25 research outputs found

    Exploring the Spatiotemporal Features of Online Food Recommendation Service

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    Online Food Recommendation Service (OFRS) has remarkable spatiotemporal characteristics and the advantage of being able to conveniently satisfy users' needs in a timely manner. There have been a variety of studies that have begun to explore its spatiotemporal properties, but a comprehensive and in-depth analysis of the OFRS spatiotemporal features is yet to be conducted. Therefore, this paper studies the OFRS based on three questions: how spatiotemporal features play a role; why self-attention cannot be used to model the spatiotemporal sequences of OFRS; and how to combine spatiotemporal features to improve the efficiency of OFRS. Firstly, through experimental analysis, we systemically extracted the spatiotemporal features of OFRS, identified the most valuable features and designed an effective combination method. Secondly, we conducted a detailed analysis of the spatiotemporal sequences, which revealed the shortcomings of self-attention in OFRS, and proposed a more optimized spatiotemporal sequence method for replacing self-attention. In addition, we also designed a Dynamic Context Adaptation Model to further improve the efficiency and performance of OFRS. Through the offline experiments on two large datasets and online experiments for a week, the feasibility and superiority of our model were proven.Comment: accepted by SIGIR 202

    Improved recommendation of photo-taking locations using virtual ratings

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    We consider the task of collaborative recommendation of photo-taking locations. We use datasets of geotagged photos. We map their locations to a location grid using a geohashing algorithm, resulting in a user x location implicit feedback matrix. Our improvements relative to previous work are twofold. First, we create virtual ratings by spreading users' preferences to neighbouring grid locations. This makes the assumption that users have some preference for locations close to the ones in which they take their photos. These virtual ratings help overcome the discrete nature of the geohashing. Second, we normalize the implicit frequency-based ratings to a 1-5 scale using a method that has been found to be useful in music recommendation algorithms. We demonstrate the advantages of our approach with new experiments that show large increases in hit rate and related metrics

    Bert4CMR: Cross-Market Recommendation with Bidirectional Encoder Representations from Transformer

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    Real-world multinational e-commerce companies, such as Amazon and eBay, serve in multiple countries and regions. Obviously, these markets have similar goods but different users. Some markets are data-scarce, while others are data-rich. In recent years, cross-market recommendation (CMR) has been proposed to enhance data-scarce markets by leveraging auxiliary information from data-rich markets. Previous works fine-tune the pre-trained model on the local market after freezing part of the parameters or introducing inter-market similarity into the local market to improve the performance of CMR. However, they generally do not consider eliminating the mutual interference between markets. Therefore, the existing methods are neither unable to learn unbiased general knowledge nor efficient transfer reusable information across markets. In this paper, we propose a novel attention-based model called Bert4CMR to simultaneously improve all markets' recommendation performance. Specifically, we employ the attention mechanism to capture user interests by modelling user behavioural sequences. We pre-train the proposed model on global data to learn the general knowledge of items. Then we fine-tune specific target markets to perform local recommendations. We propose market embedding to model the bias of each market and reduce the mutual inference between the parallel markets. Extensive experiments conducted on seven markets show that our model is state-of-the-art. Our model outperforms the suboptimal model by 4.82%, 4.73%, 7.66% and 6.49% on average of seven datasets in terms of four metrics, respectively. We conduct ablation experiments to analyse the effectiveness of the proposed components. Experimental results indicate that our model is able to learn general knowledge through global data and shield the mutual interference between markets

    Graph Exploration Matters: Improving both individual-level and system-level diversity in WeChat Feed Recommender

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    There are roughly three stages in real industrial recommendation systems, candidates generation (retrieval), ranking and reranking. Individual-level diversity and system-level diversity are both important for industrial recommender systems. The former focus on each single user's experience, while the latter focus on the difference among users. Graph-based retrieval strategies are inevitably hijacked by heavy users and popular items, leading to the convergence of candidates for users and the lack of system-level diversity. Meanwhile, in the reranking phase, Determinantal Point Process (DPP) is deployed to increase individual-level diverisity. Heavily relying on the semantic information of items, DPP suffers from clickbait and inaccurate attributes. Besides, most studies only focus on one of the two levels of diversity, and ignore the mutual influence among different stages in real recommender systems. We argue that individual-level diversity and system-level diversity should be viewed as an integrated problem, and we provide an efficient and deployable solution for web-scale recommenders. Generally, we propose to employ the retrieval graph information in diversity-based reranking, by which to weaken the hidden similarity of items exposed to users, and consequently gain more graph explorations to improve the system-level diveristy. Besides, we argue that users' propensity for diversity changes over time in content feed recommendation. Therefore, with the explored graph, we also propose to capture the user's real-time personalized propensity to the diversity. We implement and deploy the combined system in WeChat App's Top Stories used by hundreds of millions of users. Offline simulations and online A/B tests show our solution can effectively improve both user engagement and system revenue