2,955 research outputs found

    Reaction-diffusion modeling in the NEURON simulator

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    Multiscale Computations on Neural Networks: From the Individual Neuron Interactions to the Macroscopic-Level Analysis

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    We show how the Equation-Free approach for multi-scale computations can be exploited to systematically study the dynamics of neural interactions on a random regular connected graph under a pairwise representation perspective. Using an individual-based microscopic simulator as a black box coarse-grained timestepper and with the aid of simulated annealing we compute the coarse-grained equilibrium bifurcation diagram and analyze the stability of the stationary states sidestepping the necessity of obtaining explicit closures at the macroscopic level. We also exploit the scheme to perform a rare-events analysis by estimating an effective Fokker-Planck describing the evolving probability density function of the corresponding coarse-grained observables

    Massively parallel computing on an organic molecular layer

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    Current computers operate at enormous speeds of ~10^13 bits/s, but their principle of sequential logic operation has remained unchanged since the 1950s. Though our brain is much slower on a per-neuron base (~10^3 firings/s), it is capable of remarkable decision-making based on the collective operations of millions of neurons at a time in ever-evolving neural circuitry. Here we use molecular switches to build an assembly where each molecule communicates-like neurons-with many neighbors simultaneously. The assembly's ability to reconfigure itself spontaneously for a new problem allows us to realize conventional computing constructs like logic gates and Voronoi decompositions, as well as to reproduce two natural phenomena: heat diffusion and the mutation of normal cells to cancer cells. This is a shift from the current static computing paradigm of serial bit-processing to a regime in which a large number of bits are processed in parallel in dynamically changing hardware.Comment: 25 pages, 6 figure

    Molecular Computing: from conformational pattern recognition to complex processing networks

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    Natural biomolecular systems process information in a radically different manner than programmable machines. Conformational interactions, the basis of specificity and self-assembly, are of key importance. A gedanken device is presented that illustrates how the fusion of information through conformational self-organization can serve to enhance pattern processing at the cellular level. The device is used to highlight general features of biomolecular information processing. We briefly outline a simulation system designed to address the manner in which conformational processing interacts with kinetic and higher level structural dynamics in complex biochemical networks. Virtual models that capture features of biomolecular information processing can in some instances have artificial intelligence value in their own right and should serve as design tools for future computers built from real molecules