4 research outputs found

    On Multilingual Training of Neural Dependency Parsers

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    We show that a recently proposed neural dependency parser can be improved by joint training on multiple languages from the same family. The parser is implemented as a deep neural network whose only input is orthographic representations of words. In order to successfully parse, the network has to discover how linguistically relevant concepts can be inferred from word spellings. We analyze the representations of characters and words that are learned by the network to establish which properties of languages were accounted for. In particular we show that the parser has approximately learned to associate Latin characters with their Cyrillic counterparts and that it can group Polish and Russian words that have a similar grammatical function. Finally, we evaluate the parser on selected languages from the Universal Dependencies dataset and show that it is competitive with other recently proposed state-of-the art methods, while having a simple structure.Comment: preprint accepted into the TSD201

    Left-to-Right Dependency Parsing with Pointer Networks

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    We propose a novel transition-based algorithm that straightforwardly parses sentences from left to right by building nn attachments, with nn being the length of the input sentence. Similarly to the recent stack-pointer parser by Ma et al. (2018), we use the pointer network framework that, given a word, can directly point to a position from the sentence. However, our left-to-right approach is simpler than the original top-down stack-pointer parser (not requiring a stack) and reduces transition sequence length in half, from 2nn-1 actions to nn. This results in a quadratic non-projective parser that runs twice as fast as the original while achieving the best accuracy to date on the English PTB dataset (96.04% UAS, 94.43% LAS) among fully-supervised single-model dependency parsers, and improves over the former top-down transition system in the majority of languages tested.Comment: Proceedings of NAACL 2019. 7 page