109 research outputs found

    A Local Logic for Realizability in Web Service Choreographies

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    Web service choreographies specify conditions on observable interactions among the services. An important question in this regard is realizability: given a choreography C, does there exist a set of service implementations I that conform to C ? Further, if C is realizable, is there an algorithm to construct implementations in I ? We propose a local temporal logic in which choreographies can be specified, and for specifications in the logic, we solve the realizability problem by constructing service implementations (when they exist) as communicating automata. These are nondeterministic finite state automata with a coupling relation. We also report on an implementation of the realizability algorithm and discuss experimental results.Comment: In Proceedings WWV 2014, arXiv:1409.229

    On the Automated Synthesis of Enterprise Integration Patterns to Adapt Choreography-based Distributed Systems

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    The Future Internet is becoming a reality, providing a large-scale computing environments where a virtually infinite number of available services can be composed so to fit users' needs. Modern service-oriented applications will be more and more often built by reusing and assembling distributed services. A key enabler for this vision is then the ability to automatically compose and dynamically coordinate software services. Service choreographies are an emergent Service Engineering (SE) approach to compose together and coordinate services in a distributed way. When mismatching third-party services are to be composed, obtaining the distributed coordination and adaptation logic required to suitably realize a choreography is a non-trivial and error prone task. Automatic support is then needed. In this direction, this paper leverages previous work on the automatic synthesis of choreography-based systems, and describes our preliminary steps towards exploiting Enterprise Integration Patterns to deal with a form of choreography adaptation.Comment: In Proceedings FOCLASA 2015, arXiv:1512.0694

    Correctness of services and their composition

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    We study correctness of services and their composition and investigate how the design of correct service compositions can be systematically supported. We thereby focus on the communication protocol of the service and approach these questions using formal methods and make contributions to three scenarios of SOC.Wir studieren die Korrektheit von Services und Servicekompositionen und untersuchen, wie der Entwurf von korrekten Servicekompositionen systematisch unterstützt werden kann. Wir legen dabei den Fokus auf das Kommunikationsprotokoll der Services. Mithilfe von formalen Methoden tragen wir zu drei Szenarien von SOC bei

    Correctness of services and their composition

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    We study correctness of services and their composition and investigate how the design of correct service compositions can be systematically supported. We thereby focus on the communication protocol of the service and approach these questions using formal methods and make contributions to three scenarios of SOC.Wir studieren die Korrektheit von Services und Servicekompositionen und untersuchen, wie der Entwurf von korrekten Servicekompositionen systematisch unterstützt werden kann. Wir legen dabei den Fokus auf das Kommunikationsprotokoll der Services. Mithilfe von formalen Methoden tragen wir zu drei Szenarien von SOC bei

    Automatic Choreography Repair

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    Choreography analysis is a crucial problem in concurrent and distributed system development. A choreography specifies the desired ordering of message exchanges among the components of a system. The realizability of a choreography amounts to determining the existence of components whose communication behavior conforms to the given choreography. Recently, the choreography realizability problem has been proved to be decidable. In this paper, we investigate the repairability of un- realizable choreographies, where the goal is to identify a set of changes to a given un-realizable choreography that will make it realizable. We present a technique for automatically repairing un-realizable choreographies and provide formal guarantees of correctness and termination. We show the viability of our technique by applying it successfully for several small but representative unrealizable choregraphies from the domain of Singulary OS contract and Web services

    Data-Aware Interaction in Distributed and Collaborative Workflows: Modeling, Semantics, Correctness

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    IT support for distributed and collaborative workflows and related interactions between business partners is becoming increasingly important. For modeling such partner interactions as flow of message exchanges, different top-down approaches, covered under the term interaction modeling, are provided. Like for workflow models, correctness constitutes a fundamental challenge for interaction models as well; e.g., to ensure the boundedness and absence of deadlocks and lifelocks. Due to their distributed execution, in addition, interaction models should be message-deterministic and realizable, i.e., the same conversation (i.e. sequence of messages) should always lead to the same result, and it should be ensured that partners always have enough information about the messages they must or may send in a given context. So far, most existing approaches have addressed correctness of interaction models without explicitly considering the data exchanged through messages and used for routing decisions. However, data support is crucial for collaborative workflows and interaction models respectively. This paper therefore enriches interaction models with the data perspective. In particular, it defines the behavior of data-aware interaction models based on Data-Aware Interaction Nets, which use elements of both Interaction Petri Nets and Workflow Nets with Data. Finally, formal correctness criteria for Data-Aware Interaction Nets are derived, guaranteeing the boundedness and absence of deadlocks and lifelocks, and ensuring message-determinism as well as realizability

