136 research outputs found

    FALKON: An Optimal Large Scale Kernel Method

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    Kernel methods provide a principled way to perform non linear, nonparametric learning. They rely on solid functional analytic foundations and enjoy optimal statistical properties. However, at least in their basic form, they have limited applicability in large scale scenarios because of stringent computational requirements in terms of time and especially memory. In this paper, we take a substantial step in scaling up kernel methods, proposing FALKON, a novel algorithm that allows to efficiently process millions of points. FALKON is derived combining several algorithmic principles, namely stochastic subsampling, iterative solvers and preconditioning. Our theoretical analysis shows that optimal statistical accuracy is achieved requiring essentially O(n)O(n) memory and O(nn)O(n\sqrt{n}) time. An extensive experimental analysis on large scale datasets shows that, even with a single machine, FALKON outperforms previous state of the art solutions, which exploit parallel/distributed architectures.Comment: NIPS 201

    TR-2004015: Superfast Algorithms for Singular Toeplitz-like Matrices

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    TR-2012001: Algebraic Algorithms

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    Improved algorithms for computing determinants and resultants

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    AbstractOur first contribution is a substantial acceleration of randomized computation of scalar, univariate, and multivariate matrix determinants, in terms of the output-sensitive bit operation complexity bounds, including computation modulo a product of random primes from a fixed range. This acceleration is dramatic in a critical application, namely solving polynomial systems and related studies, via computing the resultant. This is achieved by combining our techniques with the primitive-element method, which leads to an effective implicit representation of the roots. We systematically examine quotient formulae of Sylvester-type resultant matrices, including matrix polynomials and the u-resultant. We reduce the known bit operation complexity bounds by almost an order of magnitude, in terms of the resultant matrix dimension. Our theoretical and practical improvements cover the highly important cases of sparse and degenerate systems

    Preconditioning For Matrix Computation

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    Preconditioning is a classical subject of numerical solution of linear systems of equations. The goal is to turn a linear system into another one which is easier to solve. The two central subjects of numerical matrix computations are LIN-SOLVE, that is, the solution of linear systems of equations and EIGEN-SOLVE, that is, the approximation of the eigenvalues and eigenvectors of a matrix. We focus on the former subject of LIN-SOLVE and show an application to EIGEN-SOLVE. We achieve our goal by applying randomized additive and multiplicative preconditioning. We facilitate the numerical solution by decreasing the condition of the coefficient matrix of the linear system, which enables reliable numerical solution of LIN-SOLVE. After the introduction in the Chapter 1 we recall the definitions and auxiliary results in Chapter 2. Then in Chapter 3 we precondition linear systems of equations solved at every iteration of the Inverse Power Method applied to EIGEN-SOLVE. These systems are ill conditioned, that is, have large condition numbers, and we decrease them by applying randomized additive preconditioning. This is our first subject. Our second subject is randomized multiplicative preconditioning for LIN-SOLVE. In this way we support application of GENP, that is, Gaussian elimination with no pivoting, and block Gaussian elimination. We prove that the proposed preconditioning methods are efficient when we apply Gaussian random matrices as preconditioners. We confirm these results with our extensive numerical tests. The tests also show that the same methods work as efficiently on the average when we use random structured, in particular circulant, preconditioners instead, but we show both formally and experimentally that these preconditioners fail in the case of LIN-SOLVE for the unitary matrix of discreet Fourier transform, for which Gaussian preconditioners work efficiently

    TR-2013009: Algebraic Algorithms

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