4 research outputs found

    Graceful Navigation for Mobile Robots in Dynamic and Uncertain Environments.

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    The ability to navigate in everyday environments is a fundamental and necessary skill for any autonomous mobile agent that is intended to work with human users. The presence of pedestrians and other dynamic objects, however, makes the environment inherently dynamic and uncertain. To navigate in such environments, an agent must reason about the near future and make an optimal decision at each time step so that it can move safely toward the goal. Furthermore, for any application intended to carry passengers, it also must be able to move smoothly and comfortably, and the robot behavior needs to be customizable to match the preference of the individual users. Despite decades of progress in the field of motion planning and control, this remains a difficult challenge with existing methods. In this dissertation, we show that safe, comfortable, and customizable mobile robot navigation in dynamic and uncertain environments can be achieved via stochastic model predictive control. We view the problem of navigation in dynamic and uncertain environments as a continuous decision making process, where an agent with short-term predictive capability reasons about its situation and makes an informed decision at each time step. The problem of robot navigation in dynamic and uncertain environments is formulated as an on-line, finite-horizon policy and trajectory optimization problem under uncertainty. With our formulation, planning and control becomes fully integrated, which allows direct optimization of the performance measure. Furthermore, with our approach the problem becomes easy to solve, which allows our algorithm to run in real time on a single core of a typical laptop with off-the-shelf optimization packages. The work presented in this thesis extends the state-of-the-art in analytic control of mobile robots, sampling-based optimal path planning, and stochastic model predictive control. We believe that our work is a significant step toward safe and reliable autonomous navigation that is acceptable to human users.PhDMechanical EngineeringUniversity of Michigan, Horace H. Rackham School of Graduate Studieshttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/120760/1/jongjinp_1.pd

    Learning Reach-to-Grasp Motions From Human Demonstrations

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    Reaching over to grasp an item is arguably the most commonly used motor skill by humans. Even under sudden perturbations, humans seem to react rapidly and adapt their motion to guarantee success. Despite the apparent ease and frequency with which we use this ability, a complete understanding of the underlying mechanisms cannot be claimed. It is partly due to such incomplete knowledge that adaptive robot motion for reaching and grasping under perturbations is not perfectly achieved. In this thesis, we take the discriminative approach for modelling trajectories of reach-to-grasp motion from expert demonstrations. Throughout this thesis, we will employ time-independent (autonomous) flow based representations to learn reactive motion controllers which can then be ported onto robots. This thesis is divided into three main parts. The first part is dedicated to biologically inspired modelling of reach-to-grasp motions with respect to the hand-arm coupling. We build upon previous work in motion modelling using autonomous dynamical systems (DS) and present a coupled dynamical system (CDS) model of these two subsystems. The coupled model ensures satisfaction of the constraints between the hand and the arm subsystems which are critical to the success of a reach-to-grasp task. Moreover, it reduces the complexity of the overall motion planning problem as compared to considering a combined problem for the hand and the arm motion. In the second part we extend the CDS approach to incorporate multiple grasping points. Such a model is beneficial due to the fact that many daily life objects afford multiple grasping locations on their surface. We combine a DS based approach with energy-function learning to learn a multiple attractor dynamical system where the attractors are mapped to the desired grasping points. We present the Augmented-SVM (ASVM) model that combines the classical SVM formulation with gradient constraints arising from the energy function to learn the desired dynamical function for motion generation. In the last part of this thesis, we address the problem of inverse-kinematics and obstacle avoidance by combining our flow-based motion generator with global configuration-space planners. We claim that the two techniques complement each other. On one hand, the fast reactive nature of our flow based motion generator can used to guide the search of a randomly exploring random tree (RRT) based global planner. On the other hand, global planners can efficiently handle arbitrary obstacles and avoid local minima present in the dynamical function learned from demonstrations. We show that combining the information from demonstrations with global planning in the form of a energy-map considerably decreases the computational complexity of state-of-the-art sampling based planners. We believe that this thesis has the following contributions to Robotics and Machine Learning. First, we have developed algorithms for fast and adaptive motion generation for reach-grasp motions. Second, we formulated an extension to the classical SVM formulation that takes into account the gradient information from data. We showed that instead of being limited as a classifier or a regressor, the SVM framework can be used as a more general function approximation technique. Lastly, we have combined our local methods with global approaches for planning to achieve arbitrary obstacle avoidance and considerable reduction in the computation complexity of the global planners

    Efficient configuration space construction and optimization

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    The configuration space is a fundamental concept that is widely used in algorithmic robotics. Many applications in robotics, computer-aided design, and related areas can be reduced to computational problems in terms of configuration spaces. In this dissertation, we address three main computational challenges related to configuration spaces: 1) how to efficiently compute an approximate representation of high-dimensional configuration spaces; 2) how to efficiently perform geometric, proximity, and motion planning queries in high dimensional configuration spaces; and 3) how to model uncertainty in configuration spaces represented by noisy sensor data. We present new configuration space construction algorithms based on machine learning and geometric approximation techniques. These algorithms perform collision queries on many configuration samples. The collision query results are used to compute an approximate representation for the configuration space, which quickly converges to the exact configuration space. We highlight the efficiency of our algorithms for penetration depth computation and instance-based motion planning. We also present parallel GPU-based algorithms to accelerate the performance of optimization and search computations in configuration spaces. In particular, we design efficient GPU-based parallel k-nearest neighbor and parallel collision detection algorithms and use these algorithms to accelerate motion planning. In order to extend configuration space algorithms to handle noisy sensor data arising from real-world robotics applications, we model the uncertainty in the configuration space by formulating the collision probabilities for noisy data. We use these algorithms to perform reliable motion planning for the PR2 robot.Doctor of Philosoph