164 research outputs found

    Manifold interpolation and model reduction

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    One approach to parametric and adaptive model reduction is via the interpolation of orthogonal bases, subspaces or positive definite system matrices. In all these cases, the sampled inputs stem from matrix sets that feature a geometric structure and thus form so-called matrix manifolds. This work will be featured as a chapter in the upcoming Handbook on Model Order Reduction (P. Benner, S. Grivet-Talocia, A. Quarteroni, G. Rozza, W.H.A. Schilders, L.M. Silveira, eds, to appear on DE GRUYTER) and reviews the numerical treatment of the most important matrix manifolds that arise in the context of model reduction. Moreover, the principal approaches to data interpolation and Taylor-like extrapolation on matrix manifolds are outlined and complemented by algorithms in pseudo-code.Comment: 37 pages, 4 figures, featured chapter of upcoming "Handbook on Model Order Reduction

    Simultaneous Codeword Optimization (SimCO) for Dictionary Update and Learning

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    We consider the data-driven dictionary learning problem. The goal is to seek an over-complete dictionary from which every training signal can be best approximated by a linear combination of only a few codewords. This task is often achieved by iteratively executing two operations: sparse coding and dictionary update. In the literature, there are two benchmark mechanisms to update a dictionary. The first approach, such as the MOD algorithm, is characterized by searching for the optimal codewords while fixing the sparse coefficients. In the second approach, represented by the K-SVD method, one codeword and the related sparse coefficients are simultaneously updated while all other codewords and coefficients remain unchanged. We propose a novel framework that generalizes the aforementioned two methods. The unique feature of our approach is that one can update an arbitrary set of codewords and the corresponding sparse coefficients simultaneously: when sparse coefficients are fixed, the underlying optimization problem is similar to that in the MOD algorithm; when only one codeword is selected for update, it can be proved that the proposed algorithm is equivalent to the K-SVD method; and more importantly, our method allows us to update all codewords and all sparse coefficients simultaneously, hence the term simultaneous codeword optimization (SimCO). Under the proposed framework, we design two algorithms, namely, primitive and regularized SimCO. We implement these two algorithms based on a simple gradient descent mechanism. Simulations are provided to demonstrate the performance of the proposed algorithms, as compared with two baseline algorithms MOD and K-SVD. Results show that regularized SimCO is particularly appealing in terms of both learning performance and running speed.Comment: 13 page

    Learning Robust and Discriminative Manifold Representations for Pattern Recognition

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    Face and object recognition find applications in domains such as biometrics, surveillance and human computer interaction. An important component in any recognition pipeline is to learn pertinent image representations that will help the system to discriminate one image class from another. These representations enable the system to learn a discriminative function that can classify a wide range of images. In practical situations, the images acquired are often corrupted with occlusions and noise. Thus, a robust and discriminative learning is necessary for good classification performance. This thesis explores two scenarios where robust and discriminative manifold representations help recognize face and object images. On one hand learning robust manifold projections enables the system to adapt to images across different domains including cases with noise and occlusions. And on the other hand learning discriminative manifold representations aid in image set comparison. The first contribution of this thesis is a robust approach to visual domain adaptation by learning a subspace with L1 principal component analysis (PCA) and L1 Grassmannian with applications to object and face recognition. Mapping data from different domains on a low dimensional subspace through PCA is a common step in subspace based unsupervised domain adaptation. Subspaces extracted by PCA are prone to be affected by outliers that lead to noisy projections. A robust subspace learning through L1-PCA helps in improving performance. The proposed approach was tested on the office, Caltech - 256, Yale-A and AT&T datasets. Results indicate the improvement of classification accuracy for face and object recognition task. The second contribution of this thesis is a biologically motivated manifold learning framework for image set classification by independent component analysis (ICA) for Grassmann manifolds. It has been discovered that the simple cells in the visual cortex learn spatially localized image representations. Similar representations can be learnt using ICA. Motivated by the manifold hypothesis, a Grassmann manifold is learnt using the independent components which enables compact representation through linear subspaces. The efficacy of the proposed approach is demonstrated for image set classification on face and object recognition datasets such as AT&T, extended Yale, labelled faces in the wild and ETH - 80

    Multivariate Regression on the Grassmannian for Predicting Novel Domains

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    This work was supported by EPSRC (EP/L023385/1), and the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation program under grant agreement No 640891

    Activity Representation from Video Using Statistical Models on Shape Manifolds

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    Activity recognition from video data is a key computer vision problem with applications in surveillance, elderly care, etc. This problem is associated with modeling a representative shape which contains significant information about the underlying activity. In this dissertation, we represent several approaches for view-invariant activity recognition via modeling shapes on various shape spaces and Riemannian manifolds. The first two parts of this dissertation deal with activity modeling and recognition using tracks of landmark feature points. The motion trajectories of points extracted from objects involved in the activity are used to build deformation shape models for each activity, and these models are used for classification and detection of unusual activities. In the first part of the dissertation, these models are represented by the recovered 3D deformation basis shapes corresponding to the activity using a non-rigid structure from motion formulation. We use a theory for estimating the amount of deformation for these models from the visual data. We study the special case of ground plane activities in detail because of its importance in video surveillance applications. In the second part of the dissertation, we propose to model the activity by learning an affine invariant deformation subspace representation that captures the space of possible body poses associated with the activity. These subspaces can be viewed as points on a Grassmann manifold. We propose several statistical classification models on Grassmann manifold that capture the statistical variations of the shape data while following the intrinsic Riemannian geometry of these manifolds. The last part of this dissertation addresses the problem of recognizing human gestures from silhouette images. We represent a human gesture as a temporal sequence of human poses, each characterized by a contour of the associated human silhouette. The shape of a contour is viewed as a point on the shape space of closed curves and, hence, each gesture is characterized and modeled as a trajectory on this shape space. We utilize the Riemannian geometry of this space to propose a template-based and a graphical-based approaches for modeling these trajectories. The two models are designed in such a way to account for the different invariance requirements in gesture recognition, and also capture the statistical variations associated with the contour data

