3 research outputs found

    Pixelating Vector Art

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    Pixel art is a popular style of digital art often found in video games. It is typically characterized by its low resolution and use of limited colour palettes. Pixel art is created manually with little automation because it requires attention to pixel-level details. Working with individual pixels is a challenging and abstract task, whereas manipulating higher-level objects in vector graphics is much more intuitive. However, it is difficult to bridge this gap because although many rasterization algorithms exist, they are not well-suited for the particular needs of pixel artists, particularly at low resolutions. In this thesis, we introduce a class of rasterization algorithms called pixelation that is tailored to pixel art needs. We describe how our algorithm suppresses artifacts when pixelating vector paths and preserves shape-level features when pixelating geometric primitives. We also developed methods inspired by pixel art for drawing lines and angles more effectively at low resolutions. We compared our results to rasterization algorithms, rasterizers used in commercial software, and human subjects---both amateurs and pixel artists. Through formal analyses of our user study studies and a close collaboration with professional pixel artists, we showed that, in general, our pixelation algorithms produce more visually appealing results than na\"{i}ve rasterization algorithms do

    Designing a New Tactile Display Technology and its Disability Interactions

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    People with visual impairments have a strong desire for a refreshable tactile interface that can provide immediate access to full page of Braille and tactile graphics. Regrettably, existing devices come at a considerable expense and remain out of reach for many. The exorbitant costs associated with current tactile displays stem from their intricate design and the multitude of components needed for their construction. This underscores the pressing need for technological innovation that can enhance tactile displays, making them more accessible and available to individuals with visual impairments. This research thesis delves into the development of a novel tactile display technology known as Tacilia. This technology's necessity and prerequisites are informed by in-depth qualitative engagements with students who have visual impairments, alongside a systematic analysis of the prevailing architectures underpinning existing tactile display technologies. The evolution of Tacilia unfolds through iterative processes encompassing conceptualisation, prototyping, and evaluation. With Tacilia, three distinct products and interactive experiences are explored, empowering individuals to manually draw tactile graphics, generate digitally designed media through printing, and display these creations on a dynamic pin array display. This innovation underscores Tacilia's capability to streamline the creation of refreshable tactile displays, rendering them more fitting, usable, and economically viable for people with visual impairments

    збірник матеріалів І Всеукраїнської науково-практичної інтернет-конференції

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    У збірнику представлені матеріали учасників І Всеукраїнської науково-практичної інтернет-конференції: «Наукові дослідження та інновації в галузі суспільно гуманітарних наук», яка відбулася 24 листопада 2021 року. У збірнику висвітлені результати наукових досліджень здобувачів вищої освіти, науково-педагогічних працівників, дослідників та практиків закладів вищої освіт. Матеріали видані в авторській редакції. Відповідальність за зміст наданих матеріалів, точність наведених даних та відповідність принципам академічної доброчесності несуть автори