3,545 research outputs found

    Learning Feedback Terms for Reactive Planning and Control

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    With the advancement of robotics, machine learning, and machine perception, increasingly more robots will enter human environments to assist with daily tasks. However, dynamically-changing human environments requires reactive motion plans. Reactivity can be accomplished through replanning, e.g. model-predictive control, or through a reactive feedback policy that modifies on-going behavior in response to sensory events. In this paper, we investigate how to use machine learning to add reactivity to a previously learned nominal skilled behavior. We approach this by learning a reactive modification term for movement plans represented by nonlinear differential equations. In particular, we use dynamic movement primitives (DMPs) to represent a skill and a neural network to learn a reactive policy from human demonstrations. We use the well explored domain of obstacle avoidance for robot manipulation as a test bed. Our approach demonstrates how a neural network can be combined with physical insights to ensure robust behavior across different obstacle settings and movement durations. Evaluations on an anthropomorphic robotic system demonstrate the effectiveness of our work.Comment: 8 pages, accepted to be published at ICRA 2017 conferenc

    Learning Sensor Feedback Models from Demonstrations via Phase-Modulated Neural Networks

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    In order to robustly execute a task under environmental uncertainty, a robot needs to be able to reactively adapt to changes arising in its environment. The environment changes are usually reflected in deviation from expected sensory traces. These deviations in sensory traces can be used to drive the motion adaptation, and for this purpose, a feedback model is required. The feedback model maps the deviations in sensory traces to the motion plan adaptation. In this paper, we develop a general data-driven framework for learning a feedback model from demonstrations. We utilize a variant of a radial basis function network structure --with movement phases as kernel centers-- which can generally be applied to represent any feedback models for movement primitives. To demonstrate the effectiveness of our framework, we test it on the task of scraping on a tilt board. In this task, we are learning a reactive policy in the form of orientation adaptation, based on deviations of tactile sensor traces. As a proof of concept of our method, we provide evaluations on an anthropomorphic robot. A video demonstrating our approach and its results can be seen in https://youtu.be/7Dx5imy1KcwComment: 8 pages, accepted to be published at the International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA) 201

    Realtime State Estimation with Tactile and Visual sensing. Application to Planar Manipulation

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    Accurate and robust object state estimation enables successful object manipulation. Visual sensing is widely used to estimate object poses. However, in a cluttered scene or in a tight workspace, the robot's end-effector often occludes the object from the visual sensor. The robot then loses visual feedback and must fall back on open-loop execution. In this paper, we integrate both tactile and visual input using a framework for solving the SLAM problem, incremental smoothing and mapping (iSAM), to provide a fast and flexible solution. Visual sensing provides global pose information but is noisy in general, whereas contact sensing is local, but its measurements are more accurate relative to the end-effector. By combining them, we aim to exploit their advantages and overcome their limitations. We explore the technique in the context of a pusher-slider system. We adapt iSAM's measurement cost and motion cost to the pushing scenario, and use an instrumented setup to evaluate the estimation quality with different object shapes, on different surface materials, and under different contact modes

    Robots as Powerful Allies for the Study of Embodied Cognition from the Bottom Up

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    A large body of compelling evidence has been accumulated demonstrating that embodiment – the agent’s physical setup, including its shape, materials, sensors and actuators – is constitutive for any form of cognition and as a consequence, models of cognition need to be embodied. In contrast to methods from empirical sciences to study cognition, robots can be freely manipulated and virtually all key variables of their embodiment and control programs can be systematically varied. As such, they provide an extremely powerful tool of investigation. We present a robotic bottom-up or developmental approach, focusing on three stages: (a) low-level behaviors like walking and reflexes, (b) learning regularities in sensorimotor spaces, and (c) human-like cognition. We also show that robotic based research is not only a productive path to deepening our understanding of cognition, but that robots can strongly benefit from human-like cognition in order to become more autonomous, robust, resilient, and safe

    Learning Latent Space Dynamics for Tactile Servoing

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    To achieve a dexterous robotic manipulation, we need to endow our robot with tactile feedback capability, i.e. the ability to drive action based on tactile sensing. In this paper, we specifically address the challenge of tactile servoing, i.e. given the current tactile sensing and a target/goal tactile sensing --memorized from a successful task execution in the past-- what is the action that will bring the current tactile sensing to move closer towards the target tactile sensing at the next time step. We develop a data-driven approach to acquire a dynamics model for tactile servoing by learning from demonstration. Moreover, our method represents the tactile sensing information as to lie on a surface --or a 2D manifold-- and perform a manifold learning, making it applicable to any tactile skin geometry. We evaluate our method on a contact point tracking task using a robot equipped with a tactile finger. A video demonstrating our approach can be seen in https://youtu.be/0QK0-Vx7WkIComment: Accepted to be published at the International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA) 2019. The final version for publication at ICRA 2019 is 7 pages (i.e. 6 pages of technical content (including text, figures, tables, acknowledgement, etc.) and 1 page of the Bibliography/References), while this arXiv version is 8 pages (added Appendix and some extra details
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