100 research outputs found

    A Versatile workbench simulator: Five-phase inverter and PMa-SynRM performance evaluation

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    © 2019 IEEE. Personal use of this material is permitted. Permission from IEEE must be obtained for all other uses, in any current or future media, including reprinting/republishing this material for advertising or promotional purposes,creating new collective works, for resale or redistribution to servers or lists, or reuse of any copyrighted component of this work in other works.Thispaperpresents the design and structure of aversatileworkbench simulator forevaluating the performance of a five-phase inverter andPermanent Magnet assisted Synchronous Reluctance Motor(PMa-SynRM). The simulatorallows for adding variations tothe modulationtechniques, changingthe inverter structure’s semiconductordevice, and calculatingtheinverter’spower losses. Itcanalso facilitate observingthe current, voltage,andthe jointtemperature ofthe semiconductors devices. Furthermore,wecanobtain a perform that is close to anactualPMa-SynRM, dependingon the desired conditionsof speed and torque. The workbench simulator wasdevelopedby combining three software: Matlab/Simulink, PLECSand Altair Flux.Postprint (author's final draft

    A comprehensive analysis of SVPWM for a Five-phase VSI based on SiC devices applied to motor drives

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    © 2019 IEEE. Personal use of this material is permitted. Permission from IEEE must be obtained for all other uses, in any current or future media, including reprinting/republishing this material for advertising or promotional purposes,creating new collective works, for resale or redistribution to servers or lists, or reuse of any copyrighted component of this work in other works.This paper presents a comprehensive analysis of SVPWM for a five-phase VSI based on SiC devices applied to motor drives. The modulation techniques analyzed use medium and large vectors to reach the reference vector. The 2L SVPWM uses two large space vectors, and the generated output signal contain low frequency harmonics. 2L+2M SVPWM uses two large and two medium space vectors. This technique provides good power loss distribution. 4L SVPWM works with the activation of four large space vectors. This modulation is able to generate low common-mode voltage. The performance and main features are analyzed using Matlab/Simulink and PLECS blockset software. Power losses, total harmonic distortion and common-mode voltage are compared and evaluated.Postprint (author's final draft

    Modeling and analysis of dual three-phase self-excited induction generator

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    Multiphase self-excited induction generators have recently become more interesting due to its advantages compared to its equivalent three-phase generator. However, as an induction generator, it has some disadvantages regarding poor voltage and frequency regulation under varying load and speed regimes. A steady state analysis is fundamental to comprehend the machine’s behavior. This paper presents a detailed mathematical model and analysis of the dual three-phase self-excited induction generator. Simulation results are provided to show the behavior of the machine is build up voltage through different conditions, such as, variation of the excitation capacitance and variation of the mechanical rotor speed. For a more precise modeling, it is considered a non-linear variation of the magnetizing inductance.CONACYT – Consejo Nacional de Ciencia y TecnologíaPROCIENCI

    Multiphase quad-inverter system with feedforward synchronous PWM and nonlinear voltage regulation

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    Abstract: This manuscript presents modified scheme of synchronous space-vector modulation allowing providing nonlinear dependences between the fundamental voltage and fundamental frequency of dual three-phase open-winding ac drive with four modulated inverters. Behavior of the system with six control modes (characterized by different dc-voltages and switching frequencies of inverters) and two nonlinear Voltage/Frequency ratios has been analyzed and simulated by the means of MATLAB-software

    Modeling and analysis of dual three-phase self-excited induction generator for wind energy conversion systems

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    This paper presents a detailed mathematical model and analysis of the dual three-phase self-excited induction generator for wind energy conversion systems connected to different loads. Simulation results are provided to show the behavior of the machine and its build up voltage through different conditions.CONACYT – Consejo Nacional de Ciencia y Tecnologí

    Разработка системы релейно-векторного управления для многофазного полупроводникового преобразователя электрической энергии

