5 research outputs found

    Research on Parametric Model for Surface Processing Prediction of Aero-Engine Blades

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    This paper presented a method for establishing a blade surface machining prediction model based on a parametric model. The abrasive grain state of the grinding tool was divided into initial wear stage, stable wear stage and sharp wear stage. Based on this, a parametric prediction model of engine blade surface material removal was established. In this paper, the simulation of blade surface machining was carried out. In this work, the blade was divided into several sections according to the direction from the blade root to the blade tip. A certain curve of the outer contour was fitted with a specific arc to reduce the calculation amount. Through a series of simulation calculations, the expressions of the above parametric prediction model were obtained, and several experiments were carried out to verify the feasibility of the prediction model, and the results were analyzed

    New Approaches to Determining Shortest Cutters and Work Piece Setups without Over-travel for 5-axis CNC Machining

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    Five axis CNC machining centers are widely used in the industries for producing the complex parts. Due to two more axes as compared to the three axes machining, it provides the efficient and flexible way of the machining. Besides this flexibility, accidental collision possibilities between the cutting system and the other moving parts of the machine tools are also increased. These collisions could be avoided by changing the orientations of the tool during the tool path planning or by adjusting the cutter length and the tool holder size after the tool path generation in the part coordinate system. Collision detection and removal by the optimum cutter length depends on the configuration of five axis machine tools. No. of possible candidates for the collision may vary with the configuration of the machine tools. Since the fully utilization of the existing machining facilities in the industry is also in high demand, therefore, after selecting the one of the critical parameter of the cutter length, the maximum utilization of the work space of the 5-axis machine tools is another critical task. This dissertation comprises of two main works. In the first research work, a comprehensive approach for the determination of the optimum cutter length for the specific configuration of five axis machine tool is developed. The complete cutting system (the tool, the tool holder and the spindle), the work in process model and the fixture are the three possible candidates for the collision. The work in process model and the fixture are represented as the point cloud data and the tool holder and the spindle are represented as a regular shape of the truncated cone and the cylinder respectively. Collision checking is conducted in two steps. In the first step the KD-tree data structure is employed on the point cloud data and a method is developed which confines the searching of the point cloud data in the local region and in the second step a new mathematical model for the collision detection between the points in the local region and the cutting system is established. This model also has the capability of removal collision with the optimum cutter length. In the second research work, kinematics of the table rotating and spindle tilting 5-axis machine is developed and setup parameters for mounting the part on the table are defined. A precise method for the determination of the setup parameters, which gives the opportunity of fully utilization of the work space of the machine tool, is developed. Many machining simulation software such as vericut can simulate the G-codes for the given setup parameters of the part and can verify the over travel limits of the machine tool as well as accidental collision between the moving parts of the machine. In this research, the developed method for the determination of the setup parameters gives the guarantee of complete machining of the part without over travel limits of the machine translational axes. This research is based on the predetermined machining strategies, which means, tool path is already given in the part coordinate system

    Virtual environments for medical training : graphic and haptic simulation of tool-tissue interactions

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    Thesis (Ph. D.)--Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Dept. of Mechanical Engineering, 2004.Includes bibliographical references (leaves 122-127).For more than 2,500 years, surgical teaching has been based on the so called "see one, do one, teach one" paradigm, in which the surgical trainee learns by operating on patients under close supervision of peers and superiors. However, higher demands on the quality of patient care and rising malpractice costs have made it increasingly risky to train on patients. Minimally invasive surgery, in particular, has made it more difficult for an instructor to demonstrate the required manual skills. It has been recognized that, similar to flight simulators for pilots, virtual reality (VR) based surgical simulators promise a safer and more comprehensive way to train manual skills of medical personnel in general and surgeons in particular. One of the major challenges in the development of VR-based surgical trainers is the real-time and realistic simulation of interactions between surgical instruments and biological tissues. It involves multi-disciplinary research areas including soft tissue mechanical behavior, tool-tissue contact mechanics, computer haptics, computer graphics and robotics integrated into VR-based training systems. The research described in this thesis addresses many of the problems of simulating tool-tissue interactions in medical virtual environments. First, two kinds of physically based real time soft tissue models - the local deformation and the hybrid deformation model - were developed to compute interaction forces and visual deformation fields that provide real-time feed back to the user. Second, a system to measure in vivo mechanical properties of soft tissues was designed, and eleven sets of animal experiments were performed to measure in vivo and in vitro biomechanical properties of porcine intra-abdominal organs. Viscoelastic tissue(cont.) parameters were then extracted by matching finite element model predictions with the empirical data. Finally, the tissue parameters were combined with geometric organ models segmented from the Visible Human Dataset and integrated into a minimally invasive surgical simulation system consisting of haptic interface devices inside a mannequin and a graphic display. This system was used to demonstrate deformation and cutting of the esophagus, where the user can haptically interact with the virtual soft tissues and see the corresponding organ deformation on the visual display at the same time.by Jung Kim.Ph.D

