8 research outputs found

    Rank-Modulation Codes for DNA Storage With Shotgun Sequencing

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    Synthesis of DNA molecules offers unprecedented advances in storage technology. Yet, the microscopic world in which these molecules reside induces error patterns that are fundamentally different from their digital counterparts. Hence, to maintain reliability in reading and writing, new coding schemes must be developed. In a reading technique called shotgun sequencing, a long DNA string is read in a sliding window fashion, and a profile vector is produced. It was recently suggested by Kiah et al. that such a vector can represent the permutation which is induced by its entries, and hence a rank-modulation scheme arises. Although this interpretation suggests high error tolerance, it is unclear which permutations are feasible and how to produce a DNA string whose profile vector induces a given permutation. In this paper, by observing some necessary conditions, an upper bound for the number of feasible permutations is given. Furthermore, a technique for deciding the feasibility of a permutation is devised. By using insights from this technique, an algorithm for producing a considerable number of feasible permutations is given, which applies to any alphabet size and any window length

    Rank-Modulation Codes for DNA Storage With Shotgun Sequencing

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    Synthesis of DNA molecules offers unprecedented advances in storage technology. Yet, the microscopic world in which these molecules reside induces error patterns that are fundamentally different from their digital counterparts. Hence, to maintain reliability in reading and writing, new coding schemes must be developed. In a reading technique called shotgun sequencing, a long DNA string is read in a sliding window fashion, and a profile vector is produced. It was recently suggested by Kiah et al. that such a vector can represent the permutation which is induced by its entries, and hence a rank-modulation scheme arises. Although this interpretation suggests high error tolerance, it is unclear which permutations are feasible and how to produce a DNA string whose profile vector induces a given permutation. In this paper, by observing some necessary conditions, an upper bound for the number of feasible permutations is given. Furthermore, a technique for deciding the feasibility of a permutation is devised. By using insights from this technique, an algorithm for producing a considerable number of feasible permutations is given, which applies to any alphabet size and any window length

    Reconstruction Codes for DNA Sequences with Uniform Tandem-Duplication Errors

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    DNA as a data storage medium has several advantages, including far greater data density compared to electronic media. We propose that schemes for data storage in the DNA of living organisms may benefit from studying the reconstruction problem, which is applicable whenever multiple reads of noisy data are available. This strategy is uniquely suited to the medium, which inherently replicates stored data in multiple distinct ways, caused by mutations. We consider noise introduced solely by uniform tandem-duplication, and utilize the relation to constant-weight integer codes in the Manhattan metric. By bounding the intersection of the cross-polytope with hyperplanes, we prove the existence of reconstruction codes with greater capacity than known error-correcting codes, which we can determine analytically for any set of parameters.Comment: 11 pages, 2 figures, Latex; version accepted for publicatio

    On Coding over Sliced Information

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    The interest in channel models in which the data is sent as an unordered set of binary strings has increased lately, due to emerging applications in DNA storage, among others. In this paper we analyze the minimal redundancy of binary codes for this channel under substitution errors, and provide several constructions, some of which are shown to be asymptotically optimal up to constants. The surprising result in this paper is that while the information vector is sliced into a set of unordered strings, the amount of redundant bits that are required to correct errors is order-wise equivalent to the amount required in the classical error correcting paradigm

    On Codes for the Noisy Substring Channel

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    We consider the problem of coding for the substring channel, in which information strings are observed only through their (multisets of) substrings. Because of applications to DNA-based data storage, due to DNA sequencing techniques, interest in this channel has renewed in recent years. In contrast to existing literature, we consider a noisy channel model, where information is subject to noise \emph{before} its substrings are sampled, motivated by in-vivo storage. We study two separate noise models, substitutions or deletions. In both cases, we examine families of codes which may be utilized for error-correction and present combinatorial bounds. Through a generalization of the concept of repeat-free strings, we show that the added required redundancy due to this imperfect observation assumption is sublinear, either when the fraction of errors in the observed substring length is sufficiently small, or when that length is sufficiently long. This suggests that no asymptotic cost in rate is incurred by this channel model in these cases.Comment: ISIT 2021 version (including all proofs

    Robust Indexing for the Sliced Channel: Almost Optimal Codes for Substitutions and Deletions

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    Encoding data as a set of unordered strings is receiving great attention as it captures one of the basic features of DNA storage systems. However, the challenge of constructing optimal redundancy codes for this channel remained elusive. In this paper, we address this problem and present an order-wise optimal construction of codes that are capable of correcting multiple substitution, deletion, and insertion errors for this channel model. The key ingredient in the code construction is a technique we call robust indexing: simultaneously assigning indices to unordered strings (hence, creating order) and also embedding information in these indices. The encoded indices are resilient to substitution, deletion, and insertion errors, and therefore, so is the entire code

    Rank modulation codes for DNA storage

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