53 research outputs found

    Topic Independent Identification of Agreement and Disagreement in Social Media Dialogue

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    Research on the structure of dialogue has been hampered for years because large dialogue corpora have not been available. This has impacted the dialogue research community's ability to develop better theories, as well as good off the shelf tools for dialogue processing. Happily, an increasing amount of information and opinion exchange occur in natural dialogue in online forums, where people share their opinions about a vast range of topics. In particular we are interested in rejection in dialogue, also called disagreement and denial, where the size of available dialogue corpora, for the first time, offers an opportunity to empirically test theoretical accounts of the expression and inference of rejection in dialogue. In this paper, we test whether topic-independent features motivated by theoretical predictions can be used to recognize rejection in online forums in a topic independent way. Our results show that our theoretically motivated features achieve 66% accuracy, an improvement over a unigram baseline of an absolute 6%.Comment: @inproceedings{Misra2013TopicII, title={Topic Independent Identification of Agreement and Disagreement in Social Media Dialogue}, author={Amita Misra and Marilyn A. Walker}, booktitle={SIGDIAL Conference}, year={2013}

    A Survey on Sentiment Mining

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    In past days before putting money into any product people used to ask judgment to their family, friend circle and colleagues and then they take the decision. In today’s world there is a boom of World Wide Web, enormous amount of data is available on internet so while purchasing a product instead of asking to people customer take decisions by analyzing electronic text. As the growth of e-commerce crowds of people encouraged to write their opinion about numerous merchandise in the form of statements/comments on countless sites like facebook,flipkart,snapdeal,amazon,bloggres,twiter,etc.This comments are the sentiments about the services expressed by users and they are categorized into positive, negative and neutral. Different techniques are use for summarizing reviews like Information Retrieval, Text Mining Text Classification, Data Mining, and Text Summarizing. Countless people write their sentiments on plenty of sites. These comments are written in random order so it may cause trouble in usefulness of the information. If someone wants to find out the impact of the usability of any product then he has to manually read all the sentiments and then classify it, which is practically burdensome task. Sentiment mining is playing major role in data mining; it is also referred as sentiment analysis. This field helps to analyze and classify the opinion of users. In this paper we will discuss various techniques, applications and challenges face by the sentiment mining

    Toward a Corpus of Cantonese Verbal Comments and their Classification by Multi-dimensional Analysis

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    The information explosion in modern days across various media calls for effective opinion mining for timely digestion of public views and appropriate follow-up actions. Current studies on sentiment analysis have primarily focused on uncovering aspects like subjectivity, sentiment and credibility from written data, while spoken data are less addressed. This paper reports on our pilot work on constructing a corpus of Cantonese verbal comments and making use of multi-dimensional analysis to characterise different opinion types therein. Preliminary findings on the dimensions identified and their association with various communicative functions are presented, with an outlook on their potential application in subjectivity analysis and opinion classification.

    Classification of the Stance in Online Debates Using the Dependency Relations Feature

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    Online discussion forums offer Internet users a medium for discussions about current political debates. The debate is a system of claims regarding interactivity and representation. Users make claims in an online discussion with superior content to support their position. Factual accuracy and emotional appeal are critical attributes used to convince readers. A key challenge in debate forums is to identify the participants’ stance, each of which is inter-dependent and inter-connected. This research work aims to construct a classifier that takes the linguistic features of the posts as input and outputs predictions for the stance label of each post. Three types of features which include Lexical, Dependency, and Morphology are used to detect the stance of the posts. Lexical features such as cue words are employed as surface features, and deep features include dependency and morphology features. Multinomial Naïve Bayes classifier is used to build a model for classifying stance and the Chi-Square method is used to select the good feature set. The performance of the stance classification system is evaluated in terms of accuracy. The result of stance labels for this proposed research represents as for and against by analyzing the surface and deep features that capture the content of a post

    Sentiment Analysis over Online Product Reviews: A Survey

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    Prior to the invention of the internet while purchasing any product people used to ask the opinions to his family, friends for particular product. but now a days as the swift increase of usage of the internet, more users are motivated to write their feelings about particulars in the form of comments on different sites like Facebook, twitter, online shopping sites, blogs, etc. this comments are nothing but the sentiments of the users this may be positive, negative or neutral. There are various techniques used for summarizing the customer comments like Data mining, Text clssification, Retrieval of informtaion, and summarizing the text. People tend to write their reviews over a product over different sites. Most of the reviews are critical to conclude so it generates difficulty for usefulness of information. If anyone want to know the impact of the particular post/product then it becomes difficult to read all the comments and to classify it. Sentiment analysis is the ongoing research field in the data mining, Sentiment analysis is also referred as opinion mining. This field mainly deals with classifying the sentiments among different types of comments that are written by various users. This paper is about to discuss different techniques, challenges and applications related to sentiment analysis

    Stance or insults?

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