    Recent advances in directional statistics

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    Mainstream statistical methodology is generally applicable to data observed in Euclidean space. There are, however, numerous contexts of considerable scientific interest in which the natural supports for the data under consideration are Riemannian manifolds like the unit circle, torus, sphere and their extensions. Typically, such data can be represented using one or more directions, and directional statistics is the branch of statistics that deals with their analysis. In this paper we provide a review of the many recent developments in the field since the publication of Mardia and Jupp (1999), still the most comprehensive text on directional statistics. Many of those developments have been stimulated by interesting applications in fields as diverse as astronomy, medicine, genetics, neurology, aeronautics, acoustics, image analysis, text mining, environmetrics, and machine learning. We begin by considering developments for the exploratory analysis of directional data before progressing to distributional models, general approaches to inference, hypothesis testing, regression, nonparametric curve estimation, methods for dimension reduction, classification and clustering, and the modelling of time series, spatial and spatio-temporal data. An overview of currently available software for analysing directional data is also provided, and potential future developments discussed.Comment: 61 page

    Accurate 3D Action Recognition using Learning on the Grassmann Manifold

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    International audienceIn this paper we address the problem of modelling and analyzing human motion by focusing on 3D body skeletons. Particularly, our intent is to represent skeletal motion in a geometric and efficient way, leading to an accurate action-recognition system. Here an action is represented by a dynamical system whose observability matrix is characterized as an element of a Grassmann manifold. To formulate our learning algorithm, we propose two distinct ideas: (1) In the first one we perform classification using a Truncated Wrapped Gaussian model, one for each class in its own tangent space. (2) In the second one we propose a novel learning algorithm that uses a vector representation formed by concatenating local coordinates in tangent spaces associated with different classes and training a linear SVM. %\cite{Turaga:2011:PAMI:ActionOnGrassman} We evaluate our approaches on three public 3D action datasets: MSR-action 3D, UT-kinect and UCF-kinect datasets; these datasets represent different kinds of challenges and together help provide an exhaustive evaluation. The results show that our approaches either match or exceed state-of-the-art performance reaching 91.21\% on MSR-action 3D, 97.91\% on UCF-kinect, and 88.5\% on UT-kinect. Finally, we evaluate the latency, i.e. the ability to recognize an action before its termination, of our approach and demonstrate improvements relative to other published approaches

    Grassmann Learning for Recognition and Classification

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    Computational performance associated with high-dimensional data is a common challenge for real-world classification and recognition systems. Subspace learning has received considerable attention as a means of finding an efficient low-dimensional representation that leads to better classification and efficient processing. A Grassmann manifold is a space that promotes smooth surfaces, where points represent subspaces and the relationship between points is defined by a mapping of an orthogonal matrix. Grassmann learning involves embedding high dimensional subspaces and kernelizing the embedding onto a projection space where distance computations can be effectively performed. In this dissertation, Grassmann learning and its benefits towards action classification and face recognition in terms of accuracy and performance are investigated and evaluated. Grassmannian Sparse Representation (GSR) and Grassmannian Spectral Regression (GRASP) are proposed as Grassmann inspired subspace learning algorithms. GSR is a novel subspace learning algorithm that combines the benefits of Grassmann manifolds with sparse representations using least squares loss §¤1-norm minimization for improved classification. GRASP is a novel subspace learning algorithm that leverages the benefits of Grassmann manifolds and Spectral Regression in a framework that supports high discrimination between classes and achieves computational benefits by using manifold modeling and avoiding eigen-decomposition. The effectiveness of GSR and GRASP is demonstrated for computationally intensive classification problems: (a) multi-view action classification using the IXMAS Multi-View dataset, the i3DPost Multi-View dataset, and the WVU Multi-View dataset, (b) 3D action classification using the MSRAction3D dataset and MSRGesture3D dataset, and (c) face recognition using the ATT Face Database, Labeled Faces in the Wild (LFW), and the Extended Yale Face Database B (YALE). Additional contributions include the definition of Motion History Surfaces (MHS) and Motion Depth Surfaces (MDS) as descriptors suitable for activity representations in video sequences and 3D depth sequences. An in-depth analysis of Grassmann metrics is applied on high dimensional data with different levels of noise and data distributions which reveals that standardized Grassmann kernels are favorable over geodesic metrics on a Grassmann manifold. Finally, an extensive performance analysis is made that supports Grassmann subspace learning as an effective approach for classification and recognition