54 research outputs found

    Robust Online Convex Optimization in the Presence of Outliers

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    We consider online convex optimization when a number k of data points are outliers that may be corrupted. We model this by introducing the notion of robust regret, which measures the regret only on rounds that are not outliers. The aim for the learner is to achieve small robust regret, without knowing where the outliers are. If the outliers are chosen adversarially, we show that a simple filtering strategy on extreme gradients incurs O(k) additive overhead compared to the usual regret bounds, and that this is unimprovable, which means that k needs to be sublinear in the number of rounds. We further ask which additional assumptions would allow for a linear number of outliers. It turns out that the usual benign cases of independently, identically distributed (i.i.d.) observations or strongly convex losses are not sufficient. However, combining i.i.d. observations with the assumption that outliers are those observations that are in an extreme quantile of the distribution, does lead to sublinear robust regret, even though the expected number of outliers is linear

    All-In-One Robust Estimator of the Gaussian Mean

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    The goal of this paper is to show that a single robust estimator of the mean of a multivariate Gaussian distribution can enjoy five desirable properties. First, it is computationally tractable in the sense that it can be computed in a time which is at most polynomial in dimension, sample size and the logarithm of the inverse of the contamination rate. Second, it is equivariant by translations, uniform scaling and orthogonal transformations. Third, it has a high breakdown point equal to 0.50.5, and a nearly-minimax-rate-breakdown point approximately equal to 0.280.28. Fourth, it is minimax rate optimal, up to a logarithmic factor, when data consists of independent observations corrupted by adversarially chosen outliers. Fifth, it is asymptotically efficient when the rate of contamination tends to zero. The estimator is obtained by an iterative reweighting approach. Each sample point is assigned a weight that is iteratively updated by solving a convex optimization problem. We also establish a dimension-free non-asymptotic risk bound for the expected error of the proposed estimator. It is the first result of this kind in the literature and involves only the effective rank of the covariance matrix. Finally, we show that the obtained results can be extended to sub-Gaussian distributions, as well as to the cases of unknown rate of contamination or unknown covariance matrix.Comment: 41 pages, 5 figures; added sub-Gaussian case with unknown Sigma or ep

    The Geometric Median and Applications to Robust Mean Estimation

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    This paper is devoted to the statistical and numerical properties of the geometric median, and its applications to the problem of robust mean estimation via the median of means principle. Our main theoretical results include (a) an upper bound for the distance between the mean and the median for general absolutely continuous distributions in R^d, and examples of specific classes of distributions for which these bounds do not depend on the ambient dimension dd; (b) exponential deviation inequalities for the distance between the sample and the population versions of the geometric median, which again depend only on the trace-type quantities and not on the ambient dimension. As a corollary, we deduce improved bounds for the (geometric) median of means estimator that hold for large classes of heavy-tailed distributions. Finally, we address the error of numerical approximation, which is an important practical aspect of any statistical estimation procedure. We demonstrate that the objective function minimized by the geometric median satisfies a "local quadratic growth" condition that allows one to translate suboptimality bounds for the objective function to the corresponding bounds for the numerical approximation to the median itself. As a corollary, we propose a simple stopping rule (applicable to any optimization method) which yields explicit error guarantees. We conclude with the numerical experiments including the application to estimation of mean values of log-returns for S&P 500 data.Comment: 28 pages, 2 figure
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