28,155 research outputs found

    Level-Rank Duality in Chern-Simons Theory from a Non-Supersymmetric Brane Configuration

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    We derive level-rank duality in pure Chern-Simons gauge theories from a non-supersymmetric Seiberg duality by using a non-supersymmetric brane configuration in type IIB string theory. The brane configuration consists of fivebranes, N D3 antibranes and an O3 plane. By swapping the fivebranes we derive a 3d non-supersymmetric Seiberg duality. After level shifts from loop effects, this identifies the IR of Sp(2N)_{2k-2N+2} and Sp(2k-2N+2)_{-2N} pure Chern-Simons theories, which is a level-rank pair. We also derive level-rank duality in a Chern-Simons theory based on a unitary group.Comment: 10 pages, 3 figure

    Rank n swapping algebra for the PSL(n,R) Hitchin component

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    Rank n swapping algebra for PGLn Fock--Goncharov X moduli space

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    The rank nn swapping multifraction algebra is a field of cross ratios up to (n+1)×(n+1)(n+1)\times (n+1)-determinant relations equipped with a Poisson bracket, called the {\em swapping bracket}, defined on the set of ordered pairs of points of a circle using linking numbers. Let DkD_k be a disk with kk points on its boundary. The moduli space XPGLn,Dk\mathcal{X}_{\operatorname{PGL}_n,D_k} is the building block of the Fock--Goncharov X\mathcal{X} moduli space for any general surface. Given any ideal triangulation of DkD_k, we find an injective Poisson algebra homomorphism from the rank nn Fock--Goncharov algebra for XPGLn,Dk\mathcal{X}_{\operatorname{PGL}_n,D_k} to the rank nn swapping multifraction algebra with respect to the Atiyah--Bott--Goldman Poisson bracket and the swapping bracket. Two such injective Poisson algebra homomorphisms related to two ideal triangulations T\mathcal{T} and T\mathcal{T}' are compatible with each other under the flips

    Parameter identifiability of discrete Bayesian networks with hidden variables

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    Identifiability of parameters is an essential property for a statistical model to be useful in most settings. However, establishing parameter identifiability for Bayesian networks with hidden variables remains challenging. In the context of finite state spaces, we give algebraic arguments establishing identifiability of some special models on small DAGs. We also establish that, for fixed state spaces, generic identifiability of parameters depends only on the Markov equivalence class of the DAG. To illustrate the use of these results, we investigate identifiability for all binary Bayesian networks with up to five variables, one of which is hidden and parental to all observable ones. Surprisingly, some of these models have parameterizations that are generically 4-to-one, and not 2-to-one as label swapping of the hidden states would suggest. This leads to interesting difficulties in interpreting causal effects.Comment: 23 page

    Identifiability of parameters in latent structure models with many observed variables

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    While hidden class models of various types arise in many statistical applications, it is often difficult to establish the identifiability of their parameters. Focusing on models in which there is some structure of independence of some of the observed variables conditioned on hidden ones, we demonstrate a general approach for establishing identifiability utilizing algebraic arguments. A theorem of J. Kruskal for a simple latent-class model with finite state space lies at the core of our results, though we apply it to a diverse set of models. These include mixtures of both finite and nonparametric product distributions, hidden Markov models and random graph mixture models, and lead to a number of new results and improvements to old ones. In the parametric setting, this approach indicates that for such models, the classical definition of identifiability is typically too strong. Instead generic identifiability holds, which implies that the set of nonidentifiable parameters has measure zero, so that parameter inference is still meaningful. In particular, this sheds light on the properties of finite mixtures of Bernoulli products, which have been used for decades despite being known to have nonidentifiable parameters. In the nonparametric setting, we again obtain identifiability only when certain restrictions are placed on the distributions that are mixed, but we explicitly describe the conditions.Comment: Published in at http://dx.doi.org/10.1214/09-AOS689 the Annals of Statistics (http://www.imstat.org/aos/) by the Institute of Mathematical Statistics (http://www.imstat.org