB) is a Personal Digital Assistant (PDA) for visually impaired people. Its objective is to make information in different formats accessible to people with limited visual ability. This paper presents the design and implementation of two modules: a print-to-Braille translation system and a Braille keyboard controller. The translator implements Blenkhorn's algorithm in hardware, liberating the microprocessor to perform other functions. The Braille keyboard controller along with a low cost keyboard provides users with a note-taking function. These modules are used as intellectual property (IP) cores coupled to a 32-bit MicroBlaze processor in an embedded system-on-a-chip (SoC). In its current implementation, the microprocessor uses a hierarchical interrupt scheme to coordinate IP cores. A prototype of the complete embedded system is under development using Xilinx's FPGAs. The system is a potential platform for the development of embedded systems to assist the visually impaired

    Human Computer Interface for Victims using FPGA

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    Visually impaired people face many challenges in the society; particularly students with visual impairments face unique challenges in the education environment. They struggle a lot to access the information, so to resolve this obstacle in reading and to allow the visually impaired students to fully access and participate in the curriculum with the greatest possible level of independence, a Braille transliteration system using VLSI is designed. Here Braille input is given to FPGA Virtex-4 kit via Braille keyboard. The Braille language is converted into English language by decoding logic in VHDL/Verilog and then the corresponding alphabet letter is converted into speech signal with the help of the algorithm. Speaker is used for the voice output. This project allows the visually impaired people to get literate also the person can get a conformation about what is being typed, every time that character is being pressed, this prevents the occurrence of mistakes