38,375 research outputs found

    Artificial Intelligence and Systems Theory: Applied to Cooperative Robots

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    This paper describes an approach to the design of a population of cooperative robots based on concepts borrowed from Systems Theory and Artificial Intelligence. The research has been developed under the SocRob project, carried out by the Intelligent Systems Laboratory at the Institute for Systems and Robotics - Instituto Superior Tecnico (ISR/IST) in Lisbon. The acronym of the project stands both for "Society of Robots" and "Soccer Robots", the case study where we are testing our population of robots. Designing soccer robots is a very challenging problem, where the robots must act not only to shoot a ball towards the goal, but also to detect and avoid static (walls, stopped robots) and dynamic (moving robots) obstacles. Furthermore, they must cooperate to defeat an opposing team. Our past and current research in soccer robotics includes cooperative sensor fusion for world modeling, object recognition and tracking, robot navigation, multi-robot distributed task planning and coordination, including cooperative reinforcement learning in cooperative and adversarial environments, and behavior-based architectures for real time task execution of cooperating robot teams

    DTTA - Distributed, Time-division Multiple Access based Task Allocation Framework for Swarm Robots

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    Swarm robotic systems, unlike traditional multi-robotic systems, deploy number of cost effective robots which can co-operate, aggregate to form patterns/formations and accomplish missions beyond the capabilities of individual robot. In the event of fire, mine collapse or disasters like earthquake, swarm of robots can enter the area, conduct rescue operations, collect images and convey locations of interest to the rescue team and enable them to plan their approach in advance. Task allocation among members of the swarm is a critical and challenging problem to be addressed. DTTA- a distributed, Time-division multiple access (TDMA) based task allocation framework is proposed for swarm of robots which can be utilised to solve any of the 8 different types of task allocation problem identified by Gerkey and Mataric´. DTTA is reactive and supports task migration via extended task assignments to complete the mission in case of failure of the assigned robot to complete the task. DTTA can be utilised for any kind of robot in land or for co-operative systems comprising of land robots and air-borne drones. Dependencies with other layers of the protocol stack were identified and a quantitative analysis of communication and computational complexity is provided. To our knowledge this is the first work to be reported on task allocation for clustered scalable networks suitable for handling all 8 types of multi-robot task allocation problem. Effectiveness and feasibility of deploying DTTA in real world scenarios is demonstrated by testing the framework for two diverse application scenarios

    Multi-Robot Coalition Formation for Distributed Area Coverage

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    The problem of distributed area coverage using multiple mobile robots is an important problem in distributed multi-robot sytems. Multi-robot coverage is encountered in many real world applications, including unmanned search & rescue, aerial reconnaissance, robotic demining, inspection of engineering structures, and automatic lawn mowing. To achieve optimal coverage, robots should move in an efficient manner and reduce repeated coverage of the same region that optimizes a certain performance metric such as the amount of time or energy expended by the robots. This dissertation especially focuses on using mini-robots with limited capabilities, such as low speed of the CPU and limited storage of the memory, to fulfill the efficient area coverage task. Previous research on distributed area coverage use offline or online path planning algorithms to address this problem. Some of the existing approaches use behavior-based algorithms where each robot implements simple rules and the interaction between robots manifests in the global objective of overall coverage of the environment. Our work extends this line of research using an emergent, swarming based technique where robots use partial coverage histories from themselves as well as other robots in their vicinity to make local decisions that attempt to ensure overall efficient area coverage. We have then extended this technique in two directions. First, we have integreated the individual-robot, swarming-based technique for area coverage to teams of robots that move in formation to perform area coverage more efficiently than robots that move individually. Then we have used a team formation technique from coalition game theory, called Weighted Voting Game (WVG) to handle situations where a team moving in formation while performing area coverage has to dynamically reconfigure into sub-teams or merge with other teams, to continue the area coverage efficiently. We have validated our techniques by testing them on accurate models of e-puck robots in the Webots robot simulation platform, as well as on physical e-puck robots

    Learning for Multi-robot Cooperation in Partially Observable Stochastic Environments with Macro-actions

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    This paper presents a data-driven approach for multi-robot coordination in partially-observable domains based on Decentralized Partially Observable Markov Decision Processes (Dec-POMDPs) and macro-actions (MAs). Dec-POMDPs provide a general framework for cooperative sequential decision making under uncertainty and MAs allow temporally extended and asynchronous action execution. To date, most methods assume the underlying Dec-POMDP model is known a priori or a full simulator is available during planning time. Previous methods which aim to address these issues suffer from local optimality and sensitivity to initial conditions. Additionally, few hardware demonstrations involving a large team of heterogeneous robots and with long planning horizons exist. This work addresses these gaps by proposing an iterative sampling based Expectation-Maximization algorithm (iSEM) to learn polices using only trajectory data containing observations, MAs, and rewards. Our experiments show the algorithm is able to achieve better solution quality than the state-of-the-art learning-based methods. We implement two variants of multi-robot Search and Rescue (SAR) domains (with and without obstacles) on hardware to demonstrate the learned policies can effectively control a team of distributed robots to cooperate in a partially observable stochastic environment.Comment: Accepted to the 2017 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS 2017

    Synthesized cooperative strategies for intelligent multi-robots in a real-time distributed environment : a thesis presented in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Science in Computer Science at Massey University, Albany, New Zealand

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    In the robot soccer domain, real-time response usually curtails the development of more complex Al-based game strategies, path-planning and team cooperation between intelligent agents. In light of this problem, distributing computationally intensive algorithms between several machines to control, coordinate and dynamically assign roles to a team of robots, and allowing them to communicate via a network gives rise to real-time cooperation in a multi-robotic team. This research presents a myriad of algorithms tested on a distributed system platform that allows for cooperating multi- agents in a dynamic environment. The test bed is an extension of a popular robot simulation system in the public domain developed at Carnegie Mellon University, known as TeamBots. A low-level real-time network game protocol using TCP/IP and UDP were incorporated to allow for a conglomeration of multi-agent to communicate and work cohesively as a team. Intelligent agents were defined to take on roles such as game coach agent, vision agent, and soccer player agents. Further, team cooperation is demonstrated by integrating a real-time fuzzy logic-based ball-passing algorithm and a fuzzy logic algorithm for path planning. Keywords Artificial Intelligence, Ball Passing, the coaching system, Collaborative, Distributed Multi-Agent, Fuzzy Logic, Role Assignmen

    Online Visual Robot Tracking and Identification using Deep LSTM Networks

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    Collaborative robots working on a common task are necessary for many applications. One of the challenges for achieving collaboration in a team of robots is mutual tracking and identification. We present a novel pipeline for online visionbased detection, tracking and identification of robots with a known and identical appearance. Our method runs in realtime on the limited hardware of the observer robot. Unlike previous works addressing robot tracking and identification, we use a data-driven approach based on recurrent neural networks to learn relations between sequential inputs and outputs. We formulate the data association problem as multiple classification problems. A deep LSTM network was trained on a simulated dataset and fine-tuned on small set of real data. Experiments on two challenging datasets, one synthetic and one real, which include long-term occlusions, show promising results.Comment: IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS), Vancouver, Canada, 2017. IROS RoboCup Best Paper Awar