222 research outputs found

    Graphs with Plane Outside-Obstacle Representations

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    An \emph{obstacle representation} of a graph consists of a set of polygonal obstacles and a distinct point for each vertex such that two points see each other if and only if the corresponding vertices are adjacent. Obstacle representations are a recent generalization of classical polygon--vertex visibility graphs, for which the characterization and recognition problems are long-standing open questions. In this paper, we study \emph{plane outside-obstacle representations}, where all obstacles lie in the unbounded face of the representation and no two visibility segments cross. We give a combinatorial characterization of the biconnected graphs that admit such a representation. Based on this characterization, we present a simple linear-time recognition algorithm for these graphs. As a side result, we show that the plane vertex--polygon visibility graphs are exactly the maximal outerplanar graphs and that every chordal outerplanar graph has an outside-obstacle representation.Comment: 12 pages, 7 figure

    Space-Efficient Biconnected Components and Recognition of Outerplanar Graphs

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    We present space-efficient algorithms for computing cut vertices in a given graph with nn vertices and mm edges in linear time using O(n+min{m,nloglogn})O(n+\min\{m,n\log \log n\}) bits. With the same time and using O(n+m)O(n+m) bits, we can compute the biconnected components of a graph. We use this result to show an algorithm for the recognition of (maximal) outerplanar graphs in O(nloglogn)O(n\log \log n) time using O(n)O(n) bits

    Recognizing Weighted Disk Contact Graphs

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    Disk contact representations realize graphs by mapping vertices bijectively to interior-disjoint disks in the plane such that two disks touch each other if and only if the corresponding vertices are adjacent in the graph. Deciding whether a vertex-weighted planar graph can be realized such that the disks' radii coincide with the vertex weights is known to be NP-hard. In this work, we reduce the gap between hardness and tractability by analyzing the problem for special graph classes. We show that it remains NP-hard for outerplanar graphs with unit weights and for stars with arbitrary weights, strengthening the previous hardness results. On the positive side, we present constructive linear-time recognition algorithms for caterpillars with unit weights and for embedded stars with arbitrary weights.Comment: 24 pages, 21 figures, extended version of a paper to appear at the International Symposium on Graph Drawing and Network Visualization (GD) 201

    Algorithms for outerplanar graph roots and graph roots of pathwidth at most 2

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    Deciding whether a given graph has a square root is a classical problem that has been studied extensively both from graph theoretic and from algorithmic perspectives. The problem is NP-complete in general, and consequently substantial effort has been dedicated to deciding whether a given graph has a square root that belongs to a particular graph class. There are both polynomial-time solvable and NP-complete cases, depending on the graph class. We contribute with new results in this direction. Given an arbitrary input graph G, we give polynomial-time algorithms to decide whether G has an outerplanar square root, and whether G has a square root that is of pathwidth at most 2

    Crossing Minimization for 1-page and 2-page Drawings of Graphs with Bounded Treewidth

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    We investigate crossing minimization for 1-page and 2-page book drawings. We show that computing the 1-page crossing number is fixed-parameter tractable with respect to the number of crossings, that testing 2-page planarity is fixed-parameter tractable with respect to treewidth, and that computing the 2-page crossing number is fixed-parameter tractable with respect to the sum of the number of crossings and the treewidth of the input graph. We prove these results via Courcelle's theorem on the fixed-parameter tractability of properties expressible in monadic second order logic for graphs of bounded treewidth.Comment: Graph Drawing 201

    The edge chromatic number of outer-1-planar graphs

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    A graph is outer-1-planar if it can be drawn in the plane so that all vertices are on the outer face and each edge is crossed at most once. In this paper, we completely determine the edge chromatic number of outer 1-planar graphs

    A characterization of horizontal visibility graphs and combinatorics on words

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    An Horizontal Visibility Graph (for short, HVG) is defined in association with an ordered set of non-negative reals. HVGs realize a methodology in the analysis of time series, their degree distribution being a good discriminator between randomness and chaos [B. Luque, et al., Phys. Rev. E 80 (2009), 046103]. We prove that a graph is an HVG if and only if outerplanar and has a Hamilton path. Therefore, an HVG is a noncrossing graph, as defined in algebraic combinatorics [P. Flajolet and M. Noy, Discrete Math., 204 (1999) 203-229]. Our characterization of HVGs implies a linear time recognition algorithm. Treating ordered sets as words, we characterize subfamilies of HVGs highlighting various connections with combinatorial statistics and introducing the notion of a visible pair. With this technique we determine asymptotically the average number of edges of HVGs.Comment: 6 page

    Polynomial Time Algorithm for Min-Ranks of Graphs with Simple Tree Structures

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    The min-rank of a graph was introduced by Haemers (1978) to bound the Shannon capacity of a graph. This parameter of a graph has recently gained much more attention from the research community after the work of Bar-Yossef et al. (2006). In their paper, it was shown that the min-rank of a graph G characterizes the optimal scalar linear solution of an instance of the Index Coding with Side Information (ICSI) problem described by the graph G. It was shown by Peeters (1996) that computing the min-rank of a general graph is an NP-hard problem. There are very few known families of graphs whose min-ranks can be found in polynomial time. In this work, we introduce a new family of graphs with efficiently computed min-ranks. Specifically, we establish a polynomial time dynamic programming algorithm to compute the min-ranks of graphs having simple tree structures. Intuitively, such graphs are obtained by gluing together, in a tree-like structure, any set of graphs for which the min-ranks can be determined in polynomial time. A polynomial time algorithm to recognize such graphs is also proposed.Comment: Accepted by Algorithmica, 30 page