18 research outputs found

    Semantics-Aligned Representation Learning for Person Re-identification

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    Person re-identification (reID) aims to match person images to retrieve the ones with the same identity. This is a challenging task, as the images to be matched are generally semantically misaligned due to the diversity of human poses and capture viewpoints, incompleteness of the visible bodies (due to occlusion), etc. In this paper, we propose a framework that drives the reID network to learn semantics-aligned feature representation through delicate supervision designs. Specifically, we build a Semantics Aligning Network (SAN) which consists of a base network as encoder (SA-Enc) for re-ID, and a decoder (SA-Dec) for reconstructing/regressing the densely semantics aligned full texture image. We jointly train the SAN under the supervisions of person re-identification and aligned texture generation. Moreover, at the decoder, besides the reconstruction loss, we add Triplet ReID constraints over the feature maps as the perceptual losses. The decoder is discarded in the inference and thus our scheme is computationally efficient. Ablation studies demonstrate the effectiveness of our design. We achieve the state-of-the-art performances on the benchmark datasets CUHK03, Market1501, MSMT17, and the partial person reID dataset Partial REID. Code for our proposed method is available at: https://github.com/microsoft/Semantics-Aligned-Representation-Learning-for-Person-Re-identification.Comment: Thirty-Fourth AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI-20), code has been release

    Holistic Guidance for Occluded Person Re-Identification

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    In real-world video surveillance applications, person re-identification (ReID) suffers from the effects of occlusions and detection errors. Despite recent advances, occlusions continue to corrupt the features extracted by state-of-art CNN backbones, and thereby deteriorate the accuracy of ReID systems. To address this issue, methods in the literature use an additional costly process such as pose estimation, where pose maps provide supervision to exclude occluded regions. In contrast, we introduce a novel Holistic Guidance (HG) method that relies only on person identity labels, and on the distribution of pairwise matching distances of datasets to alleviate the problem of occlusion, without requiring additional supervision. Hence, our proposed student-teacher framework is trained to address the occlusion problem by matching the distributions of between- and within-class distances (DCDs) of occluded samples with that of holistic (non-occluded) samples, thereby using the latter as a soft labeled reference to learn well separated DCDs. This approach is supported by our empirical study where the distribution of between- and within-class distances between images have more overlap in occluded than holistic datasets. In particular, features extracted from both datasets are jointly learned using the student model to produce an attention map that allows separating visible regions from occluded ones. In addition to this, a joint generative-discriminative backbone is trained with a denoising autoencoder, allowing the system to self-recover from occlusions. Extensive experiments on several challenging public datasets indicate that the proposed approach can outperform state-of-the-art methods on both occluded and holistic datasetsComment: 10 page

    DROP: Decouple Re-Identification and Human Parsing with Task-specific Features for Occluded Person Re-identification

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    The paper introduces the Decouple Re-identificatiOn and human Parsing (DROP) method for occluded person re-identification (ReID). Unlike mainstream approaches using global features for simultaneous multi-task learning of ReID and human parsing, or relying on semantic information for attention guidance, DROP argues that the inferior performance of the former is due to distinct granularity requirements for ReID and human parsing features. ReID focuses on instance part-level differences between pedestrian parts, while human parsing centers on semantic spatial context, reflecting the internal structure of the human body. To address this, DROP decouples features for ReID and human parsing, proposing detail-preserving upsampling to combine varying resolution feature maps. Parsing-specific features for human parsing are decoupled, and human position information is exclusively added to the human parsing branch. In the ReID branch, a part-aware compactness loss is introduced to enhance instance-level part differences. Experimental results highlight the efficacy of DROP, especially achieving a Rank-1 accuracy of 76.8% on Occluded-Duke, surpassing two mainstream methods. The codebase is accessible at https://github.com/shuguang-52/DROP