    Change and Compliance in Collaborative Processes

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    During their lifecycle, business processes are keen to change. Changes either concern the process model structure or the accompanying rules; e.g. compliance rules (laws and regulations). In the context of business process collaborations, several process partners collaborate together, and changing one process might result in knock-on effects on the other processes; i.e., change propagation. Since business processes are often subject to restrictions that stem from laws, regulations or guidelines; i.e., compliance rules, changing them might lead to the violations of these rules (non-compliability). So far, only the impacts of process changes in choreographies have been studied. In this work, we propose an approach that analyzes and evaluates the impacts of process changes on the different compliance rules and inversely, the impacts of compliance rule changes on the process choreography

    A Formal Framework for Data-Aware Process Interaction Models

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    IT support for distributed and collaborative workflows as well as related interactions between business partners are becoming increasingly important. For modeling such partner interactions as flow of message exchanges, different topdown approaches, covered under the term interaction modeling, are provided. Like for workflow models, correctness constitutes a fundamental challenge for interaction models; e.g., to ensure the boundedness and absence of deadlocks and lifelocks. Due to their distributed execution, in addition, interaction models should be message-deterministic and realizable, i.e., the same conversation (i.e. sequence of messages) should always lead to the same result, and it should be ensured that partners always have enough information about the messages they must or may send in a given context. So far, most existing approaches have addressed correctness of interaction models without explicitly considering the data exchanged through messages and used for routing decisions. However, data support is crucial for collaborative workflows and interaction models respectively. This technical report enriches interaction models with the data perspective. In particular, it defines the behavior of data-aware interaction models based on Data- Aware Interaction Nets, which use elements of both Interaction Petri Nets and Workflow Nets with Data. Finally, formal correctness criteria for Data-Aware Interaction Nets are derived, guaranteeing the boundedness and absence of deadlocks and lifelocks, and ensuring message-determinism as well as realizability

    Protocol modelling : synchronous composition of data and behaviour

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    This thesis develops and explores a technique called Protocol Modelling, a mathematics for the description of orderings. Protocol Modelling can be viewed as a hybrid of object orientation, as it supports ideas of data encapsulation and object instantiation; and process algebra, as it supports a formally defined idea of process and process composition. The first half of the thesis focuses on describing and defining the Protocol Modelling technique. A formal denotational semantics for protocol machines is developed and used to establish various properties; in particular that composition is closed and preserves type safety. The formal semantics is extended to cover instantiation of objects. Comparison is made with other process algebras and an approach to unification of different formulations of the semantics of process composition is proposed. The second half of the thesis explores three applications of Protocol Modelling: Object Modelling. This explores the use of Protocol Modelling as a medium for object modelling, and the facility to execute protocol models is described. Protocol Modelling is compared with other object modelling techniques; in particular by contrasting its compositional style with traditional hierarchical inheritance. Protocol Contracts. This proposes the use of protocol models as a medium for expressing formal behavioural contracts. This is compared with more traditional forms of software contract in the generalization of the notion of contractual obligation as a mechanism for software specification. Choreographed Collaborations. In this application Protocol Modelling is used as a medium to describe choreographies for asynchronous multiparty collaborations. A compositional approach to choreography engineering, enabled by the synchronous semantics of Protocol Modelling, is explored and results established concerning sufficient conditions for choreography realizability. The results are extended to address choreographies that employ behavioural rules based on data

    Parameterized Concurrent Multi-Party Session Types

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    Session types have been proposed as a means of statically verifying implementations of communication protocols. Although prior work has been successful in verifying some classes of protocols, it does not cope well with parameterized, multi-actor scenarios with inherent asynchrony. For example, the sliding window protocol is inexpressible in previously proposed session type systems. This paper describes System-A, a new typing language which overcomes many of the expressiveness limitations of prior work. System-A explicitly supports asynchrony and parallelism, as well as multiple forms of parameterization. We define System-A and show how it can be used for the static verification of a large class of asynchronous communication protocols.Comment: In Proceedings FOCLASA 2012, arXiv:1208.432