6 research outputs found

    Multilayered paper prototyping for user concept modeling:Supporting the development of application profiles

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    This paper describes an investigation of user-centered design methodologies intended to apply to metadata or information architecture evaluation and deployment. The primary focus of this work is investigation of user conceptual models and comparison with formally architected models. We describe related work, primarily from the domain of information architecture, such as free-listing, contextual enquiry, card-sorting and evaluation, and then describes the design, initial evaluation and practical use of a multi-stage prototyping method designed for elicitation of user knowledge and concepts of a domain, common conceptual models in that domain and the objects, collections and relations between objects considered relevant by users. A simple approach to the analysis of results is described

    Application of card sorting approach to classify human factors of past maritime accidents

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    Maritime accidents are complex processes in which many factors are involved and contribute to accident development. In order to capture underlying factors in accidents, countries adapted an accident investigation system with the aim of learning from these rare events and prevent similar occurrences in the future. Often these accident investigation reports are converted into databases, which lack a concise and user-friendly classification system, as a result there are a lot of inadequacies in data-collection and tagging procedures. Therefore, the authors propose to apply an approach to classify human factors (HFs) appeared in past maritime accidents, aiming to develop a set of HFs categories which can be used for accidents learning. For this purpose, an accident database was obtained and a two-stage approach is adapted to conduct analysis: first, an open card-sorting case study is organised to group the HFs extracted from an historical accident database. Second, a hybrid card-sorting method is utilized to fully achieve the classification of HFs. Our study revealed issues where HFs are weakly defined and similar factors are duplicated by investigators who populate the database. High level categories were developed and presented which covers great majority of HFs concerns involved in accidents

    Design and implementation of an integrative system for configurable exergames targeting the senior population

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    Exergames have been proposed as a solution for the promotion of physical activity in the senior population. The diversity of needs and limitations of the target users demand that the exergaming systems allow the configuration and adjustment of game parameters according to each user profile. Such systems are ideal to use in nursing homes, senior gymnasiums, or even rehabilitation centers. Health and sports professionals are then the main interacting users with the interface of such exergaming systems. Configuration can be difficult and time-consuming when considering complex systems with a significant amount of parameter choices. Since professionals working on such places already have time constraints, if they face long-time configuration of these systems they might give up of using them. Therefore, there is an evident need for systems that assist professionals in two ways. First, providing management support for training sessions and plans with exergames. Second, providing automatic decision-making processes that assist in game selection and parameters configuration to fit the user needs. The acceptance and effectiveness of such systems can only be achieved if the main prospective interactors with the system are involved in the development process so that the system can fulfill the users’ needs and expectations. This thesis reports on the design, implementation, and usability evaluation of an integrative system using some of the most-known human-centric techniques, such as interviews, card sorting, and paper prototyping. Results of a usability study of the UI and the main functionalities of the system showed a considerable acceptance and interest by the professionals. The usability study revealed to be a great resource to find aspects of the system that should be further considered for improvement in future iterations. Furthermore, the high results of the USE (Usefulness, Satisfaction, and Ease of use) questionnaire confirm that this system is a promising tool that sports professionals may be willing to use in their daily practice.A literatura suporta que os exergames, ou jogos que requerem exercício físico, constituem uma opção válida para promoção da atividade física na população idosa. A diversidade de necessidades e limitações do público-alvo exige que estes exergames sejam configuráveis de forma a permitir ajustar os parâmetros do jogo de acordo com o perfil de cada indivíduo. Estes sistemas personalizáveis são ideais para a utilização em lares, centros de dia, ginásios específicos para idosos ou até mesmo em centros de reabilitação. Os profissionais de saúde e de desporto são, assim, os principais utilizadores a definir as configurações destes exergames. Neste contexto, escolher as definições ideais para cada perfil pode ser um processo difícil e demorado, tendo em conta que a interface destes sistemas apresenta normalmente uma quantidade significativa de opções. Considerando que estes profissionais já têm constrangimentos de tempo na sua prática diária, se forem confrontados com uma interação longa e complexa com estes sistemas, podem acabar por desistir de usá-los. Neste sentido, existe uma clara necessidade de sistemas que auxiliem os profissionais a incluir os exergames na sua prática diária com a população idosa. Este sistema deverá assistir os profissionais de duas maneiras. Primeiro, que permita gerir sessões e planos de treino com os exergames. Segundo, que disponibilize processos de decisão automáticos de forma a auxiliar na escolha dos jogos, bem como nas configurações ideais para cada perfil de utilizador. A aceitação e a eficácia destes sistemas podem apenas ser alcançadas se os profissionais forem envolvidos no processo de desenvolvimento desde o início. Tal permitirá que este possa ser desenhado tendo em conta as suas necessidades e expectativas. Esta dissertação descreve as técnicas aplicadas no desenho, implementação e avaliação de um sistema integrativo para exergames, com base em algumas técnicas bem conhecidas na área de interação homemmáquina, como por exemplo entrevistas, card sorting e prototipagem em papel. Resultados de um estudo de usabilidade da interface do sistema integrativo demonstraram uma considerável aceitação e interesse por parte dos profissionais. O estudo de usabilidade revelou ser um bom recurso para encontrar aspetos do sistema que devem ser considerados para melhoramento em futuras iterações. Além disso, os resultados promissores do questionário USE (Utilidade, satisfação e facilidade de uso) confirmam que os profissionais poderão estar interessados em usar este sistema na sua prática diária

    Information technology architecture and related strategic factors supporting business advantage

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    Magister Commercii (Information Management) - MCom(IM)Information Technology (IT) architecture is not restricted to technology, but may also address the views of business activities; their processes; data sets and information flows; applications and software; and technology. The objective of this study is to understand the role of IT Architecture and related factors that support competitive business advantage. This study investigates the null hypothesis: IT architecture enhances the competitive advantage of business. This study sets out to explore IT architecture and strategic factorsthat support business advantage. The study findings indicated that business advantage is supported by a sound architecture, by IT and business alignmentand by the enablers of organisations.South Afric