11,063 research outputs found

    A Faster Method to Estimate Closeness Centrality Ranking

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    Closeness centrality is one way of measuring how central a node is in the given network. The closeness centrality measure assigns a centrality value to each node based on its accessibility to the whole network. In real life applications, we are mainly interested in ranking nodes based on their centrality values. The classical method to compute the rank of a node first computes the closeness centrality of all nodes and then compares them to get its rank. Its time complexity is O(n⋅m+n)O(n \cdot m + n), where nn represents total number of nodes, and mm represents total number of edges in the network. In the present work, we propose a heuristic method to fast estimate the closeness rank of a node in O(α⋅m)O(\alpha \cdot m) time complexity, where α=3\alpha = 3. We also propose an extended improved method using uniform sampling technique. This method better estimates the rank and it has the time complexity O(α⋅m)O(\alpha \cdot m), where α≈10−100\alpha \approx 10-100. This is an excellent improvement over the classical centrality ranking method. The efficiency of the proposed methods is verified on real world scale-free social networks using absolute and weighted error functions

    Reliability of rank order in sampled networks

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    In complex scale-free networks, ranking the individual nodes based upon their importance has useful applications, such as the identification of hubs for epidemic control, or bottlenecks for controlling traffic congestion. However, in most real situations, only limited sub-structures of entire networks are available, and therefore the reliability of the order relationships in sampled networks requires investigation. With a set of randomly sampled nodes from the underlying original networks, we rank individual nodes by three centrality measures: degree, betweenness, and closeness. The higher-ranking nodes from the sampled networks provide a relatively better characterisation of their ranks in the original networks than the lower-ranking nodes. A closeness-based order relationship is more reliable than any other quantity, due to the global nature of the closeness measure. In addition, we show that if access to hubs is limited during the sampling process, an increase in the sampling fraction can in fact decrease the sampling accuracy. Finally, an estimation method for assessing sampling accuracy is suggested

    Using network centrality measures to manage landscape connectivity

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    We use a graph-theoretical landscape modeling approach to investigate how to identify central patches in the landscape as well as how these central patches influence (1) organism movement within the local neighborhood, and (2) the dispersal of organisms beyond the local neighborhood. Organism movements were theoretically estimated based on the spatial configuration of the habitat patches in the studied landscape. We find that centrality depends on the way the graph-theoretical model of habitat patches is constructed, although even the simplest network representation, not taking strength and directionality of potential organisms flows into account, still provides a coarse-grained assessment of the most important patches according to their contribution to landscape connectivity. Moreover, we identify (at least) two general classes of centrality. One accounts for the local flow of organisms in the neighborhood of a patch and the other for the ability to maintain connectivity beyond the scale of the local neighborhood. Finally, we study how habitat patches with high scores on different network centrality measures are distributed in a fragmented agricultural landscape in Madagascar. Results show that patches with high degree-, and betweenness centrality are widely spread, while patches with high subgraph- and closeness centrality are clumped together in dense clusters. This finding may enable multi-species analyses of single-species network models
