149 research outputs found

    Polarized minimal families of rational curves and higher Fano manifolds

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    In this paper we investigate Fano manifolds XX whose Chern characters chk(X)ch_k(X) satisfy some positivity conditions. Our approach is via the study of polarized minimal families of rational curves (Hx,Lx)(H_x,L_x) through a general point x∈Xx\in X. First we translate positivity properties of the Chern characters of XX into properties of the pair (Hx,Lx)(H_x,L_x). This allows us to classify polarized minimal families of rational curves associated to Fano manifolds XX satisfying ch2(X)≥0ch_2(X)\geq0 and ch3(X)≥0ch_3(X)\geq0. As a first application, we provide sufficient conditions for these manifolds to be covered by subvarieties isomorphic to P2\mathbb P^2 and P3\mathbb P^3. Moreover, this classification enables us to find new examples of Fano manifolds satisfying ch2(X)≥0ch_2(X)\geq0.Comment: 17 page

    A modular description of X0(n)\mathscr{X}_0(n)

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    As we explain, when a positive integer nn is not squarefree, even over C\mathbb{C} the moduli stack that parametrizes generalized elliptic curves equipped with an ample cyclic subgroup of order nn does not agree at the cusps with the Γ0(n)\Gamma_0(n)-level modular stack X0(n)\mathscr{X}_0(n) defined by Deligne and Rapoport via normalization. Following a suggestion of Deligne, we present a refined moduli stack of ample cyclic subgroups of order nn that does recover X0(n)\mathscr{X}_0(n) over Z\mathbb{Z} for all nn. The resulting modular description enables us to extend the regularity theorem of Katz and Mazur: X0(n)\mathscr{X}_0(n) is also regular at the cusps. We also prove such regularity for X1(n)\mathscr{X}_1(n) and several other modular stacks, some of which have been treated by Conrad by a different method. For the proofs we introduce a tower of compactifications Ell‾m\overline{Ell}_m of the stack EllEll that parametrizes elliptic curves---the ability to vary mm in the tower permits robust reductions of the analysis of Drinfeld level structures on generalized elliptic curves to elliptic curve cases via congruences.Comment: 67 pages; final version, to appear in Algebra and Number Theor

    Uniform families of minimal rational curves on Fano manifolds

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    It is a well-known fact that families of minimal rational curves on rational homogeneous manifolds of Picard number one are uniform, in the sense that the tangent bundle to the manifold has the same splitting type on each curve of the family. In this note we prove that certain --stronger-- uniformity conditions on a family of minimal rational curves on a Fano manifold of Picard number one allow to prove that the manifold is homogeneous

    Moduli of sheaves: a modern primer

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    We give a modern introduction to the moduli of sheaves. After reviewing the classical theory, we give a catalogue of results from the last decade. We then consider a more "symmetric" formulation of the theory by working with gerbes from the start.Comment: 26 pages, contribution to proceedings of 2015 AMS Summer Institute in Algebraic Geometr
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