108 research outputs found

    MPC-based humanoid pursuit-evasion in the presence of obstacles

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    We consider a pursuit-evasion problem between humanoids in the presence of obstacles. In our scenario, the pursuer enters the safety area of the evader headed for collision, while the latter executes a fast evasive motion. Control schemes are designed for both the pursuer and the evader. They are structurally identical, although the objectives are different: the pursuer tries to align its direction of motion with the line- of-sight to the evader, whereas the evader tries to move in a direction orthogonal to the line-of-sight to the pursuer. At the core of the control architecture is a Model Predictive Control scheme for generating a stable gait. This allows for the inclusion of workspace obstacles, which we take into account at two levels: during the determination of the footsteps orientation and as an explicit MPC constraint. We illustrate the results with simulations on NAO humanoids

    A framework for safe human-humanoid coexistence

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    This work is focused on the development of a safety framework for Human-Humanoid coexistence, with emphasis on humanoid locomotion. After a brief introduction to the fundamental concepts of humanoid locomotion, the two most common approaches for gait generation are presented, and are extended with the inclusion of a stability condition to guarantee the boundedness of the generated trajectories. Then the safety framework is presented, with the introduction of different safety behaviors. These behaviors are meant to enhance the overall level of safety during any robot operation. Proactive behaviors will enhance or adapt the current robot operations to reduce the risk of danger, while override behaviors will stop the current robot activity in order to take action against a particularly dangerous situation. A state machine is defined to control the transitions between the behaviors. The behaviors that are strictly related to locomotion are subsequently detailed, and an implementation is proposed and validated. A possible implementation of the remaining behaviors is proposed through the review of related works that can be found in literature

    Real-time pursuit-evasion with humanoid robots

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    We consider a pursuit-evasion problem between humanoids. In our scenario, the pursuer enters the safety area of the evader headed for collision, while the latter executes a fast evasive motion. Control schemes are designed for both the pursuer and the evader. They are structurally identical, although the objectives are different: the pursuer tries to align its direction of motion with the line-of-sight to the evader, whereas the evader tries to move in a direction orthogonal to the line-of-sight to the pursuer. At the core of the control scheme is a maneuver planning module which makes use of closed- form expressions exclusively. This allows its use in a replanning framework, where each robot updates its motion plan upon completion of a step to account for the perceived motion of the other. Simulation and experimental results on NAO humanoids reveal an interesting asymptotic behavior which was predicted using unicycle as template models for trajectory generation

    Motion planning for manipulation and/or navigation tasks with emphasis on humanoid robots

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    This thesis handles the motion planning problem for various robotic platforms. This is a fundamental problem, especially referring to humanoid robots for which it is particularly challenging for a number of reasons. The first is the high number of degrees of freedom. The second is that a humanoid robot is not a free-flying system in its configuration space: its motions must be generated appropriately. Finally, the implicit requirement that the robot maintains equilibrium, either static or dynamic, typically constrains the trajectory of the robot center of mass. In particular, we are interested in handling problems in which the robot must execute a task, possibly requiring stepping, in environments cluttered by obstacles. In order to solve this problem, we propose to use offline probabilistic motion planning techniques such as Rapidly Exploring Random Trees (RRTs) that consist in finding a solution by means of a graph built in an appropriately defined configuration space. The novelty of the approach is that it does not separate locomotion from task execution. This feature allows to generate whole-body movements while fulfilling the task. The task can be assigned as a trajectory or a single point in the task space or even combining tasks of different nature (e.g., manipulation and navigation tasks). The proposed method is also able to deform the task, if the assigned one is too difficult to be fulfilled. It automatically detects when the task should be deformed and which kind of deformation to apply. However, there are situations, especially when robots and humans have to share the same workspace, in which the robot has to be equipped with reactive capabilities (as avoiding moving obstacles), allowing to reach a basic level of safety. The final part of the thesis handles the rearrangement planning problem. This problem is interesting in view of manipulation tasks, where the robot has to interact with objects in the environment. Roughly speaking, the goal of this problem is to plan the motion for a robot whose assigned a task (e.g., move a target object in a goal region). Doing this, the robot is allowed to move some movable objects that are in the environment. The problem is difficult because we must plan in continuous, high-dimensional state and action spaces. Additionally, the physical constraints induced by the nonprehensile interaction between the robot and the objects in the scene must be respected. Our insight is to embed physics models in the planning stage, allowing robot manipulation and simultaneous objects interaction. Throughout the thesis, we evaluate the proposed planners through experiments on different robotic platforms

    Humanoid gait generation for walk-to locomotion using single-stage MPC

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    We consider the problem of gait generation for a humanoid robot that must walk to an assigned Cartesian goal. As a first solution, we consider a rather straightforward adaptation of our previous work: An external block produces high-level velocities, which are then tracked by a double-stage intrinsically stable MPC scheme where the orientation of the footsteps is chosen before determining their location and the CoM trajectory. The second solution, which represents the main contribution of the paper, is conceptually different: no high-level velocity is generated, and footstep orientations are chosen at the same time of the other decision variables in a singlestage MPC. This is made possible by carefully redesigning the motion constraints so as to preserve linearity. Preliminary results on a simulated NAO confirm that the single-stage method outperforms the conventional double-stage scheme

    A behavior-based framework for safe deployment of humanoid robots

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    We present a complete framework for the safe deployment of humanoid robots in environments containing humans. Proceeding from some general guidelines, we propose several safety behaviors, classified in three categories, i.e., override, temporary override, and proactive. Activation and deactivation of these behaviors is triggered by information coming from the robot sensors and is handled by a state machine. The implementation of our safety framework is discussed with respect to a reference control architecture. In particular, it is shown that an MPC-based gait generator is ideal for realizing all behaviors related to locomotion. Simulation and experimental results on the HRP-4 and NAO humanoids, respectively, are presented to confirm the effectiveness of the proposed method

    A Helping Hand: Industrial Robotics, Knowledge and User-Oriented Services

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    In this paper we discuss AI in industrial robotics. In automatic control, computer vision and optimization, ma- chine learning and data mining algorithms are widely used. However, cognition enabling mechanisms, such as high-level logic and symbolic reasoning, are still limited. This is not due to the lack of available algorithms, rather the bottleneck is knowledge representation, acquisition and transformation between different formalisms. In industrial robotics, cognition is not self-serving, AI tech- nologies are rather a tool to make the user interaction, the system configuration and the task execution as cost efficient as possible. Autonomy is a mean to minimize the human workload. In our approach, we use an online knowledge base that provides libraries with object models and task specifications, and offer services to support the user (and the robot) during programming, deployment and execution

    Real-time pursuit-evasion with humanoid robots

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    We consider a pursuit-evasion problem between humanoids. In our scenario, the pursuer enters the safety area of the evader headed for collision, while the latter executes a fast evasive motion. Control schemes are designed for both the pursuer and the evader. They are structurally identical, although the objectives are different: the pursuer tries to align its direction of motion with the line-of-sight to the evader, whereas the evader tries to move in a direction orthogonal to the line-of-sight to the pursuer. At the core of the control scheme is a maneuver planning module which makes use of closed-form expressions exclusively. This allows its use in a replanning framework, where each robot updates its motion plan upon completion of a step to account for the perceived motion of the other. Simulation and experimental results on NAO humanoids reveal an interesting asymptotic behavior which was predicted using unicycle as template models for trajectory generation
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