3,789 research outputs found

    Cross-Scale Cost Aggregation for Stereo Matching

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    Human beings process stereoscopic correspondence across multiple scales. However, this bio-inspiration is ignored by state-of-the-art cost aggregation methods for dense stereo correspondence. In this paper, a generic cross-scale cost aggregation framework is proposed to allow multi-scale interaction in cost aggregation. We firstly reformulate cost aggregation from a unified optimization perspective and show that different cost aggregation methods essentially differ in the choices of similarity kernels. Then, an inter-scale regularizer is introduced into optimization and solving this new optimization problem leads to the proposed framework. Since the regularization term is independent of the similarity kernel, various cost aggregation methods can be integrated into the proposed general framework. We show that the cross-scale framework is important as it effectively and efficiently expands state-of-the-art cost aggregation methods and leads to significant improvements, when evaluated on Middlebury, KITTI and New Tsukuba datasets.Comment: To Appear in 2013 IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR). 2014 (poster, 29.88%

    ActiveStereoNet: End-to-End Self-Supervised Learning for Active Stereo Systems

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    In this paper we present ActiveStereoNet, the first deep learning solution for active stereo systems. Due to the lack of ground truth, our method is fully self-supervised, yet it produces precise depth with a subpixel precision of 1/30th1/30th of a pixel; it does not suffer from the common over-smoothing issues; it preserves the edges; and it explicitly handles occlusions. We introduce a novel reconstruction loss that is more robust to noise and texture-less patches, and is invariant to illumination changes. The proposed loss is optimized using a window-based cost aggregation with an adaptive support weight scheme. This cost aggregation is edge-preserving and smooths the loss function, which is key to allow the network to reach compelling results. Finally we show how the task of predicting invalid regions, such as occlusions, can be trained end-to-end without ground-truth. This component is crucial to reduce blur and particularly improves predictions along depth discontinuities. Extensive quantitatively and qualitatively evaluations on real and synthetic data demonstrate state of the art results in many challenging scenes.Comment: Accepted by ECCV2018, Oral Presentation, Main paper + Supplementary Material

    Binary Adaptive Semi-Global Matching Based on Image Edges

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    Image-based modeling and rendering is currently one of the most challenging topics in Computer Vision and Photogrammetry. The key issue here is building a set of dense correspondence points between two images, namely dense matching or stereo matching. Among all dense matching algorithms, Semi-Global Matching (SGM) is arguably one of the most promising algorithms for real-time stereo vision. Compared with global matching algorithms, SGM aggregates matching cost from several (eight or sixteen) directions rather than only the epipolar line using Dynamic Programming (DP). Thus, SGM eliminates the classical ā€œstreaking problemā€ and greatly improves its accuracy and efficiency. In this paper, we aim at further improvement of SGM accuracy without increasing the computational cost. We propose setting the penalty parameters adaptively according to image edges extracted by edge detectors. We have carried out experiments on the standard Middlebury stereo dataset and evaluated the performance of our modified method with the ground truth. The results have shown a noticeable accuracy improvement compared with the results using fixed penalty parameters while the runtime computational cost was not increased

    Local Stereo Matching Using Adaptive Local Segmentation

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    We propose a new dense local stereo matching framework for gray-level images based on an adaptive local segmentation using a dynamic threshold. We define a new validity domain of the fronto-parallel assumption based on the local intensity variations in the 4-neighborhood of the matching pixel. The preprocessing step smoothes low textured areas and sharpens texture edges, whereas the postprocessing step detects and recovers occluded and unreliable disparities. The algorithm achieves high stereo reconstruction quality in regions with uniform intensities as well as in textured regions. The algorithm is robust against local radiometrical differences; and successfully recovers disparities around the objects edges, disparities of thin objects, and the disparities of the occluded region. Moreover, our algorithm intrinsically prevents errors caused by occlusion to propagate into nonoccluded regions. It has only a small number of parameters. The performance of our algorithm is evaluated on the Middlebury test bed stereo images. It ranks highly on the evaluation list outperforming many local and global stereo algorithms using color images. Among the local algorithms relying on the fronto-parallel assumption, our algorithm is the best ranked algorithm. We also demonstrate that our algorithm is working well on practical examples as for disparity estimation of a tomato seedling and a 3D reconstruction of a face

