22 research outputs found

    Balancing the Migration of Virtual Network Functions with Replications in Data Centers

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    The Network Function Virtualization (NFV) paradigm is enabling flexibility, programmability and implementation of traditional network functions into generic hardware, in form of the so-called Virtual Network Functions (VNFs). Today, cloud service providers use Virtual Machines (VMs) for the instantiation of VNFs in the data center (DC) networks. To instantiate multiple VNFs in a typical scenario of Service Function Chains (SFCs), many important objectives need to be met simultaneously, such as server load balancing, energy efficiency and service execution time. The well-known \emph{VNF placement} problem requires solutions that often consider \emph{migration} of virtual machines (VMs) to meet this objectives. Ongoing efforts, for instance, are making a strong case for migrations to minimize energy consumption, while showing that attention needs to be paid to the Quality of Service (QoS) due to service interruptions caused by migrations. To balance the server allocation strategies and QoS, we propose using \emph{replications} of VNFs to reduce migrations in DC networks. We propose a Linear Programming (LP) model to study a trade-off between replications, which while beneficial to QoS require additional server resources, and migrations, which while beneficial to server load management can adversely impact the QoS. The results show that, for a given objective, the replications can reduce the number of migrations and can also enable a better server and data center network load balancing

    Leveraging Cloud-based NFV and SDN Platform Towards Quality-Driven Next-Generation Mobile Networks

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    Network virtualization has become a key approach for Network Service Providers (NSPs) to mitigate the challenge of the continually increasing demands for network services. Tightly coupled with their software components, legacy network devices are difficult to upgrade or modify to meet the dynamically changing end-user needs. To virtualize their infrastructure and mitigate those challenges, NSPs have started to adopt Software Defined Networking (SDN) and Network Function Virtualization (NFV). To this end, this thesis addresses the challenges faced on the road of transforming the legacy networking infrastructure to a more dynamic and agile virtualized environment to meet the rapidly increasing demand for network services and serve as an enabler for key emerging technologies such as the Internet of Things (IoT) and 5G networking. The thesis considers different approaches and platforms to serve as an NFV/SDN based cloud applications while closely considering how such an environment deploys its virtualized services to optimize the network and reducing their costs. The thesis starts first by defining the standards of adopting microservices as architecture for NFV. Then, it focuses on the latency-aware deployment approach of virtual network functions (VNFs) forming service function chains (SFC) in a cloud environment. This approach ensures that NSPs still meet their strict quality of service and service level agreements while considering both functional and non-functional constraints of the NFV-based applications such as, delay, resource allocation, and intercorrelation between VNF instances. In addition, the thesis proposes a detailed approach on recovering and handling of those instances by optimizing the decision of migrating or re-instantiating the virtualized services upon a sudden event (failure/overload…). All the proposed approaches contribute to the orchestration of NFV applications to meet the requirements of the IoT and NGNs era

    A Model-Based Abstraction Layer for Heterogeneous SDN Applications

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    Modern controllers for software-defined networks (SDN) enable the execution of arbitrary SDN applications (eg, Network Address Translation (NAT), traffic monitors) that may be exploited by an overarching set of services (eg, application-layer orchestrators) to build even richer services. To this purpose, the above overarching services require a mechanism that allows reading the run-time state and writing the configuration of arbitrary SDN applications, possibly through a uniform API. Unfortunately, most SDN applications are not designed/implemented by taking into account the possibility to be used as part of higher level service workflows (eg, a complex intrusion prevention system that leverages multiple elementary services as individual components), hence they may not provide an adequate interface that would allow overarching services to exploit their features. This paper addresses this problem by proposing an approach to represent the run-time state of arbitrary applications, where data are exported according to high-level model-based structures. Furthermore, the mapping from the high-level data model to the actual data representation within the SDN application is enabled by a suite of algorithms that are generic enough to operate independently of the actual source code of the application, thus avoiding undesired and invasive modifications to existing applications. The paper also presents a software framework and a prototype implementing the proposed approach, characterizes the resulting performance, and discusses pros and cons of the proposed approach

    Dynamic Resource Provisioning and Scheduling in SDN/NFV-Enabled Core Networks

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    The service-oriented fifth-generation (5G) core networks are featured by customized network services with differentiated quality-of-service (QoS) requirements, which can be provisioned through network slicing enabled by the software defined networking (SDN) and network function virtualization (NFV) paradigms. Multiple network services are embedded in a common physical infrastructure, generating service-customized network slices. Each network slice supports a composite service via virtual network function (VNF) chaining, with dedicated packet processing functionality at each VNF. For a network slice with a target traffic load, the end-to-end (E2E) service delivery is enabled by VNF placement at NFV nodes (e.g., data centers and commodity servers) and traffic routing among corresponding NFV nodes, with static resource allocations. To provide continuous QoS performance guarantee over time, it is essential to develop dynamic resource management schemes for the embedded services experiencing traffic dynamics in different time granularities during virtual network operation. In this thesis, we focus on processing resources and investigate three research problems on dynamic processing resource provisioning and scheduling for embedded delay-sensitive services, in presence of both large-timescale traffic statistical changes and bursty traffic dynamics in smaller time granularities. In problem I, we investigate a dynamic flow migration problem for multiple embedded services, to accommodate the large-timescale changes in the average traffic rates with average E2E delay guarantee, while addressing a trade-off between load balancing and flow migration overhead. We develop optimization problem formulations and efficient heuristic algorithms, based on a simplified M/M/1 queueing model with Poisson traffic arrivals. Motivated by the limitations of Poisson traffic model, in problem II, we restrict to a local network scenario and study a dynamic VNF scaling problem based on a real-world traffic trace with nonstationary traffic statistics in large timescale. Under the assumption that the nonstationary traffic trace can be partitioned into non-overlapping stationary traffic segments with unknown change points in time, a change point detection driven traffic parameter learning and resource demand prediction scheme is proposed, based on which dynamic VNF migration decisions are made at variable-length decision epochs via deep reinforcement learning. The long-term trade-off between load balancing and migration overhead is studied. A fractional Brownian motion (fBm) traffic model is employed for each detected stationary traffic segment, based on properties of Gaussianity and self-similarity of the real-world traffic. In Problem III, we focus on a sufficiently long time duration with given VNF placement and stationary traffic statistics, and study a delay-aware VNF scheduling problem to coordinate VNF scheduling for multiple services, which achieves network utility maximization with timely throughput guarantee for each service, in presence of bursty and unpredictable small-timescale traffic dynamics, while using a realistic state-of-the-art time quantum (slot) for CPU processing resource scheduling among VNF software processes. Based on the Lyapunov optimization technique, an online distributed VNF scheduling algorithm is derived, which greedily schedules a VNF at each NFV node based on a weight incorporating the backpressure-based weighted differential backlogs with the downstream VNF, the service throughput performance indicated by virtual queue lengths, and the packet delay. With the proposed dynamic resource management framework, resources can be efficiently and fairly allocated to the embedded services, to avoid congestion and QoS degradation in the presence of traffic dynamics. This research provides some insights in dynamic resource management for delay-sensitive services in a virtualized network environment with CPU processing resources