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    A system of relay-vector control of current in the circuit of a polyphase electric machine has been developed. For this, on the basis of the analysis of electromagnetic processes in a multiphase semiconductor converter of electrical energy, its discrete mathematical model was created, which takes into account the redistribution of electromagnetic energy by individual spatial harmonic components, depending on the number of phases. Using this mathematical model, a method for relay control of spatial harmonic components of the input current of the converter in the “tube” has been developed. The formation of polyharmonic currents in each of the phases, conjugated in shape and phase with the voltage supplying the converter at each control period, is carried out by means of the optimal voltage vector of the semiconductor switch. To select the optimal control action, the objective function of the minimum deviation of the projections of the base voltage vectors of the semiconductor switch for the j-th combination of the state of the keys from the calculated control action determined by the mathematical model is used. An objective function of this type allows one to take into account different values of the amplitudes of the base voltage vectors of the semiconductor switch in the transformed orthogonal coordinate systems. In this case, there is no need to predict changes in the instantaneous values of the input current for one or two periods ahead, which is ensured by a decrease in the number of iterations to determine the optimal control action. To check the developed provisions, a simulation model of a nine-phase semiconductor converter of electrical energy with a relay vector control system was created. The results of the study of the model confirmed the adequacy of the developed technical solutions, the use of which will ensure the most complete realization of the own advantages of a multiphase electric machine in order to generally improve the weight, size and energy indicators of the autonomous power supply system.Разработана система релейно-векторного управления током в цепи многофазной электрической машины. Для этого на основе проведенного анализа электромагнитных процессов в многофазном полупроводниковом преобразователе электрической энергии создана его дискретная математическая модель, которая учитывает перераспределение электромагнитной энергии по отдельным пространственным гармоническим составляющим в зависимости от числа фаз. С использованием данной математической модели разработан способ релейного управления пространственными гармоническими составляющими входного тока преобразователя в «трубке». Формирование в каждой из фаз полигармонических токов, сопряженных по форме и фазе с питающим преобразователь напряжением на каждом периоде управления, осуществляется посредством оптимального вектора напряжения полупроводникового коммутатора. Для выбора оптимального управляющего воздействия используется целевая функция минимума отклонения проекций базовых векторов напряжения полупроводникового коммутатора при j-й комбинации состояния ключей от расчетного управляющего воздействия, определенного посредством математической модели. Целевая функция такого вида позволяет учесть различные значения амплитуд базовых векторов напряжения полупроводникового коммутатора в преобразованных ортогональных системах координат. При этом отсутствует необходимость прогнозирования изменения мгновенных значений входного тока на один или два периода вперед, что обеспечено уменьшением количества итераций для определения оптимального управляющего воздействия. Для проверки разработанных положений создана имитационная модель девятифазного полупроводникового преобразователя электрической энергии с системой релейно-векторного управления. Результаты исследования модели подтвердили адекватность разработанных технических решений, применение которых позволит обеспечить наиболее полную реализацию собственных преимуществ многофазной электрической машины в целях общего улучшения массогабаритных и энергетических показателей автономной системы электроснабжения

    Speed sensorless predictive current control of a five-phase induction machine

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    In power electronics, multiphase machines have been recently proposed, where most sensorless algorithms applied to electrical drives are represented through a mathematical representation of the physical system which includes the electrical and mechanical parameters of the motor. However, in electrical drive applications, the rotor current cannot be measured, so it must be estimated. This paper deals with the speed sensorless control of five-phase induction machines by using an inner loop of model-based predictive control (MPC). The MPC is obtained from the mathematical model of the machine, using a state-space representation where the two state variables are the stator and rotor currents, respectively. The rotor current is estimated using a reduced order optimal estimator based on a Kalman filter. Simulation results are provided to show the efficiency of the proposed sensorless speed control algorithm.CONACYT – Consejo Nacional de Ciencia y TecnologíaPROCIENCI

    Nonlinear backstepping with time delay estimation for six-phase induction machine

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    In this paper, a robust nonlinear stator currents controller based on a known nonlinear technique is proposed for a six-phase induction machine. First of all, a proportional-integral regulator is used in an outer loop to control the speed. Secondly, the inner loop based on a nonlinear method that combines the nonlinear backstepping control scheme with the time delay estimation consists of controlling the stator currents. The chosen time delay estimation method can approximate the unmeasurable rotor current while the nonlinear backstepping can achieve good tracking performances. The stability analysis of the current closed-loop error dynamics is provided based on a recursive Lyapunov function. Numerical simulations have been conducted to demonstrate the efficiency and the performance of the developed nonlinear control method for the asymmetrical six-phase induction machine.CONACYT – Consejo Nacional de Ciencia y TecnologíaPROCIENCI

    Speed control of a five-phase induction motor drive using modified super-twisting algorithm

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    The present work proposes an alternative for the inner current control based on the modified super-twisting algorithm with time delay estimation. Simulation results were carried out to verify the performance of the proposed robust control strategy for a five-phase induction motor drive. A stability analysis is also presented.CONACYT – Consejo Nacional de Ciencia y TecnologíaPROCIENCI

    Predictive control at fixed switching frequency for a dual three-phase induction machine with kalman filter-based rotor estimator

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    Classic finite-set model predictive control techniques are distinguished by a variable switching frequency which causes noise, large voltage and current ripple. This paper presents an enhanced predictive current control technique with fixed switching frequency applied to the six-phase drives and a Kalman Filter estimator. Simulation results are provided to show the efficiency of the current control algorithm using the mean square error and total harmonic distortion as a figures of merit, thus concluding that the system can work properly with this enhanced technique.CONACYT – Consejo Nacional de Ciencia y TecnologíaPROCIENCI