2 research outputs found

    Simulation-Based and Data-Driven Approaches to Industrial Digital Twinning Towards Autonomous Smart Manufacturing Systems

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    A manufacturing paradigm shift from conventional control pyramids to decentralized, service-oriented, and cyber-physical systems (CPSs) is taking place in today’s Industry 4.0 revolution. Generally accepted roles and implementation recipes of cyber systems are expected to be standardized in the future of manufacturing industry. Developing affordable and customizable cyber-physical production system (CPPS) and digital twin implementations infuses new vitality for current Industry 4.0 and Smart Manufacturing initiatives. Specially, Smart Manufacturing systems are currently looking for methods to connect factories to control processes in a more dynamic and open environment by filling the gaps between virtual and physical systems. The work presented in this dissertation first utilizes industrial digital transformation methods for the automation of robotic manufacturing systems, constructing a simulation-based surrogate system as a digital twin to visually represent manufacturing cells, accurately simulate robot behaviors, promptly predict system faults and adaptively control manipulated variables. Then, a CPS-enabled control architecture is presented that accommodates: intelligent information systems involving domain knowledge, empirical model, and simulation; fast and secured industrial communication networks; cognitive automation by rapid signal analytics and machine learning (ML) based feature extraction; and interoperability between machine and human. A successful semantic integration of process indicators is fundamental to future control autonomy. Hence, a product-centered signature mapping approach to automated digital twinning is further presented featuring a hybrid implementation of smart sensing, signature-based 3D shape feature extractor, and knowledge taxonomy. Furthermore, capabilities of members in the family of Deep Reinforcement Learning (DRL) are explored within the context of manufacturing operational control intelligence. Preliminary training results are presented in this work as a trial to incorporate DRL-based Artificial Intelligence (AI) to industrial control processes. The results of this dissertation demonstrate a digital thread of autonomous Smart Manufacturing lifecycle that enables complex signal processing, semantic integration, automatic derivation of manufacturing strategies, intelligent scheduling of operations and virtual verification at a system level. The successful integration of currently available industrial platforms not only provides facile environments for process verification and optimization, but also facilitates derived strategies to be readily deployable to physical shop floor. The dissertation finishes with summary, conclusions, and suggestions for further work

    Geometry And Topology: Building Machine Learning Surrogate Models With Graphic Statics Method

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    This dissertation aims at developing a machine learning workflow in solving design-related problems, taking a data-driven structural design method with topological data using graphic statics as an example. It shows the advantages of building machine learning surrogate models for learning the design topology -- the relationship of design elements. It reveals a future tendency of the coexistence of the human designer and the machine, in which the machine learns the appearance and correlation between design data, while the human supervises the learning process. Theoretically, with the commencement of the age of Big Data and Artificial Intelligence, the usage of machine learning in solving design problems is widely applied. The existing research mainly focuses on the machine learning of the geometric data, however, the internal logic of a design is represented as the topology, which describes the relationship between each design element. The topology can not be easily represented for the human designer to understand, however it\u27s readable and understandable by the machine, which suggests a method of using machine learning techniques to learn the intrinsic logic of a design as the topology. Technically, we propose to use machine learning as a framework and graphic statics as a supporting method to provide training data, suggesting a new design methodology by the machine learning of the topology. Different from previous geometry-based design, in which only the design geometry is presented and considered, in this new topology-based design, the human designer employs the machine and provides training materials showing the topology of a design to train the machine. The machine finds the design rules related to the topology and applies the trained machine learning models to generate new design cases as both the geometry and the topology