47 research outputs found

    Pose Embeddings: A Deep Architecture for Learning to Match Human Poses

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    We present a method for learning an embedding that places images of humans in similar poses nearby. This embedding can be used as a direct method of comparing images based on human pose, avoiding potential challenges of estimating body joint positions. Pose embedding learning is formulated under a triplet-based distance criterion. A deep architecture is used to allow learning of a representation capable of making distinctions between different poses. Experiments on human pose matching and retrieval from video data demonstrate the potential of the method

    Exploiting Image-trained CNN Architectures for Unconstrained Video Classification

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    We conduct an in-depth exploration of different strategies for doing event detection in videos using convolutional neural networks (CNNs) trained for image classification. We study different ways of performing spatial and temporal pooling, feature normalization, choice of CNN layers as well as choice of classifiers. Making judicious choices along these dimensions led to a very significant increase in performance over more naive approaches that have been used till now. We evaluate our approach on the challenging TRECVID MED'14 dataset with two popular CNN architectures pretrained on ImageNet. On this MED'14 dataset, our methods, based entirely on image-trained CNN features, can outperform several state-of-the-art non-CNN models. Our proposed late fusion of CNN- and motion-based features can further increase the mean average precision (mAP) on MED'14 from 34.95% to 38.74%. The fusion approach achieves the state-of-the-art classification performance on the challenging UCF-101 dataset

    Learning Spatiotemporal Features for Infrared Action Recognition with 3D Convolutional Neural Networks

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    Infrared (IR) imaging has the potential to enable more robust action recognition systems compared to visible spectrum cameras due to lower sensitivity to lighting conditions and appearance variability. While the action recognition task on videos collected from visible spectrum imaging has received much attention, action recognition in IR videos is significantly less explored. Our objective is to exploit imaging data in this modality for the action recognition task. In this work, we propose a novel two-stream 3D convolutional neural network (CNN) architecture by introducing the discriminative code layer and the corresponding discriminative code loss function. The proposed network processes IR image and the IR-based optical flow field sequences. We pretrain the 3D CNN model on the visible spectrum Sports-1M action dataset and finetune it on the Infrared Action Recognition (InfAR) dataset. To our best knowledge, this is the first application of the 3D CNN to action recognition in the IR domain. We conduct an elaborate analysis of different fusion schemes (weighted average, single and double-layer neural nets) applied to different 3D CNN outputs. Experimental results demonstrate that our approach can achieve state-of-the-art average precision (AP) performances on the InfAR dataset: (1) the proposed two-stream 3D CNN achieves the best reported 77.5% AP, and (2) our 3D CNN model applied to the optical flow fields achieves the best reported single stream 75.42% AP

    Expanding the Family of Grassmannian Kernels: An Embedding Perspective

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    Modeling videos and image-sets as linear subspaces has proven beneficial for many visual recognition tasks. However, it also incurs challenges arising from the fact that linear subspaces do not obey Euclidean geometry, but lie on a special type of Riemannian manifolds known as Grassmannian. To leverage the techniques developed for Euclidean spaces (e.g, support vector machines) with subspaces, several recent studies have proposed to embed the Grassmannian into a Hilbert space by making use of a positive definite kernel. Unfortunately, only two Grassmannian kernels are known, none of which -as we will show- is universal, which limits their ability to approximate a target function arbitrarily well. Here, we introduce several positive definite Grassmannian kernels, including universal ones, and demonstrate their superiority over previously-known kernels in various tasks, such as classification, clustering, sparse coding and hashing

    Im2Flow: Motion Hallucination from Static Images for Action Recognition

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    Existing methods to recognize actions in static images take the images at their face value, learning the appearances---objects, scenes, and body poses---that distinguish each action class. However, such models are deprived of the rich dynamic structure and motions that also define human activity. We propose an approach that hallucinates the unobserved future motion implied by a single snapshot to help static-image action recognition. The key idea is to learn a prior over short-term dynamics from thousands of unlabeled videos, infer the anticipated optical flow on novel static images, and then train discriminative models that exploit both streams of information. Our main contributions are twofold. First, we devise an encoder-decoder convolutional neural network and a novel optical flow encoding that can translate a static image into an accurate flow map. Second, we show the power of hallucinated flow for recognition, successfully transferring the learned motion into a standard two-stream network for activity recognition. On seven datasets, we demonstrate the power of the approach. It not only achieves state-of-the-art accuracy for dense optical flow prediction, but also consistently enhances recognition of actions and dynamic scenes.Comment: Published in CVPR 2018, project page: http://vision.cs.utexas.edu/projects/im2flow