49,659 research outputs found

    Exact dimension estimation of interacting qubit systems assisted by a single quantum probe

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    Estimating the dimension of an Hilbert space is an important component of quantum system identification. In quantum technologies, the dimension of a quantum system (or its corresponding accessible Hilbert space) is an important resource, as larger dimensions determine e.g. the performance of quantum computation protocols or the sensitivity of quantum sensors. Despite being a critical task in quantum system identification, estimating the Hilbert space dimension is experimentally challenging. While there have been proposals for various dimension witnesses capable of putting a lower bound on the dimension from measuring collective observables that encode correlations, in many practical scenarios, especially for multiqubit systems, the experimental control might not be able to engineer the required initialization, dynamics and observables. Here we propose a more practical strategy, that relies not on directly measuring an unknown multiqubit target system, but on the indirect interaction with a local quantum probe under the experimenter's control. Assuming only that the interaction model is given and the evolution correlates all the qubits with the probe, we combine a graph-theoretical approach and realization theory to demonstrate that the dimension of the Hilbert space can be exactly estimated from the model order of the system. We further analyze the robustness in the presence of background noise of the proposed estimation method based on realization theory, finding that despite stringent constrains on the allowed noise level, exact dimension estimation can still be achieved.Comment: v3: accepted version. We would like to offer our gratitudes to the editors and referees for their helpful and insightful opinions and feedback

    Measurement Theory in Lax-Phillips Formalism

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    It is shown that the application of Lax-Phillips scattering theory to quantum mechanics provides a natural framework for the realization of the ideas of the Many-Hilbert-Space theory of Machida and Namiki to describe the development of decoherence in the process of measurement. We show that if the quantum mechanical evolution is pointwise in time, then decoherence occurs only if the Hamiltonian is time-dependent. If the evolution is not pointwise in time (as in Liouville space), then the decoherence may occur even for closed systems. These conclusions apply as well to the general problem of mixing of states.Comment: 14 pages, IASSNS-HEP 93/6

    Ground States of S-duality Twisted N=4 Super Yang-Mills Theory

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    We study the low-energy limit of a compactification of N=4 U(n) super Yang-Mills theory on S1S^1 with boundary conditions modified by an S-duality and R-symmetry twist. This theory has N=6 supersymmetry in 2+1D. We analyze the T2T^2 compactification of this 2+1D theory by identifying a dual weakly coupled type-IIA background. The Hilbert space of normalizable ground states is finite-dimensional and appears to exhibit a rich structure of sectors. We identify most of them with Hilbert spaces of Chern-Simons theory (with appropriate gauge groups and levels). We also discuss a realization of a related twisted compactification in terms of the (2,0)-theory, where the recent solution by Gaiotto and Witten of the boundary conditions describing D3-branes ending on a (p,q) 5-brane plays a crucial role.Comment: 104 pages, 5 figures. Revisions to subsection (6.6) and other minor corrections included in version

    Finite dimensional Markovian realizations for stochastic volatility forward rate models

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    We consider forward rate rate models of HJM type, as well as more general infinite dimensional SDEs, where the volatility/diffusion term is stochastic in the sense of being driven by a separate hidden Markov process. Within this framework we use the previously developed Hilbert space realization theory in order provide general necessary and sufficent conditions for the existence of a finite dimensional Markovian realizations for the stochastic volatility models. We illustrate the theory by analyzing a number of concrete examples.HJM models; stochastic volatility; factor models; forward rates; state space models; Markovian realizations; infinite dimensional SDEs

    Realization theory in Hilbert space for a class of transfer functions

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