2 research outputs found

    Perancangan Prototipe Sistem Penerima Gelombang Radio Matahari Berbasis GNU Radio dan USRP B200 untuk Mendeteksi Semburan Matahari

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    Semburan matahari merupakan aktivitas yang mempengaruhi kondisi cuaca antariksa. Peristiwa tersebut menghasilkan gelombang radio dengan rentang frekuensi yang sangat lebar dan dapat merambat sampai ke bumi. Pengamatan semburan matahari telah dilakukan dengan menggunakan Compact Astronomical Low Cost, Low Frequency Instrument for Spectroscopy and Transportable Observatory (CALLISTO). CALLISTO dapat menerima sinyal radio matahari dengan rentang frekuensi 45 – 870 MHz. Pengembangan CALLISTO terus dilakukan oleh Pusat Sains Antariksa LAPAN, salah satunya adalah sistem penerima gelombang radio matahari berbasis Software Defined Radio. Makalah ini menjelaskan perancangan sistem penerima gelombang radio matahari dengan menggunakan USRP B200 dan GNU Radio. Sistem ini dirancang untuk dapat menerima sinyal gelombang radio matahari dengan rentang frekuensi 45 – 400 MHz. Untuk mencapai hal tersebut dilakukan dua tahap pengujian, yaitu pengujian pada skala lab menggunakan pembangkit sinyal HT dan pengujian perbandingan USRP B200 dengan CALLISTO. Data yang didapatkan disimpan dalam format text file dan ditampilkan dalam bentuk grafis 1 dimensi (power spectral) dan 2 dimensi (spectrogram). Solar burst is a solar activity that affects space weather condition. The event generates radio waves with wideband frequency and can prop up to earth. The observation of solar burst has been done using Compact Astronomical Low Cost, Low-Frequency Instrument for Spectroscopy and Transportable Observatory (CALLISTO). CALLISTO can receive solar radio signal with a range frequency 45-870 MHz. The development of CALLISTO continues by LAPAN Space Science Center, which is solar radio receiver system based on Software Defined Radio. In this research, the design of solar radio receiver system using USRP B200 and GNU Radio and this system is designed to be able to receive a solar radio wave signal with 45 – 400 MHz frequency range. To achieve those all is done by two-step of testing, which is testing on the lab scale using a signal generator HT and testing comparison USRP B200 with CALLISTO. The data obtained will be stored in text file format and will be displayed as 1-dimensional (power spectral) and 2-dimensional (spectrogram) graphic

    Spectrum cartography techniques, challenges, opportunities, and applications: A survey

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    The spectrum cartography finds applications in several areas such as cognitive radios, spectrum aware communications, machine-type communications, Internet of Things, connected vehicles, wireless sensor networks, and radio frequency management systems, etc. This paper presents a survey on state-of-the-art of spectrum cartography techniques for the construction of various radio environment maps (REMs). Following a brief overview on spectrum cartography, various techniques considered to construct the REMs such as channel gain map, power spectral density map, power map, spectrum map, power propagation map, radio frequency map, and interference map are reviewed. In this paper, we compare the performance of the different spectrum cartography methods in terms of mean absolute error, mean square error, normalized mean square error, and root mean square error. The information presented in this paper aims to serve as a practical reference guide for various spectrum cartography methods for constructing different REMs. Finally, some of the open issues and challenges for future research and development are discussed.publishedVersio