2,814 research outputs found

    Forecasting Hands and Objects in Future Frames

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    This paper presents an approach to forecast future presence and location of human hands and objects. Given an image frame, the goal is to predict what objects will appear in the future frame (e.g., 5 seconds later) and where they will be located at, even when they are not visible in the current frame. The key idea is that (1) an intermediate representation of a convolutional object recognition model abstracts scene information in its frame and that (2) we can predict (i.e., regress) such representations corresponding to the future frames based on that of the current frame. We design a new two-stream convolutional neural network (CNN) architecture for videos by extending the state-of-the-art convolutional object detection network, and present a new fully convolutional regression network for predicting future scene representations. Our experiments confirm that combining the regressed future representation with our detection network allows reliable estimation of future hands and objects in videos. We obtain much higher accuracy compared to the state-of-the-art future object presence forecast method on a public dataset

    DIY Human Action Data Set Generation

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    The recent successes in applying deep learning techniques to solve standard computer vision problems has aspired researchers to propose new computer vision problems in different domains. As previously established in the field, training data itself plays a significant role in the machine learning process, especially deep learning approaches which are data hungry. In order to solve each new problem and get a decent performance, a large amount of data needs to be captured which may in many cases pose logistical difficulties. Therefore, the ability to generate de novo data or expand an existing data set, however small, in order to satisfy data requirement of current networks may be invaluable. Herein, we introduce a novel way to partition an action video clip into action, subject and context. Each part is manipulated separately and reassembled with our proposed video generation technique. Furthermore, our novel human skeleton trajectory generation along with our proposed video generation technique, enables us to generate unlimited action recognition training data. These techniques enables us to generate video action clips from an small set without costly and time-consuming data acquisition. Lastly, we prove through extensive set of experiments on two small human action recognition data sets, that this new data generation technique can improve the performance of current action recognition neural nets

    Predicting Future Instance Segmentation by Forecasting Convolutional Features

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    Anticipating future events is an important prerequisite towards intelligent behavior. Video forecasting has been studied as a proxy task towards this goal. Recent work has shown that to predict semantic segmentation of future frames, forecasting at the semantic level is more effective than forecasting RGB frames and then segmenting these. In this paper we consider the more challenging problem of future instance segmentation, which additionally segments out individual objects. To deal with a varying number of output labels per image, we develop a predictive model in the space of fixed-sized convolutional features of the Mask R-CNN instance segmentation model. We apply the "detection head'" of Mask R-CNN on the predicted features to produce the instance segmentation of future frames. Experiments show that this approach significantly improves over strong baselines based on optical flow and repurposed instance segmentation architectures

    Local Motion Planner for Autonomous Navigation in Vineyards with a RGB-D Camera-Based Algorithm and Deep Learning Synergy

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    With the advent of agriculture 3.0 and 4.0, researchers are increasingly focusing on the development of innovative smart farming and precision agriculture technologies by introducing automation and robotics into the agricultural processes. Autonomous agricultural field machines have been gaining significant attention from farmers and industries to reduce costs, human workload, and required resources. Nevertheless, achieving sufficient autonomous navigation capabilities requires the simultaneous cooperation of different processes; localization, mapping, and path planning are just some of the steps that aim at providing to the machine the right set of skills to operate in semi-structured and unstructured environments. In this context, this study presents a low-cost local motion planner for autonomous navigation in vineyards based only on an RGB-D camera, low range hardware, and a dual layer control algorithm. The first algorithm exploits the disparity map and its depth representation to generate a proportional control for the robotic platform. Concurrently, a second back-up algorithm, based on representations learning and resilient to illumination variations, can take control of the machine in case of a momentaneous failure of the first block. Moreover, due to the double nature of the system, after initial training of the deep learning model with an initial dataset, the strict synergy between the two algorithms opens the possibility of exploiting new automatically labeled data, coming from the field, to extend the existing model knowledge. The machine learning algorithm has been trained and tested, using transfer learning, with acquired images during different field surveys in the North region of Italy and then optimized for on-device inference with model pruning and quantization. Finally, the overall system has been validated with a customized robot platform in the relevant environment
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