3 research outputs found

    Modelo de toma de decisiones en Agentes Inteligentes, mejorando el esquema BDI

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    El presente Trabajo Final de Maestría parte de la relación que existe entre dos teorías: el modelo de Belief, Desires, Intentions (BDI) propuesto por Michael Bratman, y la Teoría Clásica de Racionalidad y sus debilidades caracterizadas por Jhon Searle. Estas proposiciones analizan el pensamiento humano y buscan caracterizar los orígenes de la racionalidad y la toma de decisiones desde una perspectiva filosófica y psicológica. El Modelo BDI ha sido llevado ampliamente a la implementación de sistemas informáticos inteligentes y particularmente es un modelo para agentes inteligentes computacionales. A partir de esto, este trabajo busca plantear las relaciones que existen entre el modelo BDI y la Teoría Clásica de Racionalidad, y como puede esta última complementar la arquitectura ya definida para Agentes inteligentes dentro del modelo de razonamiento y toma de decisiones que estos poseen. En la primera parte se hace una introducción a los planteamientos iniciales de la investigación, posterior a esto se evidencia el fundamento teórico de la racionalidad en Agentes Inteligentes y se realiza una presentación del estado del arte en el campo. Se realiza una propuesta frente al modelo actual denominado BDI-S y se presenta el trabajo ejecutado para ponerlo en práctica. Finalmente se presentan las conclusiones al respectoAbstract : This Project of Master Degree lies on the relationship between two theories: the model of Belief, Desires, Intentions (BDI) proposed by Michael Bratman, and the classical model of rationality and its weaknesses characterized by John Searle. These propositions analyze the human thought and seek to characterize the origins of rationality and decision making from a philosophical and psychological perspective. The BDI model has been widely taken to the implementation of intelligent computer systems and particularly is a model for intelligent agents. This work seeks to raise relations between the BDI model and the classical theory of rationality, and as the latter may complement the already defined architecture for intelligent agents within the model of reasoning and decision making which they possess. The first part is an introduction to the initial investigative approaches, after this, it shows a theoretical foundation of rationality on Intelligent Agents and realize a presentation of the state of the art in the field. A proposal is performed from the current model called BDI-S and the work performed to implement it is exhibit. Finally, conclusions are presentedMaestrí

    Reasoning about plan revision in BDI agent programs

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    Abstract Facilities for handling plan execution failures are essential for agents which must cope with the effects of nondeterministic actions, and some form of failure handling can be found in most mature agent programming languages and platforms. While such features simplify the development of more robust agents, they make it hard to reason about the execution of agent programs, e.g., to verify their correctness. In this paper, we present an approach to the verification of agent programs which admit exceptional executions. We consider executions of the BDI-based agent programming language 3APL in which plans containing non-executable actions can be revised using plan revision rules, and present a logic for reasoning about normal and exceptional executions of 3APL programs. We provide a complete axiomatisation for the logic and, using a simple example, show how to express properties of 3APL programs as formulas of the logic