2 research outputs found

    Метод підвищення безпеки та масштабування VPLS мереж

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    Метою даної роботи є створення архітектури для забезпечення безпеки при масштабованості VPLS мереж.The method of this work is to create an architecture to ensure security at the scalability of the VPLS network

    Recent Directions in Virtual Private Network Solutions

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    VPN services has been around for decades but it did not get wide-spread usage until recently. A combination of new VPN technologies, network technologies and business communication requirements are the driving force behind the VPN services. This survey gives an overview of the recent approaches of VPN solutions and compare their scalability and flexibility aspects. The survey also categorises VPN solutions and relates them to potential customer segments with a view to provide a better understanding of the trade-offs that a network provider faces