    R3^3SGM: Real-time Raster-Respecting Semi-Global Matching for Power-Constrained Systems

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    Stereo depth estimation is used for many computer vision applications. Though many popular methods strive solely for depth quality, for real-time mobile applications (e.g. prosthetic glasses or micro-UAVs), speed and power efficiency are equally, if not more, important. Many real-world systems rely on Semi-Global Matching (SGM) to achieve a good accuracy vs. speed balance, but power efficiency is hard to achieve with conventional hardware, making the use of embedded devices such as FPGAs attractive for low-power applications. However, the full SGM algorithm is ill-suited to deployment on FPGAs, and so most FPGA variants of it are partial, at the expense of accuracy. In a non-FPGA context, the accuracy of SGM has been improved by More Global Matching (MGM), which also helps tackle the streaking artifacts that afflict SGM. In this paper, we propose a novel, resource-efficient method that is inspired by MGM's techniques for improving depth quality, but which can be implemented to run in real time on a low-power FPGA. Through evaluation on multiple datasets (KITTI and Middlebury), we show that in comparison to other real-time capable stereo approaches, we can achieve a state-of-the-art balance between accuracy, power efficiency and speed, making our approach highly desirable for use in real-time systems with limited power.Comment: Accepted in FPT 2018 as Oral presentation, 8 pages, 6 figures, 4 table

    Guided Filtering based Pyramidal Stereo Matching for Unrectified Images

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    Stereo matching deals with recovering quantitative depth information from a set of input images, based on the visual disparity between corresponding points. Generally most of the algorithms assume that the processed images are rectified. As robotics becomes popular, conducting stereo matching in the context of cloth manipulation, such as obtaining the disparity map of the garments from the two cameras of the cloth folding robot, is useful and challenging. This is resulted from the fact of the high efficiency, accuracy and low memory requirement under the usage of high resolution images in order to capture the details (e.g. cloth wrinkles) for the given application (e.g. cloth folding). Meanwhile, the images can be unrectified. Therefore, we propose to adapt guided filtering algorithm into the pyramidical stereo matching framework that works directly for unrectified images. To evaluate the proposed unrectified stereo matching in terms of accuracy, we present three datasets that are suited to especially the characteristics of the task of cloth manipulations. By com- paring the proposed algorithm with two baseline algorithms on those three datasets, we demonstrate that our proposed approach is accurate, efficient and requires low memory. This also shows that rather than relying on image rectification, directly applying stereo matching through the unrectified images can be also quite effective and meanwhile efficien

    Low-level Vision by Consensus in a Spatial Hierarchy of Regions

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    We introduce a multi-scale framework for low-level vision, where the goal is estimating physical scene values from image data---such as depth from stereo image pairs. The framework uses a dense, overlapping set of image regions at multiple scales and a "local model," such as a slanted-plane model for stereo disparity, that is expected to be valid piecewise across the visual field. Estimation is cast as optimization over a dichotomous mixture of variables, simultaneously determining which regions are inliers with respect to the local model (binary variables) and the correct co-ordinates in the local model space for each inlying region (continuous variables). When the regions are organized into a multi-scale hierarchy, optimization can occur in an efficient and parallel architecture, where distributed computational units iteratively perform calculations and share information through sparse connections between parents and children. The framework performs well on a standard benchmark for binocular stereo, and it produces a distributional scene representation that is appropriate for combining with higher-level reasoning and other low-level cues.Comment: Accepted to CVPR 2015. Project page: http://www.ttic.edu/chakrabarti/consensus
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