2 research outputs found

    DeeProBot: a hybrid deep neural network model for social bot detection based on user profile data

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    Use of online social networks (OSNs) undoubtedly brings the world closer. OSNs like Twitter provide a space for expressing one’s opinions in a public platform. This great potential is misused by the creation of bot accounts, which spread fake news and manipulate opinions. Hence, distinguishing genuine human accounts from bot accounts has become a pressing issue for researchers. In this paper, we propose a framework based on deep learning to classify Twitter accounts as either ‘human’ or ‘bot.’ We use the information from user profile metadata of the Twitter account like description, follower count and tweet count. We name the framework ‘DeeProBot,’ which stands for Deep Profile-based Bot detection framework. The raw text from the description field of the Twitter account is also considered a feature for training the model by embedding the raw text using pre-trained Global Vectors (GLoVe) for word representation. Using only the user profile-based features considerably reduces the feature engineering overhead compared with that of user timeline-based features like user tweets and retweets. DeeProBot handles mixed types of features including numerical, binary, and text data, making the model hybrid. The network is designed with long short-term memory (LSTM) units and dense layers to accept and process the mixed input types. The proposed model is evaluated on a collection of publicly available labeled datasets. We have designed the model to make it generalizable across different datasets. The model is evaluated using two ways: testing on a hold-out set of the same dataset; and training with one dataset and testing with a different dataset. With these experiments, the proposed model achieved AUC as high as 0.97 with a selected set of features

    Real-Time Bot Detection from Twitter Using the Twitterbot+ Framework

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    Nowadays, bot detection from Twitter attracts the attention of several researchers around the world. Different bot detection approaches have been proposed as a result of these research efforts. Four of the main challenges faced in this context are the diversity of types of content propagated throughout Twitter, the problem inherent to the text, the lack of sufficient labeled datasets and the fact that the current bot detection approaches are not sufficient to detect bot activities accurately. We propose, Twitterbot+, a bot detection system that leveraged a minimal number of language-independent features extracted from one single tweet with temporal enrichment of a previously labeled datasets. We conducted experiments on three benchmark datasets with standard evaluation scenarios, and the achieved results demonstrate the efficiency of Twitterbot+ against the state-of-the-art. This yielded a promising accuracy results (>95%). Our proposition is suitable for accurate and real-time use in a Twitter data collection step as an initial filtering technique to improve the quality of research data