55 research outputs found

    A strengthening of rational closure in DLs: reasoning about multiple aspects

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    We propose a logical analysis of the concept of typicality, central in human cognition (Rosch,1978). We start from a previously proposed extension of the basic Description Logic ALC (a computationally tractable fragment of First Order Logic, used to represent concept inclusions and ontologies) with a typicality operator T that allows to consistently represent the attribution to classes of individuals of properties with exceptions (as in the classic example (i) typical birds fly, (ii) penguins are birds but (iii) typical penguins don't fly). We then strengthen this extension in order to separately reason about the typicality with respect to different aspects (e.g., flying, having nice feather: in the previous example, penguins may not inherit the property of flying, for which they are exceptional, but can nonetheless inherit other properties, such as having nice feather)

    Rational preferential reasoning for datalog

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    Datalog is a powerful language that can be used to represent explicit knowledge and compute inferences in knowledge bases. Datalog cannot represent or reason about contradictory rules, though. This is a limitation as contradictions are often present in domains that contain exceptions. In this paper, we extend datalog to represent contradictory and defeasible information. We define an approach to efficiently reason about contradictory information in datalog and show that it satisfies the KLM requirements for a rational consequence relation. Finally, we introduce an implementation of this approach in the form of a defeasible datalog reasoning tool and evaluate the performance of this tool

    Optimizing the computation of overriding

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    We introduce optimization techniques for reasoning in DLN---a recently introduced family of nonmonotonic description logics whose characterizing features appear well-suited to model the applicative examples naturally arising in biomedical domains and semantic web access control policies. Such optimizations are validated experimentally on large KBs with more than 30K axioms. Speedups exceed 1 order of magnitude. For the first time, response times compatible with real-time reasoning are obtained with nonmonotonic KBs of this size

    Arbitrary Ranking of Defeasible Subsumption

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    In this paper we propose an algorithm that generalises existing procedures for the implementation of defeasible reasoning in the framework of Description Logics (DLs). One of the well-known approaches to defeasible reasoning, the so-called KLM approach, is based on constructing specific rankings of defeasible information, and using these rankings to determine priorities in case of conflicting information. Here we propose a procedure that allows us to input any possible ranking of the defeasible concept inclusions contained in the knowledge base. We analyse and investigate the forms of defeasible reasoning obtained when conclusions drawn are obtained using these rankings
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