2 research outputs found

    Evorus: A Crowd-powered Conversational Assistant Built to Automate Itself Over Time

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    Crowd-powered conversational assistants have been shown to be more robust than automated systems, but do so at the cost of higher response latency and monetary costs. A promising direction is to combine the two approaches for high quality, low latency, and low cost solutions. In this paper, we introduce Evorus, a crowd-powered conversational assistant built to automate itself over time by (i) allowing new chatbots to be easily integrated to automate more scenarios, (ii) reusing prior crowd answers, and (iii) learning to automatically approve response candidates. Our 5-month-long deployment with 80 participants and 281 conversations shows that Evorus can automate itself without compromising conversation quality. Crowd-AI architectures have long been proposed as a way to reduce cost and latency for crowd-powered systems; Evorus demonstrates how automation can be introduced successfully in a deployed system. Its architecture allows future researchers to make further innovation on the underlying automated components in the context of a deployed open domain dialog system.Comment: 10 pages. To appear in the Proceedings of the Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems 2018 (CHI'18


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    Huge neural autoregressive sequence models have achieved impressive performance across different applications, such as NLP, reinforcement learning, and bioinformatics. However, some lingering problems (e.g., consistency and coherency of generated texts) continue to exist, regardless of the parameter count. In the first part of this thesis, we chart a taxonomy of the expressiveness of various sequence model families (Ch 3). In particular, we put forth complexity-theoretic proofs that string latent-variable sequence models are strictly more expressive than energy-based sequence models, which in turn are more expressive than autoregressive sequence models. Based on these findings, we introduce residual energy-based sequence models, a family of energy-based sequence models (Ch 4) whose sequence weights can be evaluated efficiently, and also perform competitively against autoregressive models. However, we show how unrestricted energy-based sequence models can suffer from uncomputability; and how such a problem is generally unfixable without knowledge of the true sequence distribution (Ch 5). In the second part of the thesis, we study practical sequence model families and algorithms based on theoretical findings in the first part of the thesis. We introduce neural particle smoothing (Ch 6), a family of approximate sampling methods that work with conditional latent variable models. We also introduce neural finite-state transducers (Ch 7), which extend weighted finite state transducers with the introduction of mark strings, allowing scoring transduction paths in a finite state transducer with a neural network. Finally, we propose neural regular expressions (Ch 8), a family of neural sequence models that are easy to engineer, allowing a user to design flexible weighted relations using Marked FSTs, and combine these weighted relations together with various operations