    An Improved 2DOF Elastokinematic Surrogate Model for Continuous Motion Prediction and Visualisation of Forearm Pro-and Supination for Surgical Planning

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    Forearm rotation (pro-/supination) involves a non-trivial combination of rotation and translation of two bones, namely, radius and ulna, relatively to each other. Early works regarded this relative motion as a rotation about a fixed (skew) axis. However, this assumption turns out not to be exact. This thesis regards a spatial-loop surrogate mechanism involving two degrees of freedom with an elastic coupling for better forearm motion prediction. In addition, the influence of the bone morphology and position of elbow on kinematics are also considered. The model parameters are not measured directly from the anatomical components, but are fitted by reducing the errors between predicted and measured values in an optimization loop. For non-invasive measurement of bone position, magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) is employed. We present a method to self-calibrate the arm position in the MRI scanning tube and to fit the model parameters from a few, coarse MRI scans. Results show a good concordance between measurement and simulation. Moreover, the minimum distance changing between bones during forearm rotation is elucidated, which is not yet proved in anatomical and clinical literatures. The minimum distance is calculated by searching for the global shortest distance between bone contours on ulna and radius by a two-level selection and a following multidimensional Newton-Raphson algorithm. To this end, the methodology is extended from healthy bones to deformed arms and an angulated forearm model is developed. The 3D angulated bone geometry is obtained by manually separating the bone structure at the broken position, and the minimum distance and the range of motion of fractured forearms are analyzed. As shown for a single case validation, simulated results show very small deviations from anatomical data. Furthermore, the simulations discussed above are visualized using interactive interfaces, which facilitates the application of the model in clinical planning.Die Unterarmrotation beinhaltet eine nicht triviale Kombination einer Rotation und Translokation zweier Knochen, Radius und Ulna relativ zu einander. Frühere Arbeiten betrachteten diese relative Bewegung als eine Rotation um eine fixierte Achse. Allerdings scheint diese Annahme ungenau zu sein. Diese Arbeit betrachtet ein Spatial-Loop Surrogat Mechanismus unter Berücksichtigung von zwei Freiheitsgraden mit einer elastischen Gelenkverbindung für eine bessere Prognose der Unterarm-Bewegung. Zusätzlich wird der Einfluss der Knochenmorphologie und die Position des Ellenbogens auf die Kinematik berücksichtig. Die Modellparameter werden nicht direkt von den anatomischen Komponenten bestimmt, sondern unter Berücksichtigung der Abweichung von Annahme und Messung. Zur nicht invasiven Messung der Knochenposition wird die Methode der Magnetresonanztomographie (MRT) angewendet. Wir stellen hier eine Methode um die Arm-Position in das MRI Scan-Rohr selbst zu kalibrieren und die Modellparameter aus einige grobe MRT-Aufnahmen zu passen. Die simulierten Ergebnisse zeigen sehr kleine Abweichungen von anatomischen Daten. Eine minimale Änderung der Distanz zwischen den Knochen während der Unterarmrotation wird beleuchte, die bisher nicht in der anatomischen und klinischen Literatur beschrieben ist. Die Berechnung der minimalen Distanz erfolgt über die Ermittlung der gesamt kürzesten Distanz. Zu diesem Zweck wird die Methodik von gesunden Knochen auf deformiere Arme und ein angewinkeltes Unterarmmodel entwickelt. Die 3D gewinkelte Knochen-Geometrie ergibt sich aus der Knochenstruktur an der gebrochener Position manuell zu trennen, und darauf werden der Mindestabstand und der Bereich der Bewegung von dem gebrochenen Unterarm analysiert. Wie dies bei einer einzelnen Fall Validierung, zeigen die simulierten Ergebnisse sehr kleine Abweichungen von anatomischen Daten. Darüber hinaus werden die oben beschrieben Simulationen mit interaktiven Benutzeroberflächen visualisiert, welche die Anwendung des Modells in der klinischen Planung erleichtert