18,790 research outputs found

    Out-of-plane action unit recognition using recurrent neural networks

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    A dissertation submitted to the Faculty of Science, University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, in fulfilment of requirements for the degree of Master of Science. Johannesburg, 2015.The face is a fundamental tool to assist in interpersonal communication and interaction between people. Humans use facial expressions to consciously or subconsciously express their emotional states, such as anger or surprise. As humans, we are able to easily identify changes in facial expressions even in complicated scenarios, but the task of facial expression recognition and analysis is complex and challenging to a computer. The automatic analysis of facial expressions by computers has applications in several scientific subjects such as psychology, neurology, pain assessment, lie detection, intelligent environments, psychiatry, and emotion and paralinguistic communication. We look at methods of facial expression recognition, and in particular, the recognition of Facial Action Coding System’s (FACS) Action Units (AUs). Movements of individual muscles on the face are encoded by FACS from slightly different, instant changes in facial appearance. Contractions of specific facial muscles are related to a set of units called AUs. We make use of Speeded Up Robust Features (SURF) to extract keypoints from the face and use the SURF descriptors to create feature vectors. SURF provides smaller sized feature vectors than other commonly used feature extraction techniques. SURF is comparable to or outperforms other methods with respect to distinctiveness, robustness, and repeatability. It is also much faster than other feature detectors and descriptors. The SURF descriptor is scale and rotation invariant and is unaffected by small viewpoint changes or illumination changes. We use the SURF feature vectors to train a recurrent neural network (RNN) to recognize AUs from the Cohn-Kanade database. An RNN is able to handle temporal data received from image sequences in which an AU or combination of AUs are shown to develop from a neutral face. We are recognizing AUs as they provide a more fine-grained means of measurement that is independent of age, ethnicity, gender and different expression appearance. In addition to recognizing FACS AUs from the Cohn-Kanade database, we use our trained RNNs to recognize the development of pain in human subjects. We make use of the UNBC-McMaster pain database which contains image sequences of people experiencing pain. In some cases, the pain results in their face moving out-of-plane or some degree of in-plane movement. The temporal processing ability of RNNs can assist in classifying AUs where the face is occluded and not facing frontally for some part of the sequence. Results are promising when tested on the Cohn-Kanade database. We see higher overall recognition rates for upper face AUs than lower face AUs. Since keypoints are globally extracted from the face in our system, local feature extraction could provide improved recognition results in future work. We also see satisfactory recognition results when tested on samples with out-of-plane head movement, showing the temporal processing ability of RNNs

    Holistic gaze strategy to categorize facial expression of varying intensities

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    Using faces representing exaggerated emotional expressions, recent behaviour and eye-tracking studies have suggested a dominant role of individual facial features in transmitting diagnostic cues for decoding facial expressions. Considering that in everyday life we frequently view low-intensity expressive faces in which local facial cues are more ambiguous, we probably need to combine expressive cues from more than one facial feature to reliably decode naturalistic facial affects. In this study we applied a morphing technique to systematically vary intensities of six basic facial expressions of emotion, and employed a self-paced expression categorization task to measure participants’ categorization performance and associated gaze patterns. The analysis of pooled data from all expressions showed that increasing expression intensity would improve categorization accuracy, shorten reaction time and reduce number of fixations directed at faces. The proportion of fixations and viewing time directed at internal facial features (eyes, nose and mouth region), however, was not affected by varying levels of intensity. Further comparison between individual facial expressions revealed that although proportional gaze allocation at individual facial features was quantitatively modulated by the viewed expressions, the overall gaze distribution in face viewing was qualitatively similar across different facial expressions and different intensities. It seems that we adopt a holistic viewing strategy to extract expressive cues from all internal facial features in processing of naturalistic facial expressions

    Optimizing Filter Size in Convolutional Neural Networks for Facial Action Unit Recognition

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    Recognizing facial action units (AUs) during spontaneous facial displays is a challenging problem. Most recently, Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs) have shown promise for facial AU recognition, where predefined and fixed convolution filter sizes are employed. In order to achieve the best performance, the optimal filter size is often empirically found by conducting extensive experimental validation. Such a training process suffers from expensive training cost, especially as the network becomes deeper. This paper proposes a novel Optimized Filter Size CNN (OFS-CNN), where the filter sizes and weights of all convolutional layers are learned simultaneously from the training data along with learning convolution filters. Specifically, the filter size is defined as a continuous variable, which is optimized by minimizing the training loss. Experimental results on two AU-coded spontaneous databases have shown that the proposed OFS-CNN is capable of estimating optimal filter size for varying image resolution and outperforms traditional CNNs with the best filter size obtained by exhaustive search. The OFS-CNN also beats the CNN using multiple filter sizes and more importantly, is much more efficient during testing with the proposed forward-backward propagation algorithm
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