15 research outputs found

    Real-World Repetition Estimation by Div, Grad and Curl

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    We consider the problem of estimating repetition in video, such as performing push-ups, cutting a melon or playing violin. Existing work shows good results under the assumption of static and stationary periodicity. As realistic video is rarely perfectly static and stationary, the often preferred Fourier-based measurements is inapt. Instead, we adopt the wavelet transform to better handle non-static and non-stationary video dynamics. From the flow field and its differentials, we derive three fundamental motion types and three motion continuities of intrinsic periodicity in 3D. On top of this, the 2D perception of 3D periodicity considers two extreme viewpoints. What follows are 18 fundamental cases of recurrent perception in 2D. In practice, to deal with the variety of repetitive appearance, our theory implies measuring time-varying flow and its differentials (gradient, divergence and curl) over segmented foreground motion. For experiments, we introduce the new QUVA Repetition dataset, reflecting reality by including non-static and non-stationary videos. On the task of counting repetitions in video, we obtain favorable results compared to a deep learning alternative

    Real-World Repetition Estimation by Div, Grad and Curl

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    Subitizing with Variational Autoencoders

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    Numerosity, the number of objects in a set, is a basic property of a given visual scene. Many animals develop the perceptual ability to subitize: the near-instantaneous identification of the numerosity in small sets of visual items. In computer vision, it has been shown that numerosity emerges as a statistical property in neural networks during unsupervised learning from simple synthetic images. In this work, we focus on more complex natural images using unsupervised hierarchical neural networks. Specifically, we show that variational autoencoders are able to spontaneously perform subitizing after training without supervision on a large amount images from the Salient Object Subitizing dataset. While our method is unable to outperform supervised convolutional networks for subitizing, we observe that the networks learn to encode numerosity as basic visual property. Moreover, we find that the learned representations are likely invariant to object area; an observation in alignment with studies on biological neural networks in cognitive neuroscience

    Context-aware and Scale-insensitive Temporal Repetition Counting

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    Temporal repetition counting aims to estimate the number of cycles of a given repetitive action. Existing deep learning methods assume repetitive actions are performed in a fixed time-scale, which is invalid for the complex repetitive actions in real life. In this paper, we tailor a context-aware and scale-insensitive framework, to tackle the challenges in repetition counting caused by the unknown and diverse cycle-lengths. Our approach combines two key insights: (1) Cycle lengths from different actions are unpredictable that require large-scale searching, but, once a coarse cycle length is determined, the variety between repetitions can be overcome by regression. (2) Determining the cycle length cannot only rely on a short fragment of video but a contextual understanding. The first point is implemented by a coarse-to-fine cycle refinement method. It avoids the heavy computation of exhaustively searching all the cycle lengths in the video, and, instead, it propagates the coarse prediction for further refinement in a hierarchical manner. We secondly propose a bidirectional cycle length estimation method for a context-aware prediction. It is a regression network that takes two consecutive coarse cycles as input, and predicts the locations of the previous and next repetitive cycles. To benefit the training and evaluation of temporal repetition counting area, we construct a new and largest benchmark, which contains 526 videos with diverse repetitive actions. Extensive experiments show that the proposed network trained on a single dataset outperforms state-of-the-art methods on several benchmarks, indicating that the proposed framework is general enough to capture repetition patterns across domains.Comment: Accepted by CVPR202