6 research outputs found

    Ranking for Relevance and Display Preferences in Complex Presentation Layouts

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    Learning to Rank has traditionally considered settings where given the relevance information of objects, the desired order in which to rank the objects is clear. However, with today's large variety of users and layouts this is not always the case. In this paper, we consider so-called complex ranking settings where it is not clear what should be displayed, that is, what the relevant items are, and how they should be displayed, that is, where the most relevant items should be placed. These ranking settings are complex as they involve both traditional ranking and inferring the best display order. Existing learning to rank methods cannot handle such complex ranking settings as they assume that the display order is known beforehand. To address this gap we introduce a novel Deep Reinforcement Learning method that is capable of learning complex rankings, both the layout and the best ranking given the layout, from weak reward signals. Our proposed method does so by selecting documents and positions sequentially, hence it ranks both the documents and positions, which is why we call it the Double-Rank Model (DRM). Our experiments show that DRM outperforms all existing methods in complex ranking settings, thus it leads to substantial ranking improvements in cases where the display order is not known a priori

    Cascading Hybrid Bandits: Online Learning to Rank for Relevance and Diversity

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    Relevance ranking and result diversification are two core areas in modern recommender systems. Relevance ranking aims at building a ranked list sorted in decreasing order of item relevance, while result diversification focuses on generating a ranked list of items that covers a broad range of topics. In this paper, we study an online learning setting that aims to recommend a ranked list with KK items that maximizes the ranking utility, i.e., a list whose items are relevant and whose topics are diverse. We formulate it as the cascade hybrid bandits (CHB) problem. CHB assumes the cascading user behavior, where a user browses the displayed list from top to bottom, clicks the first attractive item, and stops browsing the rest. We propose a hybrid contextual bandit approach, called CascadeHybrid, for solving this problem. CascadeHybrid models item relevance and topical diversity using two independent functions and simultaneously learns those functions from user click feedback. We conduct experiments to evaluate CascadeHybrid on two real-world recommendation datasets: MovieLens and Yahoo music datasets. Our experimental results show that CascadeHybrid outperforms the baselines. In addition, we prove theoretical guarantees on the nn-step performance demonstrating the soundness of CascadeHybrid

    Constructing an Interaction Behavior Model for Web Image Search

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    User interaction behavior is a valuable source of implicit relevance feedback. In Web image search a different type of search result presentation is used than in general Web search, which leads to different interaction mechanisms and user behavior. For example, image search results are self-contained, so that users do not need to click the results to view the landing page as in general Web search, which generates sparse click data. Also, two-dimensional result placement instead of a linear result list makes browsing behaviors more complex. Thus, it is hard to apply standard user behavior models (e.g., click models) developed for general Web search to Web image search. In this paper, we conduct a comprehensive image search user behavior analysis using data from a lab-based user study as well as data from a commercial search log. We then propose a novel interaction behavior model, called grid-based user browsing model (GUBM), whose design is motivated by observations from our data analysis. GUBM can both capture users' interaction behavior, including cursor hovering, and alleviate position bias. The advantages of GUBM are two-fold: (1) It is based on an unsupervised learning method and does not need manually annotated data for training. (2) It is based on user interaction features on search engine result pages (SERPs) and is easily transferable to other scenarios that have a grid-based interface such as video search engines. We conduct extensive experiments to test the performance of our model using a large-scale commercial image search log. Experimental results show that in terms of behavior prediction (perplexity), and topical relevance and image quality (normalized discounted cumulative gain (NDCG)), GUBM outperforms state-of-the-art baseline models as well as the original ranking. We make the implementation of GUBM and related datasets publicly available for future studies.Comment: 10 page

    Learning from User Interactions with Rankings: A Unification of the Field

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    Ranking systems form the basis for online search engines and recommendation services. They process large collections of items, for instance web pages or e-commerce products, and present the user with a small ordered selection. The goal of a ranking system is to help a user find the items they are looking for with the least amount of effort. Thus the rankings they produce should place the most relevant or preferred items at the top of the ranking. Learning to rank is a field within machine learning that covers methods which optimize ranking systems w.r.t. this goal. Traditional supervised learning to rank methods utilize expert-judgements to evaluate and learn, however, in many situations such judgements are impossible or infeasible to obtain. As a solution, methods have been introduced that perform learning to rank based on user clicks instead. The difficulty with clicks is that they are not only affected by user preferences, but also by what rankings were displayed. Therefore, these methods have to prevent being biased by other factors than user preference. This thesis concerns learning to rank methods based on user clicks and specifically aims to unify the different families of these methods. As a whole, the second part of this thesis proposes a framework that bridges many gaps between areas of online, counterfactual, and supervised learning to rank. It has taken approaches, previously considered independent, and unified them into a single methodology for widely applicable and effective learning to rank from user clicks.Comment: PhD Thesis of Harrie Oosterhuis defended at the University of Amsterdam on November 27th 202