40 research outputs found

    A survey on deep geometry learning: from a representation perspective

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    Researchers have achieved great success in dealing with 2D images using deep learning. In recent years, 3D computer vision and geometry deep learning have gained ever more attention. Many advanced techniques for 3D shapes have been proposed for different applications. Unlike 2D images, which can be uniformly represented by a regular grid of pixels, 3D shapes have various representations, such as depth images, multi-view images, voxels, point clouds, meshes, implicit surfaces, etc. The performance achieved in different applications largely depends on the representation used, and there is no unique representation that works well for all applications. Therefore, in this survey, we review recent developments in deep learning for 3D geometry from a representation perspective, summarizing the advantages and disadvantages of different representations for different applications. We also present existing datasets in these representations and further discuss future research directions

    LiCROM: Linear-Subspace Continuous Reduced Order Modeling with Neural Fields

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    Linear reduced-order modeling (ROM) simplifies complex simulations by approximating the behavior of a system using a simplified kinematic representation. Typically, ROM is trained on input simulations created with a specific spatial discretization, and then serves to accelerate simulations with the same discretization. This discretization-dependence is restrictive. Becoming independent of a specific discretization would provide flexibility to mix and match mesh resolutions, connectivity, and type (tetrahedral, hexahedral) in training data; to accelerate simulations with novel discretizations unseen during training; and to accelerate adaptive simulations that temporally or parametrically change the discretization. We present a flexible, discretization-independent approach to reduced-order modeling. Like traditional ROM, we represent the configuration as a linear combination of displacement fields. Unlike traditional ROM, our displacement fields are continuous maps from every point on the reference domain to a corresponding displacement vector; these maps are represented as implicit neural fields. With linear continuous ROM (LiCROM), our training set can include multiple geometries undergoing multiple loading conditions, independent of their discretization. This opens the door to novel applications of reduced order modeling. We can now accelerate simulations that modify the geometry at runtime, for instance via cutting, hole punching, and even swapping the entire mesh. We can also accelerate simulations of geometries unseen during training. We demonstrate one-shot generalization, training on a single geometry and subsequently simulating various unseen geometries

    Modal-Graph 3D Shape Servoing of Deformable Objects with Raw Point Clouds

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    Deformable object manipulation (DOM) with point clouds has great potential as non-rigid 3D shapes can be measured without detecting and tracking image features. However, robotic shape control of deformable objects with point clouds is challenging due to: the unknown point-wise correspondences and the noisy partial observability of raw point clouds; the modeling difficulties of the relationship between point clouds and robot motions. To tackle these challenges, this paper introduces a novel modal-graph framework for the model-free shape servoing of deformable objects with raw point clouds. Unlike the existing works studying the object's geometry structure, our method builds a low-frequency deformation structure for the DOM system, which is robust to the measurement irregularities. The built modal representation and graph structure enable us to directly extract low-dimensional deformation features from raw point clouds. Such extraction requires no extra point processing of registrations, refinements, and occlusion removal. Moreover, to shape the object using the extracted features, we design an adaptive robust controller which is proved to be input-to-state stable (ISS) without offline learning or identifying both the physical and geometric object models. Extensive simulations and experiments are conducted to validate the effectiveness of our method for linear, planar, tubular, and solid objects under different settings

    Spatially Adaptive Cloth Regression with Implicit Neural Representations

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    The accurate representation of fine-detailed cloth wrinkles poses significant challenges in computer graphics. The inherently non-uniform structure of cloth wrinkles mandates the employment of intricate discretization strategies, which are frequently characterized by high computational demands and complex methodologies. Addressing this, the research introduced in this paper elucidates a novel anisotropic cloth regression technique that capitalizes on the potential of implicit neural representations of surfaces. Our first core contribution is an innovative mesh-free sampling approach, crafted to reduce the reliance on traditional mesh structures, thereby offering greater flexibility and accuracy in capturing fine cloth details. Our second contribution is a novel adversarial training scheme, which is designed meticulously to strike a harmonious balance between the sampling and simulation objectives. The adversarial approach ensures that the wrinkles are represented with high fidelity, while also maintaining computational efficiency. Our results showcase through various cloth-object interaction scenarios that our method, given the same memory constraints, consistently surpasses traditional discrete representations, particularly when modelling highly-detailed localized wrinkles.Comment: 16 pages, 13 figure

    Model reduction for the material point method via an implicit neural representation of the deformation map

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    This work proposes a model-reduction approach for the material point method on nonlinear manifolds. Our technique approximates the kinematics\textit{kinematics} by approximating the deformation map using an implicit neural representation that restricts deformation trajectories to reside on a low-dimensional manifold. By explicitly approximating the deformation map, its spatiotemporal gradients -- in particular the deformation gradient and the velocity -- can be computed via analytical differentiation. In contrast to typical model-reduction techniques that construct a linear or nonlinear manifold to approximate the (finite number of) degrees of freedom characterizing a given spatial discretization, the use of an implicit neural representation enables the proposed method to approximate the continuous\textit{continuous} deformation map. This allows the kinematic approximation to remain agnostic to the discretization. Consequently, the technique supports dynamic discretizations -- including resolution changes -- during the course of the online reduced-order-model simulation. To generate dynamics\textit{dynamics} for the generalized coordinates, we propose a family of projection techniques. At each time step, these techniques: (1) Calculate full-space kinematics at quadrature points, (2) Calculate the full-space dynamics for a subset of `sample' material points, and (3) Calculate the reduced-space dynamics by projecting the updated full-space position and velocity onto the low-dimensional manifold and tangent space, respectively. We achieve significant computational speedup via hyper-reduction that ensures all three steps execute on only a small subset of the problem's spatial domain. Large-scale numerical examples with millions of material points illustrate the method's ability to gain an order of magnitude computational-cost saving -- indeed real-time simulations\textit{real-time simulations} -- with negligible errors