46,091 research outputs found

    On the rational spectra of graphs with abelian singer groups

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    AbstractLet G be a finite abelian group. We investigate those graphs G admitting G as a sharply 1-transitive automorphism group and all of whose eigenvalues are rational. The study is made via the rational algebra P(G) of rational matrices with rational eigenvalues commuting with the regular matrix representation of G. In comparing the spectra obtainable for graphs in P(G) for various G's, we relate subschemes of a related association scheme, subalgebras of P(G), and the lattice of subgroups of G. One conclusion is that if the order of G is fifth-power-free, any graph with rational eigenvalues admitting G has a cospectral mate admitting the abelian group of the same order with prime-order elementary divisors

    Fast and accurate con-eigenvalue algorithm for optimal rational approximations

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    The need to compute small con-eigenvalues and the associated con-eigenvectors of positive-definite Cauchy matrices naturally arises when constructing rational approximations with a (near) optimally small LL^{\infty} error. Specifically, given a rational function with nn poles in the unit disk, a rational approximation with mnm\ll n poles in the unit disk may be obtained from the mmth con-eigenvector of an n×nn\times n Cauchy matrix, where the associated con-eigenvalue λm>0\lambda_{m}>0 gives the approximation error in the LL^{\infty} norm. Unfortunately, standard algorithms do not accurately compute small con-eigenvalues (and the associated con-eigenvectors) and, in particular, yield few or no correct digits for con-eigenvalues smaller than the machine roundoff. We develop a fast and accurate algorithm for computing con-eigenvalues and con-eigenvectors of positive-definite Cauchy matrices, yielding even the tiniest con-eigenvalues with high relative accuracy. The algorithm computes the mmth con-eigenvalue in O(m2n)\mathcal{O}(m^{2}n) operations and, since the con-eigenvalues of positive-definite Cauchy matrices decay exponentially fast, we obtain (near) optimal rational approximations in O(n(logδ1)2)\mathcal{O}(n(\log\delta^{-1})^{2}) operations, where δ\delta is the approximation error in the LL^{\infty} norm. We derive error bounds demonstrating high relative accuracy of the computed con-eigenvalues and the high accuracy of the unit con-eigenvectors. We also provide examples of using the algorithm to compute (near) optimal rational approximations of functions with singularities and sharp transitions, where approximation errors close to machine precision are obtained. Finally, we present numerical tests on random (complex-valued) Cauchy matrices to show that the algorithm computes all the con-eigenvalues and con-eigenvectors with nearly full precision