5,394 research outputs found

    Recommendation System for News Reader

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    Recommendation Systems help users to find information and make decisions where they lack the required knowledge to judge a particular product. Also, the information dataset available can be huge and recommendation systems help in filtering this data according to users‟ needs. Recommendation systems can be used in various different ways to facilitate its users with effective information sorting. For a person who loves reading, this paper presents the research and implementation of a Recommendation System for a NewsReader Application using Android Platform. The NewsReader Application proactively recommends news articles as per the reading habits of the user, recorded over a period of time and also recommends the currently trending articles. Recommendation systems and their implementations using various algorithms is the primary area of study for this project. This research paper compares and details popular recommendation algorithms viz. Content based recommendation systems, Collaborative recommendation systems etc. Moreover, it also presents a more efficient Hybrid approach that absorbs the best aspects from both the algorithms mentioned above, while trying to eliminate all the potential drawbacks observed

    Automatic User Profile Construction for a Personalized News Recommender System Using Twitter

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    Modern society has now grown accustomed to reading online or digital news. However, the huge corpus of information available online poses a challenge to users when trying to find relevant articles. A hybrid system “Personalized News Recommender Using Twitter’ has been developed to recommend articles to a user based on the popularity of the articles and also the profile of the user. The hybrid system is a fusion of a collaborative recommender system developed using tweets from the “Twitter” public timeline and a content recommender system based the user’s past interests summarized in their conceptual user profile. In previous work, a user’s profile was built manually by asking the user to explicitly rate his/her interest in a category by entering a score for the corresponding category. This is not a reliable approach as the user may not be able to accurately specify their interest for a category with a number. In this work, an automatic profile builder was developed that uses an implicit approach to build the user’s profile. The specificity of the user profile was also increased to incorporate fifteen categories versus seven in the previous system. We concluded with an experiment to study the impact of automatic profile builder and the increased set of categories on the accuracy of the hybrid news recommender syste

    Considering temporal aspects in recommender systems: a survey

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    Under embargo until: 2023-07-04The widespread use of temporal aspects in user modeling indicates their importance, and their consideration showed to be highly effective in various domains related to user modeling, especially in recommender systems. Still, past and ongoing research, spread over several decades, provided multiple ad-hoc solutions, but no common understanding of the issue. There is no standardization and there is often little commonality in considering temporal aspects in different applications. This may ultimately lead to the problem that application developers define ad-hoc solutions for their problems at hand, sometimes missing or neglecting aspects that proved to be effective in similar cases. Therefore, a comprehensive survey of the consideration of temporal aspects in recommender systems is required. In this work, we provide an overview of various time-related aspects, categorize existing research, present a temporal abstraction and point to gaps that require future research. We anticipate this survey will become a reference point for researchers and practitioners alike when considering the potential application of temporal aspects in their personalized applications.acceptedVersio
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