118 research outputs found

    Open Platforms for Connected Vehicles

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    Synergizing Roadway Infrastructure Investment with Digital Infrastructure for Infrastructure-Based Connected Vehicle Applications: Review of Current Status and Future Directions

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    The file attached to this record is the author's final peer reviewed version. The Publisher's final version can be found by following the DOI link.The safety, mobility, environmental and economic benefits of Connected and Autonomous Vehicles (CAVs) are potentially dramatic. However, realization of these benefits largely hinges on the timely upgrading of the existing transportation system. CAVs must be enabled to send and receive data to and from other vehicles and drivers (V2V communication) and to and from infrastructure (V2I communication). Further, infrastructure and the transportation agencies that manage it must be able to collect, process, distribute and archive these data quickly, reliably, and securely. This paper focuses on current digital roadway infrastructure initiatives and highlights the importance of including digital infrastructure investment alongside more traditional infrastructure investment to keep up with the auto industry's push towards this real time communication and data processing capability. Agencies responsible for transportation infrastructure construction and management must collaborate, establishing national and international platforms to guide the planning, deployment and management of digital infrastructure in their jurisdictions. This will help create standardized interoperable national and international systems so that CAV technology is not deployed in a haphazard and uncoordinated manner

    Mobile RF Scenario Design for Massive-Scale Wireless Channel Emulators

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    Large-scale wireless emulation is gaining momentum nowadays, thanks to its potential in the development and deployment of advanced use cases for next-generation wireless networks. Several novel use cases are indeed emerging, including massive MIMO, millimeter wave beamforming and AI-based Vehicle-to-Everything (V2X) optimized communication. The development and testing of a wireless application, especially at a large scale and when dealing with mobile nodes, faces several challenges that cannot be solved by simulation frameworks alone. Thus, massive-scale channel emulators are emerging, enabling the emulation of realistic scenarios which leverage real hardware and radio signals. However, this is a complex task due to the lack of realistic scenarios based on real datasets. We thus propose a novel framework for the design and generation of channel emulation scenarios starting from real mobility traces, either generated by means of dedicated tools, or collected on the field. Our framework provides a practical way of generating mobility scenarios with vehicles, pedestrians, drones and other mobile entities. We detail all the steps foreseen by our framework, from the provision of the traces and radio parameters, to the generation of a matrix describing the delay and IQ samples for each time instant and node in the scenario. We also showcase the potentiality of our proposal by designing and creating a vehicular 5G scenario with 13 vehicles, starting from a recently-disclosed open dataset. This scenario is then validated on the Colosseum channel emulator, proving how our framework can provide an effective tool for large-scale wireless networking evaluation

    Similitude: Interfacing a Traffic Simulator and Network Simulator with Emulated Android Clients

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    Mobile phone apps are increasingly part and parcel of today's intelligent transportation systems (ITS). Evaluating these apps at scale requires modeling of phones and networks, along with vehicles, people and roads. In this paper, we present Similitude, a system comprising a traffic simulator, network simulator, and cluster of Android emulators that has applications in mobile app development as well as modern transport simulation. Apps with their wireless network stack are run on an Android emulator, with network packet delivery modeled in detail via a network simulator. Each phone's location and human interaction elements are obtained through interfacing with a microscopic traffic simulator running driver and pedestrian behavioral models. A prototype of the system is shown to scale well up to 300 simultaneous connected Android emulators, with individual system components scaling upwards of thousands of agents. An ITS app that does road space rationing is used as the case study demonstrating a potential use case of Similitude


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    Cooperative Vehicular Platooning (Co-VP) is a paradigmatic example of a Cooperative Cyber-Physical System (Co-CPS), which holds the potential to vastly improve road safety by partially removing humans from the driving task. However, the challenges are substantial, as the domain involves several topics, such as control theory, communications, vehicle dynamics, security, and traffic engineering, that must be coupled to describe, develop and validate these systems of systems accurately. This work presents a comprehensive survey of significant and recent advances in Co-VP relevant fields. We start by overviewing the work on control strategies and underlying communication infrastructures, focusing on their interplay. We also address a fundamental concern by presenting a cyber-security overview regarding these systems. Furthermore, we present and compare the primary initiatives to test and validate those systems, including simulation tools, hardware-in-the-loop setups, and vehicular testbeds. Finally, we highlight a few open challenges in the Co-VP domain. This work aims to provide a fundamental overview of highly relevant works on Co-VP topics, particularly by exposing their inter-dependencies, facilitating a guide that will support further developments in this challenging field.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Real-time SIL Emulation Architecture for Cooperative Automated Vehicles

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    This thesis presents a robust, flexible and real-time architecture for Software-in-the-Loop (SIL) testing of connected vehicle safety applications. Emerging connected and automated vehicles (CAV) use sensing, communication and computing technologies in the design of a host of new safety applications. Testing and verification of these applications is a major concern for the automotive industry. The CAV safety applications work by sharing their state and movement information over wireless communication links. Vehicular communication has fueled the development of various Cooperative Vehicle Safety (CVS) applications. Development of safety applications for CAV requires testing in many different scenarios. However, the recreation of test scenarios for evaluating safety applications is a very challenging task. This is mainly due to the randomness in communication, difficulty in recreating vehicle movements precisely, and safety concerns for certain scenarios. We propose to develop a standalone Remote Vehicle Emulator (RVE) that can reproduce V2V messages of remote vehicles from simulations or from previous tests, while also emulating the over the air behavior of multiple communicating nodes. This is expected to significantly accelerate the development cycle. RVE is a unique and easily configurable emulation cum simulation setup to allow Software in the Loop (SIL) testing of connected vehicle applications in a realistic and safe manner. It will help in tailoring numerous test scenarios, expediting algorithm development and validation as well as increase the probability of finding failure modes. This, in turn, will help improve the quality of safety applications while saving testing time and reducing cost. The RVE architecture consists of two modules, the Mobility Generator, and the Communication emulator. Both of these modules consist of a sequence of events that are handled based on the type of testing to be carried out. The communication emulator simulates the behavior of MAC layer while also considering the channel model to increase the probability of successful transmission. It then produces over the air messages that resemble the output of multiple nodes transmitting, including corrupted messages due to collisions. The algorithm that goes inside the emulator has been optimized so as to minimize the communication latency and make this a realistic and real-time safety testing tool. Finally, we provide a multi-metric experimental evaluation wherein we verified the simulation results with an identically configured ns3 simulator. With the aim to improve the quality of testing of CVS applications, this unique architecture would serve as a fundamental design for the future of CVS application testing
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