49 research outputs found

    Replication of recommender systems with impressions

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    Impressions are a novel data type in Recommender Systems containing the previously-exposed items, i.e., what was shown on-screen. Due to their novelty, the current literature lacks a characterization of impressions, and replications of previous experiments. Also, previous research works have mainly used impressions in industrial contexts or recommender systems competitions, such as the ACM RecSys Challenges. This work is part of an ongoing study about impressions in recommender systems. It presents an evaluation of impressions recommenders on current open datasets, comparing not only the recommendation quality of impressions recommenders against strong baselines, but also determining if previous progress claims can be replicated

    Weighted Random Walk Sampling for Multi-Relational Recommendation

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    In the information overloaded web, personalized recommender systems are essential tools to help users find most relevant information. The most heavily-used recommendation frameworks assume user interactions that are characterized by a single relation. However, for many tasks, such as recommendation in social networks, user-item interactions must be modeled as a complex network of multiple relations, not only a single relation. Recently research on multi-relational factorization and hybrid recommender models has shown that using extended meta-paths to capture additional information about both users and items in the network can enhance the accuracy of recommendations in such networks. Most of this work is focused on unweighted heterogeneous networks, and to apply these techniques, weighted relations must be simplified into binary ones. However, information associated with weighted edges, such as user ratings, which may be crucial for recommendation, are lost in such binarization. In this paper, we explore a random walk sampling method in which the frequency of edge sampling is a function of edge weight, and apply this generate extended meta-paths in weighted heterogeneous networks. With this sampling technique, we demonstrate improved performance on multiple data sets both in terms of recommendation accuracy and model generation efficiency

    Replication of collaborative filtering generative adversarial networks on recommender systems

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    CFGAN and its family of models (TagRec, MTPR, and CRGAN) learn to generate personalized and fake-but-realistic preferences for top-N recommendations by solely using previous interactions. The work discusses the impact of certain differences between the CFGAN framework and the model used in the original evaluation. The absence of random noise and the use of real user profiles as condition vectors leaves the generator prone to learn a degenerate solution in which the output vector is identical to the input vector, therefore, behaving essentially as a simple auto-encoder. This work further expands the experimental analysis comparing CFGAN against a selection of simple and well-known properly optimized baselines, observing that CFGAN is not consistently competitive against them despite its high computational cost

    A Comparison of Automated Journal Recommender Systems

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    Choosing the right journal for an article can be a challenge. Automated manuscript matching can help authors with the decision by recommending suitable journals based on user-defined criteria. Several approaches for efficient matching have been proposed in the research literature. However, only a few actual recommender systems are available for end users. In this paper, we present an overview of available services and compare their key characteristics such as input values, functionalities, and privacy. We conduct a quantitative analysis of their recommendation results: (a) examining the overlap in the results and pointing out the similarities among them; (b) evaluating their quality with a comparison of their accuracy. Due to the providers’ lack of transparency about the used technologies, the results cannot be easily interpreted. This highlights the need for openness about the used algorithms and data sets

    GPT4Rec: A Generative Framework for Personalized Recommendation and User Interests Interpretation

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    Recent advancements in Natural Language Processing (NLP) have led to the development of NLP-based recommender systems that have shown superior performance. However, current models commonly treat items as mere IDs and adopt discriminative modeling, resulting in limitations of (1) fully leveraging the content information of items and the language modeling capabilities of NLP models; (2) interpreting user interests to improve relevance and diversity; and (3) adapting practical circumstances such as growing item inventories. To address these limitations, we present GPT4Rec, a novel and flexible generative framework inspired by search engines. It first generates hypothetical "search queries" given item titles in a user's history, and then retrieves items for recommendation by searching these queries. The framework overcomes previous limitations by learning both user and item embeddings in the language space. To well-capture user interests with different aspects and granularity for improving relevance and diversity, we propose a multi-query generation technique with beam search. The generated queries naturally serve as interpretable representations of user interests and can be searched to recommend cold-start items. With GPT-2 language model and BM25 search engine, our framework outperforms state-of-the-art methods by 75.7%75.7\% and 22.2%22.2\% in Recall@K on two public datasets. Experiments further revealed that multi-query generation with beam search improves both the diversity of retrieved items and the coverage of a user's multi-interests. The adaptiveness and interpretability of generated queries are discussed with qualitative case studies